You likely hear references to love every day, but defining what it means can be difficult. Love means different things to different people, and you can experience different types of love depending on the situation. If you want to define love for yourself, start by identifying the types of love, such as romantic love and love between friends. Then, decide what love means you to you. Once you understand love, you’ll be able to tell when you’re in love with someone.
Feel the rush of romantic love when you meet a potential partner. This type of love makes you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach. Consider if you feel a deep desire for the other person and a connection that you don’t have with someone else. Notice if you feel a physical attraction to them, along with a need to be near them. This could be romantic love. [1] X Research source
- This is typically what you mean when you say, “I’m in love with you.”
- As an example, your heart might beat a little faster when you get a text from them. [2]
Expert Source
Crista Beck
Dating Coach & Matchmaker Expert Interview. 26 August 2021.
Warning: It’s easy to mix up romantic love with lust . [3] X Expert Source Crista Beck
Dating Coach & Matchmaker Expert Interview. 26 August 2021. If you just have a physical attraction to them but don’t feel an emotional connection, then it could just be lust. -
Experience friendship love as trust, companionship, and goodwill. You likely have special feelings for your friends that can also be called love. Notice if you feel comfortable and happy when you’re around your friends. Consider if you feel like you can trust them with all of your secrets and if you want the best for them. These are signs that you love your friends. [4] X Research source
- This type of love is usually what you mean when you say, “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.” You can genuinely care about another person and want them to have the best in life without feeling romantic love toward them.
- You may feel both romantic love and friendship love towards someone. You may experience this if you feel like your partner is also your best friend.
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Recognize familial love as a bond between family members. Families often have a strong bond that's built on a mutual love for each other. Look for a special connection between you and your closest loved ones, as well as a desire to spend time with them. You may also feel an obligation to protect or take care of them. This is familial love. [5] X Research source
- Familial love isn’t just for people who are blood relatives. Your family are the people who are always there for you and who have a great influence on your life.
Feel the comfort and happiness that come from loving a pet. Your pet may feel like a family member to you, but the love you feel for your pet is slightly different. You likely feel content and relaxed when you're around them, and it's hard to feel alone when you have such a loving companion! The bond between an owner and their pet is often strong and the source of a lot of joy for both of them. If you feel this way about your furry friend, you'll know you love your pet. [6] X Research source
- Your love for your pet can actually make you feel less stressed. [7] X Research source
Notice the fondness you feel when you express love for your interests. You likely say things like “I love ice cream” or “I love this song” every day. Understand that you can feel affection or enjoyment from your interests that can be a form of love. However, this type of love isn’t the same as the love you feel for the special people in your life. [8] X Research source
- This type of love is very fleeting because your interests can change often.
wikiHow Quiz: Am I In Love?
Write down what you hope to get from a partner. Think about your ideal relationship and the traits you hope your partner will have. Then, create a description of your ideal partner. This can help you understand what you expect from love so you know what it means to you. [9] X Research source
- For example, you might decide that you want a partner that compliments you every day, remembers important events in your life, enjoys cuddling on the couch, and is creative.
- It’s unlikely that you’ll find your ideal partner because no one is perfect. However, this exercise can help you figure out what you’re looking for.
Decide on the type of relationship you want with friends and family. Think about what you appreciate about your family and friends, as well as how you enjoy spending time with them. Then, consider the things you feel are lacking to figure out if you want your relationship to change.Talk to your family and friends about how you want your relationship with them to be so that you're both on the same page. [10] X Research source
- For instance, you may want to have a close relationship with your sibling where you can share anything with each other. Let your sibling know that you feel that way.
- Similarly, you might think that close friends should share their stuff and avoid dating each other's exes out of respect. Talk to your friends to see if you can take your relationship to this level.
Prioritize the people you love to maintain your relationships. Check in with the people you love on a daily or weekly basis, depending on your relationship. Additionally, spend time with them regularly, and talk about your life with them. This will help you have solid relationships with your family, friends, and partner. [11] X Research source
- For instance, make a habit of sending texts or memes to the people you love every day.
- Similarly, make dates to spend time with those you love, such as going to coffee with a friend, shopping with your mom, or seeing a movie with your partner.
Look for ways to express your love . Sharing how you feel can help you better understand your ideas about love. Explore your feelings and communicate them to the people you care about. Here are some ways you can express feelings of love: [12] X Research source
- Tell your friends and family members how you feel.
- Write a love poem about someone.
- Write a love song .
- Make small gifts for the people you love.
- Send your friends memes to express your love for them.
- Write a love letter.
Make the choice to have romantic love for someone. You might think of love as just a feeling, but it’s also a choice you make. When you decide to love someone, you choose to commit to them every day. When you’re ready to be in love, make the choice to go forward with a relationship. [13] X Research source
- On the other hand, you can also make the choice not to love someone. You might do this if the relationship isn’t right for you or if they don’t treat you well. It may take time for your feelings to go away, but it will happen in time.
Identify your personal love language. Your love language is how you want to be loved, as well as how you express love. Consider what makes you feel loved and how you tend to express the love you feel for someone. Then, pick which of the 5 love languages best fits your needs: [14] X Research source
- Words of affirmation - You want your partner to tell you they love you.
- Physical touch - You desire physical intimacy, like cuddling, holding hands, and kissing. [15]
Expert Source
Crista Beck
Dating Coach & Matchmaker Expert Interview. 26 August 2021. - Acts of service - You experience love as favors for each other, such as cooking dinner. [16]
Expert Source
Crista Beck
Dating Coach & Matchmaker Expert Interview. 26 August 2021. - Gifts - You feel loved when your partner gives you things. [17]
Expert Source
Crista Beck
Dating Coach & Matchmaker Expert Interview. 26 August 2021. - Quality time - You want your partner to spend time with you. [18]
Expert Source
Crista Beck
Dating Coach & Matchmaker Expert Interview. 26 August 2021.
Tip: When you start a relationship with someone, it’s important to understand each other’s love languages. It’s normal to have a different love language than your partner, but you should both know each other’s preferences.
Notice if you feel a longing for someone. If you’re in love with someone, you’ll likely long for them whenever they’re away from you. You may even miss them when they’re only away for a short time. Look for feelings of wanting to be with them every moment. This could be a sign you’re in love. [19] X Research source
- For example, you might catch yourself thinking, “I miss them,” even though they just left.
- Similarly, you might find yourself cuddling a pillow and imagining it’s the person you love.
Consider if you feel happier or more content when that person is around. When you’re in love, you’ll enjoy being around the other person. You’ll likely notice that everything seems better when they’re around. Notice if you feel like life is better when you’re with the person you love—this could mean you’re in love with them. [20] X Research source
- You might also feel like this when you’re around a friend or relative. However, the feelings will be deeper when you’re in love.
Watch for feelings of passion when you think about the person. Passion could be a desire for intimacy or an eagerness to be near them. Consider if you feel the urge to kiss the person, hold their hand, or touch them in an intimate way. This might be a sign that you’re in love with them. [21] X Research source
- Passion can also be a sign of lust. To make sure you’re feeling love, consider if you’re also showing other signs of love, like feeling happier around them.
Make sure you feel like you can totally trust them. Be able to rely on the person, and feel safe with them. They should listen to and support you when you share things with them. Additionally, trust that they aren't lying to you and that they can make decisions that are good for your relationship, like not cheating. [22] X Research source
- You and your partner should both be giving and receiving trust. That means you should be reliable for them and should listen to and support them. Similarly, they need to trust you to make the right decisions.
- If you have any hesitations about trusting the person, you may not be ready for a relationship with them. You may still feel love for them, but you aren't ready to be totally in love with them. This is okay! Listen to your intuition.
Decide if you feel emotionally committed to the person. Being ready to commit to someone is the ultimate sign of being in love. It means you’re feeling a deep emotional connection with them in addition to passion and longing. Notice if you’re ready for a real relationship with the person, which might mean you’re in love with them. [23] X Research source
- If you’re feeling committed to the person, you’ll likely see a future with them. Additionally, you’ll be less interested thinking about other people in a romantic way.
Pursue your love only if the feeling is mutual. You may fall in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way. This can be very disappointing and hurtful, but it's best to let yourself move on. Everyone has a right to their feelings, so don't try to make them love you. Instead, get over them by sharing your feelings, grieving the loss of your fantasy, and moving on with your life. [24] X Research source
- Don't wait for someone to change their mind and start loving you. Remember, a better match for you may be out there waiting for you to find them.
- If you continue pursuing a person who doesn't return your feelings, you're likely becoming obsessed with them. This is harmful to both you and them. Respect their choices and search for love with someone else.
Expert Q&A
QuestionHow do you know if it's infatuation or love?Crista Beck is a Dating and Relationship Coach and Matchmaker. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in helping people become open to love and find a partner. Crista has been featured in numerous media sources such as ABC, NBC, Fox, and TEDx. She is also the author of the book, Break The Glass Slipper: Free Yourself from Fairy Tale Fantasies and Find True Love in Real Life. Crista holds a BS in Communication Studies with a focus on Interpersonal Communication from The University of Texas at Austin.Infatuation involves getting caught up in the fantasy of who somebody is instead of liking them for who they really are. Once you spend a lot of time with someone, you can see how they treat you and you treat them, along with how you both align in each other's lives.
QuestionAre chemistry and love the same?Crista Beck is a Dating and Relationship Coach and Matchmaker. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in helping people become open to love and find a partner. Crista has been featured in numerous media sources such as ABC, NBC, Fox, and TEDx. She is also the author of the book, Break The Glass Slipper: Free Yourself from Fairy Tale Fantasies and Find True Love in Real Life. Crista holds a BS in Communication Studies with a focus on Interpersonal Communication from The University of Texas at Austin.Nope, not quite! Chemistry can feel really similar to being in love, but they definitely aren't one and the same. Ultimately, the test of time will prove if you have long-term compatibility with someone.
QuestionWhat’s the definition of love for a man?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt really depends on the man. Everyone has their own definition. For example, one man might define it as a combination of affection, respect, and sexual attraction, while another might focus more on feelings of attachment or desire for emotional closeness with another person. Others define love in terms of choices and actions rather than feelings.
- Loving someone does not mean only caring for the other person. It means balancing your own happiness with theirs in a way that makes both of your lives better.Thanks
- People are capable of falling in and out of love, so your feelings can change. Similarly, your partner may decide they’ve fallen out of love.Thanks
- If the person you love abuses you, talk to someone you trust and take steps to leave the relationship. Abuse is never okay.Thanks
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About This Article
Defining love can be tricky, especially since there are so many kinds of love, like romantic, familial, and friendship. Generally, if you're in love with someone, you'll feel happier when they're around and miss them when they're gone. You might also feel physically attracted to them if they're a romantic partner. However, if you're attracted to someone but don't feel an emotional connection with them, you're probably experiencing lust and not love. Another sign that you're experiencing romantic love is wanting to commit to someone and settle down with them in the future. For advice on how to decide what love means to you, scroll down!
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