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Dating is tough in general, but it can be especially tricky if you’re trying to date while you’re in the closet. Whatever your reasons are for not being open about your sexual orientation or gender identity, you can still date and have meaningful relationships. Just be sure to establish your boundaries with your date so you’re comfortable being yourself and you don’t run the risk of being outed before you’re ready.


Spend time with people who share your interests.

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Use a dating app that suits your needs.

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  1. You can find a potential date on an app that caters to gay dating like Grindr . You could also use standard dating apps like Tinder or Match.com and adjust the orientation that you’re seeking to date. Either way, you’ll more than likely have plenty of people you can set up a date with. [2]
    • Some dating apps like Tinder and Grindr are geared towards hook-ups rather than long-term relationships.
    • You can use a fake name if you don’t want your identity known while you set up a date.
    • Consider telling any potential dates that you haven’t come out of the closet yet, but be careful. Some people may take offense and try to out you, so don’t tell them unless you feel like you can trust them.

Ask a friend who knows your situation to set you up.

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  1. If you have a close friend who knows that you’re in the closet and aren’t quite ready to come out, they may be able to set you up on a date with someone who understands your situation or is in the same situation themselves. [3]
    • For example, you could ask your friend something like, “Do you know anybody looking for a relationship that would be cool with me still being in the closet?”
    • It can also help to chat with and get advice from some friends who are also queer. They can give you the confidence and support that you need.

    Tip: Have your friend explain your situation to a potential date so they are already aware if or when you go out together.

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Tell potential dates that you haven’t come out yet.

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  1. A potential date may be understanding and sensitive about your concerns. It’s also possible that they may reject you for it. But that’s okay, too. It’s better to know upfront how they feel about it rather than prolong it. [5]
    • You can start the conversation with, “Listen, I want you to know that I haven’t come out yet. If that’s going to be a problem, please let me know.” So there isn’t any confusion about it.
    • Tell your potential date that you haven’t come out before you even agree to go on a date so they’re aware of your situation and potential boundaries.
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Be direct about what you’re comfortable with on your date.

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  1. You may be new to dating, or you may be really worried about being outed on your date. Whatever your reasoning, you need to tell your date if something makes you feel awkward or uncomfortable.
    • If you have no intention of going home with your date, you can tell them something like, “Just so you know, I plan to go home alone tonight.”

    Tip: If you don’t want your date to text you flirty messages afterward, you should tell them so they don’t think you’re cold or uninterested when you don’t respond similarly.


Let your date know how you feel about PDA.

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  1. It’s a good idea for you to tell your date from the onset of how you feel about public displays of affection. If you don’t want them to attempt to hold your hand, put their arm around you, or kiss you, you can be direct and tell them. [8]
    • If the mood changes and you’re attracted to them, you can initiate some touching or kissing if they’re comfortable with it.
    • Respect their boundaries, too. If your date expresses that they aren’t comfortable being kissed or touched in public, then listen to them.
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Avoid taboo topics.

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  1. As you’re getting to know your date, don’t bring up divisive or sensitive topics that could sour the mood. Remember, you’re already asking them to respect the fact that you’re still in the closet, so you shouldn’t bring up something that could make them uncomfortable. [15]

    Tip: If you do end up forming a real connection with your date, you may want to explore some of these topics. You may hold similar world views! Just be wary of forcing them into a conversation they might not want to have.

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WikiPandaDancer490 posted on 07/04/24 8:02 AM
What was the moment things clicked for you and you realized you were 💅? Who was it that made you feel feelings? I'm so curious to hear people'... Read More
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I don't know of many LGBT communities near me, and my school can't help since I'm private-schooled. Where should I go to meet up with some LGBT+ people?
    Hel Mall
    Community Answer
    You could try searching online or asking people who might know and wouldn't make fun of you (if you know anybody). A lot of LGBT meetup announcements can be found with a simple Google search (city/town name+LGBT+meetup).
  • Question
    I'm out of the closet, but my girlfriend isn't. I don't know how to be affectionate to her without her freaking out, thinking she will be outed. Help please?
    Community Answer
    Keep the PDA to a minimum, and make sure you make time where the two of you can be alone so that you can be affectionate. Communication is always key, so just ask her what she is/isn't comfortable doing when you're around other people.
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        Dec 28, 2017

        "Now I know that I should look for online for LGBT in my area."
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