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Text a friend about a crazy awesome night or a crazy bad day with the 🤪 (zany face) emoji
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Need an emoji that perfectly describes the silliest, weirdest, goofiest thing that just happened? Meet the 🤪 (zany face) emoji! Known by some people as “crazy face,” the zany face is one of the most recognizable and easy to use emojis there is. In this article, we’ll show you what 🤪 (zany face) means over text and online, plus walk you through how to use and reply to it in any scenario. Now let’s get wacky! 🤪

Things You Should Know

  • The 🤪 (zany face) emoji describes something or someone who’s super goofy, silly, or crazy. It can also be used ironically when someone’s stressed or losing it.
  • Use 🤪 (zany face) to emphasize wild stories, talk about a fun night out, or show that you’re losing your mind over work or something else that’s demanding.
  • Reply to a 🤪 (zany face) with a genuine reaction to someone’s crazy story, or send a sympathetic response if someone’s having a rough time.
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🤪 (Zany Face) Emoji Meanings

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  1. This is the goofiest emoji there is and indicates that a story or conversation is about to take a wacky turn. [1] It’s been around since 2017 and is most popular with Gen Z (Millennials use 😂 (face with tears of joy) or 🙃 (upside-down face) more often). The 🤪 (zany face) emoji carries this meaning over text and all social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more. [2]
    • “I drank a whole 2 liter of Mountain Dew and decided to build a slip ‘n slide at midnight 🤪”
    • “Time to play some April Fools’ Day pranks!! 🤪”
  2. The emoji’s asymmetrical crossed eyes and tongue sticking out look like someone who’s been partying hard (or maybe had one too many cocktails). It shows up in high-energy messages and posts that are hyping an upcoming party or describing what happened last Friday night. [3]
    • “Tonight’s gonna be lit! 🤪”
    • “John had 3 vodka Red Bulls and would NOT leave the dance floor lol 🤪”
  3. It can be used ironically to show someone is going crazy with the amount of work or misfortune they have, or that they’re just frustrated or exasperated. The 🤪 (zany face) emoji has this opposite meaning when the message or post seems stressful instead of silly or funny. [4]
    • “Studying for finals has me like 🤪”
    • “My mother-in-law is sick and now I have to host Thanksgiving with 1 day’s notice 🤪 Cool!”
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Using 🤪 (Zany Face)

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  1. Whether you’re cracking a silly joke or recounting a bizarre incident, try the 🤪 (zany face) to tell your funny story loud and clear. Send it in a text or use it in a tweet or TikTok caption, and don’t skimp on the crazy details! [5]
    • “Omg, I just saw a poodle on a treadmill at my gym 🤪”
    • You: “Why did the chicken cross the road?”
      Them: “Why?”
      You: “I’m not sure, but the road will have its vengeance!! 🤪”
  2. When words simply can’t describe what went down at the club last night, let 🤪 (zany face) speak for you. The hyped up little face says everything about the unique, euphoric feeling of a silly night with friends that you’ll (hopefully) remember for a long time. [6]
    • “Last night was officially the best birthday party ever! 2 bottles of wine later and I understand why people start drinking less when they're older 🤪”
    • Them: “Looks like you had a fun night out last night 😏”
      You: “Yeah, and it feels like it too 🤪”
      You: “Wait, did someone post pictures!? 😳”
  3. When you feel your last synapse snap after a ridiculous work day or a trying situation, send a 🤪 (zany face) to show you’re over it. In this case, the lighthearted craziness comes from being overworked, overwhelmed, or just taking a moment to laugh at your situation.
    • “All my coworkers got sick so I had to open AND close all by myself today 🤪”
    • “If I have to take my car in one more time I’M GONNA LOSE IT 🤪”
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Replying to 🤪 (Zany Face)

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  1. When someone uses 🤪 (zany face), they’re probably expecting a big reaction. Feel free to reply with a big “LOL,” lots of exclamation points, or utter bewilderment at the details of their night out or silly story. Imagine they’re making that face in person for inspiration.
    • Them: “Welp, I drunk texted my ex last night (again) 🤪”
      You: “LOL NNOOOOO!! We’ve talked about this! 😱”
    • Them: “Tyler won the prank war last year so I knew I had to do something good. I plastic wrapped everything in his office 🤪”
      You: “WHAT lmaoooo that’s a good one! That’ll take forever to clean up haha”
  2. Ask what happened, who said what funny thing, or press for more details if you can’t wrap your mind around their story. Maybe you “had to be there” to get the full scope of crazy, but chances are your pal can recount a few hilarious or bizarre details to make you laugh.
    • Them: “Oops, I did it again last night 🤪”
      You: “Ok, you’re gonna have to give me more than that!”
    • Them: “Laney was on fire at Joe’s housewarming last night haha 🤪”
      You: “Haha, was she telling her “jokes” again?”
      Them: “Where do I start…”
  3. Even though emojis are lighthearted and they’re probably hanging in there, send a comforting message or offer some sympathy to help your friend get through the rest of their ordeal. Keep it short and upbeat (no need to get into a serious conversation unless they truly need some emotional support).
    • Them: “If I get one more email today, I’m throwing my computer out the window 🤪”
      You: “You got this! It’s almost 5pm 🙏”
    • Them: “Guess who’s driving across the country on 3 hours of sleep today 🤪”
      You: “Oh nooo lol make extra stops for coffee!”
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Related Emojis

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  1. There are a whole host of silly emoji faces to describe a variety of situations from mildly amusing all the way to absolutely zany. Try one of these when 🤪 (zany face) seems like a bit too much:
    • Pleasantly funny or silly: 😛 (face with tongue)
    • More funny or unexpected: 😝 (squinting face with tongue)
    • Pretty goofy but not quite zany: 😜 (winking face with tongue)
    • Goofy around Halloween: 👻 (ghost with tongue out)
    • Silly or jokey (sometimes in a bad way) : 🤡 (clown face)
    • Having fun at a party: 🥳 (partying face)
  2. Illustrate what you’re talking about with one of the 3,663 emojis there are! [7] Use other silly faces, party decoration or drink emojis, face palming or eye rolling faces, and more. Whatever fun thing you’re talking about, there’s another emoji to help drive your point home.
    • “Let’s go out tonight! 🤪🍻”
    • “I just got a flat tire. Great! 🤪🤦”
    • “Tonight is gonna be so much fun! 🤪🥳”
    • “My costume is outrageously dumb, wait until you see it 🤪👹”
    • “You drive me crazy! 🤪💗”
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Expert Q&A

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      • Use 🤪 (zany face) sparingly, or it may start to lose its impact with your friends and followers.
      • The zany face emoji was originally called “grinning face with one large and one small eye” and is called the “crazy face” by some people.
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