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Try these fun activities and ideas to stop feeling bored
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Boredom. We all deal with it every now and then, but the restless despair is anything but fun! Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to beat boredom and get back in the swing of things. Below you’ll find a list of fun activities you can try to pass the time whenever you’re feeling down. Plus, we’ll even teach you why boredom happens so you can kick the feeling to the curb before it starts.

Section 1 of 3:

How to Deal with Feeling Bored

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  1. Music tends to make almost everything more fun. Whether you’re stuck doing boring chores, trying to pass a dull day at work, or just aren’t sure how to fill your free time, listening to a few good tunes can help. Stick with upbeat music that you enjoy to help you feel reenergized and engaged. [1]
    • Try making a playlist of your favorite tunes on Spotify or tuning into an internet radio station that you're unfamiliar with.
    • Check online to see if any of your favorite artists have any live streams coming up. [2]
  2. Finish that book you started a while back or pick up a new series to beat boredom. If you need help choosing something to suit your mood, visit your local library or check out a site like Goodreads. Or, do some writing—whether you opt for a poem, free-write, short story, or screenplay, putting words on paper (or typing them) can keep your mind engaged and also help you express your feelings.
  3. Close your door, put on some tunes, and bust a move! Dancing is cathartic; it boosts your mood, gets your heart rate up, and it's just plain fun. Since you're alone, you can really let loose without worrying about being judged or feeling silly. Put on something with a beat and dance an afternoon away. [3]
    • If you like disco, anything by Donna Summer or the BeeGees will get you moving.
    • If classic rock with a beat is more your speed, try Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now." [4]
    • If you love a good club hit, check out Lady Gaga's "Applause," Rihanna's "Don't Stop the Music," and Beyonce's "Countdown."
    • If you're a K-pop fan, you can't go wrong with BTS! Start with "Telepathy" and go from there. [5]
  4. Vision boards allow you to set goals and get crafty all at once! Start by choosing any goal or project you want to focus on. Then, grab a stack of magazines and cut out images that reflect your goal in some way. Arrange the images on poster board and glue or tape them in place to make your vision board . Then, prop up the board somewhere in your room where you can look at it often and feel inspired. [6]
    • If you don't have magazines, print images from Pinterest or Instagram.
    • Create a digital board if you prefer to work that way. For example, use Pinterest or Tumblr, or download a vision board app. [7]
  5. Putting together a jigsaw puzzle is a fun way to spend an afternoon indoors, and you can do it alone or with friends/family. All you need is a large, flat surface where you can spread all of your pieces out. [8]
    • If you aren't feeling super motivated to work on personal projects, completing a puzzle might provide the mini confidence boost you need.
    • As an added bonus, studies show that working on puzzles reduces stress! [9]
  6. You have tons of options, whether you're solo or with your crew. If you're stuck at home by yourself, try playing a video game, doing crosswords or Sudoku, or dealing out a few rounds of Solitaire. If you have friends or family around, board games and card games can be a blast. [10]
  7. Grab some blankets and embrace your inner child. Building a fort is just good, silly fun! Gather some blankets, pillows, and couch cushions and build your masterpiece. Sprawl out on a few comfy pillows and spend an afternoon reading or watching movies in your fort. [11]
  8. Daydreaming can help you feel more relaxed and content. Allowing your mind to wander freely can be a beautiful thing. If your mind tends to wander into negative places, picture yourself in your happy place, like on a gorgeous beach or in a beautiful forest. Give yourself permission to unwind and let your mind go. [12]
    • You might also spend time thinking about a fond memory or mentally reliving an amazing experience you had as a child.
  9. There’s nothing wrong with binge-watching a show occasionally. Coping with boredom doesn’t have to mean filling up your time with as many productive tasks as possible! If you’re feeling mentally or emotionally exhausted, honor those feelings. Think of it as a mental vacation so you can recharge.
  10. Spend some quality time with your tribe. Boredom can feel lonely and claustrophobic, especially if you’re stuck in the house. Try reaching out to a friend or family member online or calling them up for a chat. Or you can set up a Zoom meeting with friends or host a streaming party with your siblings!
  11. Dull activities don't have to be relentlessly monotonous! It may sound silly, but this can help you engage more with what you’re doing and pass the time faster. For example, if you hate doing dishes, challenge yourself to do them as fast as you can. Can you beat your time from yesterday? [13]
    • If you’re in a boring meeting, make a game of counting how many times Bill in Accounting shakes his head or how often Emily from Sales clears her throat.
  12. Learning something new is a great way to pass the time. You can check out your local community college for classes or browse available classes online (some might even be free). You never know what you might end up being awesome at. If you're looking for ideas, you might consider:
    • Signing up for an online art class. [14]
    • Checking out improv classes at a local theater.
    • Streaming a cooking class from your kitchen.
    • Taking a foreign language class or using a language learning app. [15]
    • Learning to knit on YouTube. [16]
  13. Try this if boredom is starting to make you feel a bit lonely. Do what you can to get outside of your own head a little! Join a club or sports team so you can mingle with people who share your interests. Or you could volunteer at a soup kitchen or women’s shelter, sign up to read to the elderly at a nearby nursing home, or mentor a young person in your community. [17]
    • If you're interested in activism, consider volunteering at an animal shelter or joining an environmental preservation group.
    • If you can't physically volunteer, look into ways you can help community organizations remotely. [18]
  14. Structuring your day can make it feel more meaningful. Boredom can make everything seem a little pointless. If you want some structure, try starting your day by making a list of tasks you want to accomplish. If that sounds too boring, list the things you want to explore or learn that day!
  15. Writing in a journal can help you explore thoughts and emotions. If boredom is bumming you out a bit, you’re not alone—a lot of people feel this way when they get bored. Writing or drawing in a journal can help you work through emotions, process thoughts, and learn more about yourself. It can also be fun! Give yourself the freedom to put whatever you want in your journal and see what emerges. [19]
    • If you aren’t sure what to write, try making a list of things you’re grateful for or describe the events of your day in detail.
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wikiHow Quiz: What Should I Do?

Not sure how to cure a case of boredom? Being bored can drain your energy and bring down your mood, which is why we’re here to help you out—and hopefully make your day a little more interesting. We’ve prepared a handy quiz to help you narrow down that list of activities and find a fun pastime that you’ll truly enjoy!
1 of 14

Who do you spend the most time with?

Section 2 of 3:

What is boredom?

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  1. When you’re bored, you might feel upset, sad, disinterested, or find yourself thinking, “There’s nothing to do!” While there are things you could do, nothing captures your attention or engages you completely. Boredom can happen to everyone and can usually be overcome or “cured” by engaging in a stimulating or scheduled activity. [20]
    • In some cases, boredom can be a symptom of an underlying issue. If you experience chronic boredom, talk to your doctor, as this could be a sign of depression.
Section 3 of 3:

What causes boredom?

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  1. If you’re not properly stimulated physically or mentally, you can easily become bored. This can occur by following routine tasks and repetitive activities. Without variation, there’s a lack of motivation or sense of purpose, which can make you feel stuck or bored. [21]
    • For instance, you might feel bored at work because you clock in and out at the same time each day and do the same mundane tasks over and over again.
    • You can also get bored when you’re stuck inside on a rainy day, especially if exciting plans are interrupted. You may lack motivation to do anything but what you can’t do.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I fight boredom during a long car ride?
    Community Answer
    If you are driving, listen to upbeat music that will keep you awake. If you are a passenger, you can listen to music or play games on your mobile phone. You can also play games in the car, such as "I spy."
  • Question
    How can I convince my parents to buy me a cell phone so I'll be less bored?
    Community Answer
    Explain to them that cell phones are critical in emergency situations. You could probably find some helpful statistics online to pad your argument.
  • Question
    What can I do when there is nothing for me to do?
    Community Answer
    You can read, watch television, or take up some hobbies (painting, sewing, knitting, etc.) to keep you from being bored.
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      • Avoid negative coping mechanisms like drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling, or stirring up drama. Those might seem like good ideas in the moment, but they aren't healthy and won't fulfill you. [22]
      • Keep in mind that boredom is a choice. The next time you feel bored, make an active choice to get up and try filling your time with something new.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Get cooking! Cook or bake something new to beat boredom and make a yummy snack or treat. You never know what you can create!
      • Make up a story in your head if you're bored. Make yourself the main character and create an adventure or fantasty.
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