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- Boredom 101
So, you’re bored. That really sucks. But what if we told you there were ways to cure that boredom right away? We’ve compiled lists of the most fun and interesting websites that’ll keep you entertained for hours. From silly websites that make you click buttons to websites full of interactive mini-games, there’s something for everyone!
Section 1 of 7:
Fun Websites to Cure Boredom
Crazy Games Crazy Games is a hub for all things mini-games! Every game is free, and there are hundreds of games to choose from.
- is a designing and gaming website that gives you creative control. You can design hypothetical emojis and phones or play mini-games.Advertisement
3Find the Invisible Cow Find the Invisible Cow is a unique game where you have to (you guessed it!) find an invisible cow. Move your mouse around the screen and see how long it takes to find the sneaky cow.
4ChatGPT ChatGPT opens a world of possibilities by chatting with a robot. Ask the AI system any question, and you’ll get an answer.
5Patatap Patatap is an interactive game that lets you compose your own musical score. Use visuals to create different sounds to craft your masterpiece.
6Giphy Giphy is an online GIF and meme hub. This website holds all of the silliest and relatable memes out there! Create your own GIFs and memes or share existing ones with friends.
72048 2048 is a matching tile game that is super fun! This challenging and addicting game can keep you entertained for hours.
810 Minute Mail 10 Minute Mail is a website that creates a self-destructing email that only lasts 10 minutes. You can send the email to a friend or yourself!
9Canva Canva is a creator’s dream! This website allows you to create professional-looking graphic designs for free. Plus, you can even edit videos or photos to be social media-worthy.
10Buildbox Buildbox lets you develop 2D or 3D games quickly and easily. It’s a great way to cure boredom and flex your programming muscles!
11Miniclip Miniclip is a mini-game hub full of classic and new online games. Play classics like 8 Ball or go with something new like Subway Surfers.
12GameHouse GameHouse is a website full of games for all ages to play. There’s something for everyone: puzzles, hidden object games, and brain challenges.
13Little Alchemy 2 Little Alchemy 2 is a game where you mix chemicals to build potions. Combine different elements to see what you can create.
14Akinator Akinator is a mind-blowing, mind-reading website. This AI website can guess what you’re thinking. Don’t believe us? Try it for yourself!
15Quick Draw Quick Draw is a draw-and-guess game you play with the computer. Draw the prompt on the screen and see if the AI can guess what you’re drawing.
16Retro Games Online Retro Games Online lets you play retro Nintendo games on your computer. This website is full of nostalgia and perfect for when you have a few hours to kill.
17MapCrunch MapCrunch is a game where you have to guess where you are in the world. The game starts by putting you on a random street view of a map. It’s your job to try and guess where you are.
18Attack Of The Cute Attack Of The Cute will make you go, “Aww!” This website page has cute pictures of animals that’ll make your heart swell.
19Open Puppies Open Puppies displays adorable pictures of dogs with every click. The more you hit your space bar, the more puppies you see!
20Virtual Piano Virtual Piano is an interactive digital piano. Pass the time by learning a few digital notes or coming up with a beautiful melody.
Section 2 of 7:
Interesting Websites to Cure Boredom
1The Pixel Thought The Pixel Thought is a meditation website that helps you relax and connect with others. The game helps you clear your mind, prompting you with a 60-second meditation for stress relief.
2Zoom Quilt Zoom Quilt is a relaxing visual website that lets you sit back and enjoy the show. The website zooms in and out of images and colors to create a beautiful and hypnotizing experience.
3Camel Camel Camel Camel Camel Camel tracks the price history of Amazon products. Look up your favorite product and see how the price has changed over the years.
4TED TED is an educational website full of inspirational and motivational talks. Search a topic or person you’re interested in and learn something new.
5This American Life This American Life is a website compiled of popular radio programs. Listen to true stories about the country and its history to cure your boredom.
6Google Arts & Culture Google Arts & Culture showcases antique artwork from around the world. Discover unique pieces and even take virtual tours through exhibits.
7Stuff You Should Know Stuff You Should Know is an informative website compiled of podcasts full of interesting information. Look up a topic you’re interested in and see what content you can engage with.
8Stellarium-web Stellarium-web is an open-source planetarium that lets you view the night sky. Learn more about astrology and the universe with this interactive site.
9A Soft Murmur A Soft Murmur is a calming website that promotes relaxation. Create your own soothing soundscape and keep it on in the background while you work or create.
10Duolingo Duolingo is a popular language platform. Learn how to speak a new language using this website with fun, interactive lessons and challenges.
11SuperCook SuperCook turns your leftover ingredients into rounded-out meals! This website has thousands of recipes and cooking ideas. You can even input what ingredients you have on hand to see what you can make.
12Wait But Why Wait But Why is a website that answers the age-old question, “Why?” Learn new and peculiar things on this site to impress your friends.
13What Should I Read Next? What Should I Read Next? is an online platform that gives you book recommendations. Select what subject or genre you’re interested in and see if any of the recommendations are something you’d like to read.
14Colour Lovers Colour Lovers is a website where you can discover new colors. Scroll through this site to uncover new and interesting artistic palettes.
Section 3 of 7:
Cool Websites to Cure Boredom
River Styx River Styx takes you on a tour of this legendary underworld. Meet Greek gods and goddesses and embark on heroic adventures.
2Bored Panda Bored Panda is an interactive website with hundreds of random articles and topics to discover. Scroll through hilarious memes, goofy jokes, or absurd news stories to pass the time.
3100,000 Stars 100,000 Stars is an interactive site that lets you zoom in and out of the galaxy. You can track stars, discover their names, and much more!
4Timelapse Timelapse is a website full of time-lapse photography of the continents. Watch as time occurs in fast speed in different areas of the world.
5Animated Drawings Animated Drawings is a website that lets you bring your doodles to life. Follow the site’s instructions to animate your own mini-movie.
6Fact Slides Fact Slides is a fact generator. Click through the slides of this site to learn fun and interesting facts.
7I Waste So Much Time I Waste So Much Time is a website you can simply get lost in! This site is a hub for interesting articles, memes, and other engaging content.
8How a Car Works How a Car Works teaches you just that—how a car works! This interactive website breaks down the parts of a car, letting you explore all parts of the engine and its mechanics.
9Explore Mount Everest Explore Mount Everest is your virtual guide to this popular monument. Learn about the mountain and discover what it takes to climb it with this interactive 3D experience.
10Hacker Typer Hacker Typer lets you feel like a hacker hypothetically. Press a few keys on your keyboard and watch the code do its thing!
11Post Secret Post Secret is an anonymous platform that lets you share all your secrets. Submitters send in their secrets on postcards and some of them are shared publicly (but anonymously).
12Radiooooo Radiooooo is a musical time capsule! This website brings you radio from way back in the day, letting you listen to groovy and funky music whenever you’d like.
135000Best 5000Best is a listicle website that has lists for all types of topics. Find lists of the best movies, TV shows, games, books, and more!
14Incredibox Incredibox lets you compose music with the click of a button. Create musical masterpieces and learn how to combine beatbox sounds.
15Freerice Freerice is an educational trivia game that helps feed those in need. Every correct answer raises 10 grains of rice.
16Flag Match Flag Match is an online matching game. Match flags to countries around the world and aim to beat your high score.
Section 4 of 7:
Silly Websites to Cure Boredom
1The Useless Web The Useless Web is a hub for random, strange, and peculiar websites. Every time you click the button on the home screen, you’re sent to a different site on the web. But be warned: you never know what you’ll get!
2Spend Elon Musk’s Money Spend Elon Musk’s Money is a website that hypothetically lets you use this billionaire’s riches. Purchase random items based on what Musk is rumored to have in the bank today.
3Bored a Lot Bored a Lot is a goofy website that’s sure to make you laugh! With hundreds of articles, useless sounds, and pop-ups, you certainly can’t get bored.
4Lamebook Lamebook is a hub for entertaining and silly content. Find goofy memes, outrageous conversations, and trending articles all on this site.
5Paper Toilet Paper Toilet is a goofy website where you can roll and unroll toilet paper. There’s no waste, only fun!
6Scream Into the Void Scream Into the Void generates a scream to match your current mood. Simply tell the website how you’re feeling, and see what scream it conjures up.
7Cracked Cracked is a website full of silly and goofy stories. Read hilarious short stories or articles or submit one of your own to the site.
8Bees, Bees, Bees! Bees, Bees, Bees! is a website where you can watch Oprah Winfrey shouting “Bees, bees, bees!” in front of an audience. While outrageous, this site is certainly silly!
9Pointer Pointer Pointer Pointer turns your cursor into a game. Move your cursor around on the screen, and this website will show you an image in return.
10Staggering Beauty Staggering Beauty gives your cursor the ability to move shadows and colors. Shake and move your cursor around the screen to watch the magic unfold.
11The Oatmeal The Oatmeal is a website of funny comic strips. You never know what comic will pop up!
12Fail Blog Fail Blog is full of failed internet images, videos, and GIFs. The photos and articles are certainly amusing and are bound to make you laugh.
13The Onion The Onion is a satirical news website full of hysterical fake news coverage. This site is great for when you need to laugh!
14People of Walmart People of Walmart is a composite of images of people at Walmart. These can be super funny to scroll through. Come up with stories about the fashion and bizarre shopping carts.
15Bored Button Bored Button is a silly website that brings you to a new website every time. If you’re bored, click the button, and the website promises to cure your boredom!
16Make Everything Okay Make Everything Okay is a magic button website. Click the magic button to wash away all your worries!
Section 5 of 7:
Entertaining Websites to Cure Boredom
NASA+ NASA+ is a hub for any and all space nerds! Watch high-definition clips of space, read articles about stars, and more.
2Loco Loco is a streaming platform where gamers play the latest games and communicate with watchers. You can spend hours on this site watching games or interacting with others.
3JustWatch JustWatch compiles all of your favorite movies and TV shows into one site. With this website, you don’t have to switch between multiple apps to find what you want to watch. Discover where content is streaming and categorize your watch list.
4Twitch Twitch is one of the largest streaming platforms out there. There are thousands and thousands of creators you can watch. From gaming, music, and cooking, there’s something for everyone to watch!
5Quora Quora is a discussion forum where anyone can ask questions and give answers. There are hundreds of topics to discover—you’re bound to learn something new!
6Reddit Reddit is a forum full of discussions, questions, and answers. On this site, you can find comments on your favorite pop culture moments and more.
7Wayback Machine Wayback Machine is a time capsule for the internet. This website lets you view archives of lost or frozen-in-time sites from years past.
8A Good Movie To Watch A Good Movie To Watch is your guide to the best flicks. Select a genre or vibe and see what the website thinks you’d be in the mood to watch.
9Gnoosic Gnoosic is a music recommender. Tell the website what your favorite artists and bands are, and it’ll give you music recommendations.
10Fake Name Generator Fake Name Generator creates a fun persona for you. Make up a new identity with this fun and entertaining website! Simply put in some basic information and discover what you’re doing in an alternate life.
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