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Let’s say the worst happens, and someone is pointing a gun at you. There are many techniques you can use to disarm a criminal, but all of them are very dangerous. You should assess the situation first to see whether you can reduce the threat other ways. It's also a good idea to get professional self-defense training.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Taking the Gun from the Criminal

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  1. Fighting back greatly increases your odds of losing your life.
    • If you have not been trained by the military, the police or endured extensive martial arts training specifically in the area of disarming an opponent, the safest option when faced with a handgun is to do whatever the person says, with the exception of entering a vehicle with the attacker. You are gambling with your life in this situation, it is not the movies, and in almost all cases, your attacker will have more experience in this kind of situation than you do.
    • Be aware that the most common mistake made by potential victims in cases like these is over confidence. Over confidence leads to the vast majority of deaths. The second most common mistake is fighting back. However, there are times when you may calculate that you need to do so. For example, let's say you're caught up in a school shooting where it's obvious the attacker's goal is simply to kill as many people as possible.
  2. If you've decided that you need to disarm the criminal because it's likely you will be shot otherwise, spin the gun away from you. This technique is very dangerous. Do not attempt it if you are not properly trained, unless absolutely necessary.
    • The goal is to make sure the gun is pointed away from your body as you grab it, and spin it away. [1]
    • Continue the energy you’ve created by twisting the arm with the gun around you to the right as you face away from where the criminal was originally positioned. Now, flip the gunman on the ground as you spin to the right while holding the gunman’s arm.
    • Keep your hand on the attacking arm, and take the gun. You can also step over the gunman and hold his arm with your leg.
  3. Grab the gun directly from the hand. Twist the gun down, breaking the criminal’s finger as you do it. Remember, the criminal’s finger will be in the trigger.
    • Twist the gun to the right. All of these maneuvers are dangerous if the criminal is stronger than you and also risk the gun firing and striking other people in the area.
    • Take the gun from the criminal's wounded hand. Use the right hand to stop the wrist as you use the left hand to bend their wrist, grab the gun, and push the gun down. This is very important. If you don’t grab their wrist before twisting the gun down, you will risk them maintaining control of the gun.
    • Humans only grab one way, with their thumb and forefingers. When the grip is primarily based on the thumb, attacking the thumb with an elbow strike, fist strike, or a twisting motion going against the thumb with leverage can break the grip. [2]
  4. Turn around, and step in and under their arm, and rip the gun out of the criminal’s hand.
    • You could do either of the first two steps next; either, you will want to twist the gun in the criminal’s hand, breaking his finger. Or just rip the gun out of their hand. Move the left hand on the side of the attacker’s gun and at the same time move your body to the attacker’s right side. [3]
    • Before you do this, wave your hands as if surrendering and saying don’t shoot. After moving your left hand to the side of the attacker’s gun, take a right counter-clockwise circular step in between the attacker’s feet while turning the gun toward the attacker.
    • Your wrist should lock the attacker’s right hand, and turn the gun at the attacker’s throat, bringing the attacker to the ground. In each of these moves, the goal is to reposition the gun before twisting it from the gunman's hand.
  5. You must take control of the weapon so the gunman cannot redirect it at you. This will unfold fast, and the gunman will try to regain control. [4]
    • Burst in forward. Put your weight inward and downward on the gun. You are trying to get the weapon down and inward to limit the ability of the attacker to move it. Move your feet to keep putting weight on the weapon no matter how the criminal reacts. [5]
    • You will want to use your hip muscles and body weight to torque an opponent’s wrist to take them down. In one move, put enormous pressure on the attacker’s wrist, forcing them down to the ground while placing strong control of the weapon. You can kick the criminal to the head, midsection or groin to remove the weapon.
    • Or reach over the attacker’s shoulder and clench the rifle’s butt stock. Insert your right hand with the thumb pointed toward the ground to grasp the weapon’s stock. Yank the weapon toward you to weaken the attacker’s leverage and yank it shortly up. Wrench the weapon away.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preventing a Shooting

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  1. It’s arguably the least dangerous if you just comply with the gunman’s demands if his or her demands, such as robbery, don’t threaten your life.
    • For example, if a mugger wants your car, your wallet, or your purse, let them have it. It’s not worth risking your life over. [6] Try throwing the object (purse, car keys) behind them; they will go for the object and you can escape.
    • There have been situations where the person gives the attacker what they want, and the person is shot anyway. There is no surefire technique for a fast-flowing, dangerous situation like this.
  2. The best approach to defending yourself is to first eliminate the most immediate threat to you. If a gun is pointed at you, that’s clearly an immediate danger to you.
    • You need to remove yourself from the line of fire. You can do this by redirecting the line of fire or moving yourself. Make your first movement small and undetectable. If you make a major move to twist or step out of the line of fire, you could actually trigger the attacker to fire the weapon.
    • Redirect with the hand. Use your hand to redirect the line of fire so that it travels across fewer vital areas. Move the weapon laterally across the shortest line possible. If the gun is pointed at your chest, move it to the left or right. You could also push the gun upward.
  3. This is one possibility, although it can be a very dangerous one because the gunman might shoot you.
    • If you try this technique, throw something – your wallet for example – in one direction while you run in another direction in order to distract the attacker. Run in a zigzag or other unpredictable pattern. [7]
    • Again, this is a very dangerous move. Then again, everything about the situation is dangerous. Simply complying with the demands might be the best bet. If the person hasn't seen you yet, such as in an active shooter situation, first run, then hide (by barricading yourself behind a door), then fight if you are found.
  4. Until or unless you are ready to make your move, make it clear to the gunman what you are about to do before you do it.
    • For example, say something like, “I’m going to reach into my pocket so I can get my wallet out to give it to you now” before you do it.
    • Study the gunman as you do this. Find something about him or her that is unique and will help police identify the gunman later.
  5. Let’s say you’re facing a determined attacker you know is there to kill you. This means the attacker’s motive isn’t robbery – it’s to kill, such as what was seen at past school shootings.
    • If possible, run away. Get out of the building or area.
    • If running becomes impossible, hide. Barricade yourself behind a door with your phone on silent. Make sure the door is well barricaded before you call emergency services.
    • If the attacker finds you, fight. Improvise weapons: chairs, laptops, textbooks, et cetera to throw at them or hit them with. This is best done in a group, but also works alone. [8] The goal is to take down the shooter no matter what.
    • Band together with others before you do this. Grab the gunman’s weapon and twist it quickly away from your body. Keep gripping the gun as the gunman pulls it back away from you, and push your weight forward, then punch him in the face or throat very hard. Use your hand to grab the non-shooting end of the gun. Knee the killer in the groin. Or twist your hands like you are revving up a motorcycle engine, breaking the gunman’s finger inside the trigger guard.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Throwing the Criminal Off

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  1. Maybe the attacker won’t harm you if you don’t challenge them. If you plan to disarm the attacker, you will also want to act passive and deferential at first to throw them off too.
    • Ideally, all you need to do is comply, and you will not have to attempt anything risky.
    • Act cooperative and as passive as possible. Say something like, “Hey, don’t worry, I don’t want any trouble. What do you want?” Give the attacker the impression you are not a threat
    • Raise your arms higher than the handgun, and don’t keep them still. Wave them side-to- side in a repetitive way to lull the attacker’s peripheral vision and hide the defensive movement you are about to make by moving your hands forward.
  2. In one swift movement, move your head first and grab a hold of the gun. [9]
    • Turn the gun away from your body. Turn the gunman’s wrist in. Distract the gunman with a punch, kick, or both.
    • Reach under the weapon, placing your free hand on the hammer and being aware of where the barrel is pointed at all times. Keep both hands on the gun as you kick, stomp or knee the gunman. With both hands firmly on the gun, and the gunman’s wrist twisted, rip the gun away. Now you have the gun.
  3. The best case scenario once you have the gun is for you to get away without having to fire it.
    • Flee with the gun. If the gunman keeps coming at you, you may have no choice, but inspect the gun with your hands by tapping the bottom of the magazine to be sure it’s in.
    • Scream, make noise, and try to draw attention. Hopefully, the gunman will run away. Again, the goal is to not have to fire the gun. Learn the self-defense laws. You are entitled to defend yourself in many cases if you are in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm. [10]
  4. You do not want to show panic because this might make the person with the gun panic, and that is very dangerous.
    • You want to retain psychological advantage. Make eye contact with the gunman. This will force him or her to see you as a human being and might make it harder to shoot you. Do not make this an intimidating or challenging gaze, however.
    • Calculate the context. Why is the person pulling a gun on you? If the motive is robbery, then the motive of the gunman may not be to kill you. If you’re being targeted in a mass shooting where the motive of the gunman is to kill as many people as possible, this is a very different scenario. If you’re not sure if the motive is to kill you, you can hope that the gunman spares your life without your needing to get the gun.
  5. There are ways you can reduce the chances you will need to use self-defense in the first place.
    • Avoid walking on foot alone, especially if it’s night, if you’re female, and if you’re impaired. Criminals look for moments of vulnerability. If you’re drunk and walking down the street, they might see you as a target. Don’t flash money or expensive jewelry around.
    • Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t walk with your head down or distracting yourself by talking on a cell phone. Be aware of what’s going on around you at all times. Wear shoes that would allow you to run. [11]
    • You could consider getting a concealed-carry permit if this is lawful in your state and you are properly trained. Ask for a security escort at your college or apartment building or work, if one is available. Carry mace or pepper spray if this is legal where you live.
    • In terms of weapons defense, the best way to defend against a weapon is to learn how to use it. If you yourself don't understand the ins and outs of how to shoot, fire, and dismantled a gun, it's harder to deal with it effectively when threatened. [12]
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Expert Q&A

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      • Keep your eye on the weapon, but do not focus all of your attention there. The attacker has other body parts and possibly weapons he or she can use.
      • A gun is best used at a slight distance. This distance is an advantage to the shooter. Close this distance to turn the advantage to a disadvantage.
      • If you are even a little unsure play it safe and just give them what they want. Nothing you own is worth your life.
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      • You may have no other choice than to kill your attacker. As much as it would be distasteful, sometimes this is the safest option. But if you can avoid it, AVOID IT.
      • Be aware that the mugger may have many other weapons than the one used against you.
      • If the police are there, let them do their job. They are trained for this. Moving or attempting to disarm the attacker may result in you getting in the police's line of fire or getting shot by the attacker.
      • Killing or severely injuring someone, even in cases of extreme self-defense, can get you in trouble with the law and even incarcerated. Be sure to report any injuries you may inflict on your attacker so that they may get proper medical treatment.
      1. https://www.stevemunden.com/selfdefense.html
      2. Joseph Bautista. Self Defense Specialist, Martial Arts Instructor, & 1st Aid/CPR Instructor. Expert Interview. 30 April 2020.
      3. Joseph Bautista. Self Defense Specialist, Martial Arts Instructor, & 1st Aid/CPR Instructor. Expert Interview. 30 April 2020.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Disarming a criminal with a handgun can be very dangerous and should only be attempted as a last resort. One method is to grab their wrist with both hands and twist it away from you so the gun isn’t pointing at you. Put as much of your weight as you can onto their wrist and force the criminal to the ground. Alternatively, twist the gun to their right to break their finger in the trigger. First, grab their wrist with one hand to control the direction of the gun. Then, use your other hand to bend their wrist round, grab hold of the gun, and push it down to break their pointer finger. For more tips, including how to prevent a shooting without confronting the criminal, read on.

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      • Caleb Smith

        Dec 31, 2016

        "This tells you exactly what maneuvers to use, so I was able to understand it step by step."
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