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Gmail is a popular email service from Google. You can add a Gmail Chrome extension for easy access in your browser.

  1. Click on the Gmail option from the list.
  2. Advertisement
  3. This allows Gmail additional access to your data, it's important to note.
  4. The site appears automatically in the body of the email. Click "Send" to send the site to the person.
  5. Advertisement

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  • Question
    Doesn't using Gmail while in Chrome mean I'm signed in for Chrome, as well, and doesn't that mean I cannot have two sign-ins?
    Community Answer
    No. Chrome generally prompts you to sign in. If you ignore the prompt, it will not affect signing in and out of Gmail.
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      • In Windows, you can generally only make Windows email like Hotmail the default. You can make Gmail the default only with this extension.
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