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Письмо о намерении для дома (Letter of interest или Letter of intent) отправляется на ранних стадиях сделки с недвижимостью. В этом письме потенциальный покупатель излагает свои предложения для создания рабочей основы дальнейших переговоров с продавцом. Эти письма чаще всего используется при покупке дома, но также могут иметь место в случае лизинга или аренды. Начните с шага 1, чтобы узнать, как написать письмо о намерении для дома, какие типы информации включить (и какие не включать), и как обеспечить, чтобы ваше письмо не являлось юридически обязывающим.

Метод 1
Метод 1 из 1:

Написание письма о намерении для дома

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  1. Адресуйте ваше письмо продавцу, используя свои полные личные данные или название компании, основной адрес, а также контактную информацию. Поставьте дату.{{#txtscrl:Address your letter to the seller|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.com|To whom it may concern:}}
  2. Укажите в первом предложении, что вы (используйте свое полное имя) заявляете о своем интересе купить, взять в лизинг или в аренду недвижимость. Включите адрес собственности и любые подробности о том, что предполагается включить в сделку, в том числе мебель, землю или другие предметы.{{#txtscrl:Declaring your interest to buy, lease, or rent|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.comTo whom it may concern:|I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874.}}
  3. {{#txtscrl:Make an offer in the second sentence|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.comTo whom it may concern:I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874.| I am prepared to pay $243,500.00 for this property. Included in this purchase proposal, I am interested in purchasing the following: • The house, land, and associated property for the address given above • All furnishings and appliances associated with the property listing}}
    • Используйте фразу "Покупатель готов заплатить..." или "Предложение покупателя таково..." Если вы предлагаете взять в аренду или в лизинг, укажите, на какой срок вы предлагаете эту сделку - неделя, месяц, год или несколько лет, и с какой периодичностью вы готовы платить арендную плату (например, каждый месяц, каждый год и т.д.).
  4. {{#txtscrl:Propose a deposit or down payment|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.comTo whom it may concern:I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874. I am prepared to pay $243,500.00 for this property. Included in this purchase proposal, I am interested in purchasing the following: • The house, land, and associated property for the address given above • All furnishings and appliances associated with the property listing|I propose an initial deposit of $25,000 as an act of good faith. I would like to make the deposit two weeks from the time of the agreement. }}
    • Это будет служить в качестве демонстрации вашей добросовестности, на случай если продавец согласится на ваше предложение. Типичный депозит составляет 10 процентов от общей стоимости или арендная плата за два месяца.
  5. Укажите, как и когда вы намерены оплатить покупку дома, стоимость лизинга или аренды. {{#txtscrl:Indicate how and when you intend to pay|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.comTo whom it may concern:I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874. I am prepared to pay $243,500.00 for this property. Included in this purchase proposal, I am interested in purchasing the following: • The house, land, and associated property for the address given above • All furnishings and appliances associated with the property listingI propose an initial deposit of $25,000 as an act of good faith. I would like to make the deposit two weeks from the time of the agreement.|The buyer has received an agreement letter from New Jersey State Credit Union in order to receive the funds necessary to purchase this property. Should we reach an agreement, I will agree to pay according to the following schedule. Date: 10/1/2013Down Payment: $25,000Monthly Payment: $1,248Payment Term: 15 Years }}
    • Вместо того чтобы устанавливать конкретную дату, используйте такую терминологию как "две недели с момента заключения соглашения." Включите подробную информацию о брокерах по недвижимости или агентах, банках или кредиторах, с которыми вы будете работать, и как планируете платить - одной большой суммой или частями.
  6. Предложите короткий период времени, в течение которого вы сможете осмотреть имущество. {{#txtscrl:Arrange a time to inspect the property|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.comTo whom it may concern:I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874. I am prepared to pay $243,500.00 for this property. Included in this purchase proposal, I am interested in purchasing the following: • The house, land, and associated property for the address given above • All furnishings and appliances associated with the property listingI propose an initial deposit of $25,000 as an act of good faith. I would like to make the deposit two weeks from the time of the agreement.The buyer has received an agreement letter from New Jersey State Credit Union in order to receive the funds necessary to purchase this property. Should we reach an agreement, I will agree to pay according to the following schedule. Date: 10/1/2013Down Payment: $25,000Monthly Payment: $1,248Payment Term: 15 Years|I would like to visit the property between 8/5/2013 and 8/12/2013 in order to view the interior and exterior to ensure that it is in good order.}}
    • Будьте конкретны, говоря о природе вашей инспекции, например, простое посещение или исследование налоговых или иных записей.
  7. Предложите дату, в которую сможете подписать документы о покупке, лизинге или договор аренды. {{#txtscrl:Propose a date on which to sign a purchase|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.comTo whom it may concern:I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874. I am prepared to pay $243,500.00 for this property. Included in this purchase proposal, I am interested in purchasing the following: • The house, land, and associated property for the address given above • All furnishings and appliances associated with the property listingI propose an initial deposit of $25,000 as an act of good faith. I would like to make the deposit two weeks from the time of the agreement.The buyer has received an agreement letter from New Jersey State Credit Union in order to receive the funds necessary to purchase this property. Should we reach an agreement, I will agree to pay according to the following schedule. Date: 10/1/2013Down Payment: $25,000Monthly Payment: $1,248Payment Term: 15 YearsI would like to visit the property between 8/5/2013 and 8/12/2013 in order to view the interior and exterior to ensure that it is in good order.|If these terms are agreeable, I would like to sign for the purchase on 9/1/2013.}}
  8. Закончите пунктом с указанием, что письмо представляет собой намерение и не является юридически обязывающим. {{#txtscrl:Indicate that the letter of interest is not legally binding|Blue Horizon Real EstateJames Townsend, Realtor4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578Phone: (555) 555-0198 Email: jtownsend@email.comTo whom it may concern:I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874. I am prepared to pay $243,500.00 for this property. Included in this purchase proposal, I am interested in purchasing the following: • The house, land, and associated property for the address given above • All furnishings and appliances associated with the property listingI propose an initial deposit of $25,000 as an act of good faith. I would like to make the deposit two weeks from the time of the agreement.The buyer has received an agreement letter from New Jersey State Credit Union in order to receive the funds necessary to purchase this property. Should we reach an agreement, I will agree to pay according to the following schedule. Date: 10/1/2013Down Payment: $25,000Monthly Payment: $1,248Payment Term: 15 YearsI would like to visit the property between 8/5/2013 and 8/12/2013 in order to view the interior and exterior to ensure that it is in good order.If these terms are agreeable, I would like to sign for the purchase on 9/1/2013.|This letter does not bind the buyer or seller to any offer, financial or otherwise.}}
    • Скажите прямо, что "это письмо не обязывает покупателя или продавца к любому предложению, финансовому или иному."
  9. 9
    Подпишите и датируйте письмо. {{#txtscrl:Sign and date the letter|Blue Horizon Real Estate
    James Townsend, Realtor
    4857 W. Circle Dr., Parliament, NJ 24578
    Phone: (555) 555-0198
    Email: jtownsend@email.com

    To whom it may concern:

    I, James Townsend, Realtor, am writing this letter to declare my interest to buy your property at 836 N. Four Square Dr., Umbridge, NJ 25874.

    I am prepared to pay $243,500.00 for this property. Included in this purchase proposal, I am interested in purchasing the following:
    • The house, land, and associated property for the address given above
    • All furnishings and appliances associated with the property listing

    I propose an initial deposit of $25,000 as an act of good faith. I would like to make the deposit two weeks from the time of the agreement.

    The buyer has received an agreement letter from New Jersey State Credit Union in order to receive the funds necessary to purchase this property. Should we reach an agreement, I will agree to pay according to the following schedule.

    Date: 10/1/2013
    Down Payment: $25,000
    Monthly Payment: $1,248
    Payment Term: 15 Years

    I would like to visit the property between 8/5/2013 and 8/12/2013 in order to view the interior and exterior to ensure that it is in good order.

    If these terms are agreeable, I would like to sign for the purchase on 9/1/2013.

    This letter does not bind the buyer or seller to any offer, financial or otherwise.|Sincerely,
    James Townsend, Realtor


  • Делая предложение в письме о намерении, было бы правильно предложить более низкую цену, чем вы готовы заплатить, чтобы вы могли более эффективно вести переговоры. Попробуйте сделать ваше предложение более привлекательным, предлагая более выгодные условия для покупателя, например, увеличение первоначального взноса или быструю сделку.


  • Никогда не пишите письмо о намерении, пока полностью не изучите объект. Хотя в своем письме вы должны обозначить временные рамки исследования объекта, лучше иметь отличное представление об объекте и его недостатках, прежде чем направлять предложение.

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  • Подробности о потенциальной собственности

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