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A closer look at Aries and Cancer’s red-hot romantic chemistry
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What happens with a gentle, sensitive Cancer man meets a fiery, bold Aries woman? Are they destined to be together, or will their love fizzle out? Though they have very different personalities, this can be a surprisingly strong and successful pair—both signs find their opposing qualities attractive and downright captivating! Ready to learn more about the Cancer man-Aries woman relationship? Read on for a complete guide with everything you need to know about their compatibility, plus tips on making this sweet relationship last forever.

This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Aries women and Cancer men have strong emotional compatibility. Cancer encourages Aries to express their emotions, and Aries gives Cancer a sense of security.
  • This pair has lots of sexual chemistry. Though Aries isn’t as gentle as Cancer in bed, Cancer can help Aries develop more vulnerability and intimacy over time.
  • Both signs are loyal and honest. They may need reassurance from time to time if their jealousy flares up, but overall, this pair has plenty of trust in one another.
Section 1 of 8:

Cancer Man and Aries Woman: Overview

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  1. Cancer’s devotion and compassion can easily attract an Aries woman . Meanwhile, Cancer men are immediately drawn to Aries’ passion, energy, and boldness; they’ll find one another intriguing right away! This pair may have some hiccups because they have such different ways of expressing affection and building intimacy, but ultimately, they balance each other out beautifully. [1]
    • Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon (the planet of emotions and the subconscious). They’re calm, reserved, sensitive, and kind.
    • Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars (the planet of energy and willpower). They’re headstrong, ambitious, and enthusiastic.
    • Both Aries and Cancer are cardinal signs, meaning they’re natural leaders who like to take initiative—though this may cause them to clash from time to time.
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Section 2 of 8:

Emotional Compatibility

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  1. It might be surprising, given how different they are, this is actually a strong emotional match! Both signs are warm, passionate, and want to know who their partners truly are beyond surface appearances, which is something they’ll appreciate in one another. Aries women may seem unemotional at times, but intuitive Cancer men are the perfect partners to persuade Aries to open up and show their true feelings. [2]
    • Aries has a brash, fiery exterior, but when they feel safe and secure, they can have quite a sweet temperament and openness that Cancer will absolutely love.
    • Cancer also needs a safe place to express their deepest emotions. So long as Aries gives them the space to do so, this pair will rarely have issues with their emotional compatibility.
    • Cancer and Aries may have trouble understanding one another at first, as Cancer is reserved and Aries is bold and energetic, but if they can be patient with one another and give each other time to open up, understanding will develop.
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Sexual Compatibility

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  1. Physical intimacy can be truly special for this pair; Cancer men make Aries feel cherished and secure and tend to pleasantly surprise Aries with how clever and inventive they can be! Meanwhile, an Aries woman’s passion and unexpected vulnerability in bed are exactly what Cancer looks for in a partner—which often leaves both partners always wanting more. [3]
    • At the beginning of the relationship, Aries women aren’t very gentle in the bedroom; in fact, they often have a more aggressive approach to sex that doesn’t quite line up with Cancer’s softer temperament.
    • Aries women can easily learn to relax and develop emotional intimacy , but it takes time. Cancer, show your Aries partner that it’s okay to express emotion in bed!
    • Aries, try to meet your Cancer man halfway. Take things slowly at first, and practice being more expressive and vulnerable with them little by little.
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Communication Compatibility

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  1. Since both Cancer men and Aries women are cardinal signs, they can easily initiate conversations with one another. Aries’ natural bravery and passion encourage them to speak up whenever they have something they want to express, and Cancer, an emotional water sign, has an innate need to express their feelings freely.
    • The fact that they’re both cardinal signs also makes it easier for this pair to resolve conflicts between them since they’re both natural-problem solvers who can step up when something needs to be done.
  2. Cancer men and Aries women typically don’t share a lot of interests, which makes it difficult for them to land on a topic of conversation and stick with it at times. Both signs may find themselves unintentionally cutting a conversation short before their partner gets to make their original point, which may cause some frustration between them.
    • Aries and Cancer, work on being active listeners . Give one another the chance to speak and be patient, even if the conversation isn’t about one of your interests.
    • You don’t have to have everything in common, but it’s important to appreciate and support one another’s interests .
      • Make an effort to understand your individual interests and why they’re so special—and look for a couple of interests you might have in common!
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Trust Compatibility

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  1. Cancer men are completely devoted and honest, which are both qualities Aries women value in their partners. Aries women usually don’t see the point in lying; they’re straight shooters who say what’s on their mind, so neither sign is likely to fear infidelity. However, both are also jealous zodiac signs —so when an issue does come up, it may escalate unless they address it quickly.
    • A little jealousy isn’t a dealbreaker for either sign; Cancer feels important and valued, while Aries loves the attention they get from it.
    • Nonetheless, intense jealousy may bring out Cancer’s possessive side, and Aries women often react to that by distancing themselves from the relationship.
    • Aries and Cancer, practice reassuring one another often and dealing with your jealous feelings before they escalate to keep your relationship healthy and stable!
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  1. Aries values energy, focus, and consistency in their partners, while Cancer values rationality and emotional stability. In other words, their values aren’t incompatible, but they don’t really match up, either. The one thing they have in common is a need for balance in their lives—and if they work to develop that stability and consistency in their relationship, they can build a happy life together.
    • This pair also has very different interests. Cancer is a homebody, while energetic Aries loves going out and participating in energy-consuming physical activities and sports. Cancer just wants to relax, read, and eat good food at home.
    • The good news is that Cancer and Aries don’t have to share all the same interests to be a great pair.
      • So long as they find a couple of activities to do together, Aries can go off and do all the wild, adventurous things they want, while Cancer is happy to stay home and recharge alone.
    • Cancers also tend to be pragmatic and they enjoy thinking ahead and planning out every aspect of their lives. Aries, on the other hand, are more spontaneous and adventurous.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 140 wikiHow readers if they think that Cancers think ahead or live in the moment, and 75% of them agreed that Cancers tend to plan for the future . [Take Poll]
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Section 7 of 8:

Potential Challenges

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  1. Cancer men tend to be possessive partners. Their goal is rarely to limit their partner’s freedom; they simply care for their partners very much and want to feel involved in their lives. Nonetheless, Aries women may start to feel like Cancer’s clinginess is stifling them, and as a result, resist all of Cancer’s efforts to tie them down and solidify the relationship. [4]
    • The core issue is that both signs have different ways of building intimacy; Cancer tends to get clingy, which is something Aries may not understand.
    • Cancer, understand that your Aries lady needs plenty of freedom. If you want her to commit to the relationship, show her that she can still be her independent self when she’s with you.
      • For example, maintain separate hobbies and hang out with friends individually. This gives you both a chance to get some “alone” time away from one another, which is healthy for any relationship.
      • Furthermore, when your Aries woman leaves to go do something, try accepting it rather than peppering her with questions and asking where she’s going. She’ll appreciate it!
  2. Brutal honesty is a specialty of Aries women; they tell it like it is, even if that rubs people the wrong way. To a sensitive Cancer man, that blunt honesty might leave them feeling insulted or hurt, even if it wasn’t Aries’ intention to upset them. Sometimes, Aries’ natural brashness can simply make Cancer feel like Aries doesn’t really care for them. [5]
    • Aries, you tend to express your affection in an energetic and even aggressive way, which is a very different approach to intimacy than a Cancer’s. To win Cancer’s heart , try slowing down and expressing your feelings in a gentler way.
      • For example, try being more mindful of the words you use , and consider whether they could be misconstrued as something negative before saying anything.
      • Be patient with your Cancer guy! He’s a bit more reserved than you are and might need time to decompress or process his thoughts at times. When you show him patience and courtesy, he’ll know you really do care.
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Section 8 of 8:

Cancer Man and Aries Woman: Key Takeaways

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  1. Fire and water is a slightly unorthodox zodiac pairing, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work! Cancer men may need to adjust to Aries’ brash way of speaking and independent nature, while Aries women may need to work on opening up emotionally to Cancer. If they can do this, an Aries and Cancer couple will be able to last a lifetime.
    • When this pair puts in the work, they can build a unique, loving relationship filled with passion, understanding, and intense emotion.
    • In fact, successful Cancer-Aries pairs may just be soulmates. They’re unlikely to be satisfied with any other partner—they complete each other so well!
    • Even if they only ever become friends, Aries and Cancer friendships rarely fizzle out. They find their opposite qualities super interesting and form a close, easygoing bond.

Join the Discussion...

I feel like I haven't heard much about how well romance works between a Cancer and Aries. It seems like a good match at first glance and looks like they get along. Is this combo one that works out or should I be cautious?
Aries and Cancer relationships can be a bit tricky because both signs like to be in charge. Cancers lead with emotion and want to help people feel better, but Aries might be more assertive with what they feel is best. It might be a little tough at first, but you can make a relationship work if you approach conflicts openly and honestly together.

When you are together, the sparks can fly romantically because you'll both want to feel close with the other person. You'll have fun experimenting in the bedroom and it'll be extremely passionate.
Tara Divina
Vedic Astrologer
Aries need space to think and to be in their head, and they usually want people that can keep up with them mentally. If they're explaining something, make sure that you're paying attention so you don't have to ask the same questions over and over again.

Aries might not be as interested in long-term planning either, so maybe take on long-term planning yourself so they don't feel forced into doing something they're not invested in.

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