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Familiarize yourself with basic martial arts moves and techniques
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Interested in learning Judo? You've come to the right place! Judo is a relatively modern martial art, created by Professor Jigoro Kano in 1882. Its roots lie in Jiu Jitsu, which was the original art used by the Samurai. It's a system of unarmed combat where the aim is to grapple with your opponent, and win by throwing them to the floor on their back, pinning them to the floor for 20 seconds, or performing a strangle or jointlock until they submit. In this article, we'll help you get started on your judo journey. Read on to learn more!

Where to Begin

Start by joining a local gym or club that offers Judo lessons, and get fitted for a gi, or uniform. Then, learn breakfalls, so you can take a fall without getting injured, then move on to basic offensive moves, like throws.

  1. Look to make sure there are people there of your own size and weight. You can learn the most by training with people who are a similar size to yourself. But make sure that the coach is a Black (or Red) Belt (the highest rank, depending on your country), especially above 1st degree. Having an experienced instructor is important not just for quality of learning but also for your safety!
  2. Get the Judo "gi" (pronounced ghee, commonly and incorrectly called a "kimono"), the judo uniform. The gi top is like a sturdy jacket for grip-training, and the pants roomy and good for movement. This can be acquired online, at sports stores, or through your club. Ask for help finding your size as they will be able to let you try on other member's jackets for comparison. Always bear in mind that your gi is likely to shrink when it is laundered. [1]
  3. Ukemi (breakfalls) are what stops the fall from hurting and, without them, you'll be black and blue very quickly. Falling the wrong way can also knock the wind from you, which is uncomfortable and cuts into your practice time. Done properly, getting thrown should not hurt at all. Protect your head. If you know someone is going to drop to their knees during a throw then tuck it in to prevent it hitting the mat. [2]
  4. Add new ones, expanding your moves. Learning cool new judo techniques will keep you motivated, but never forget to adhere to your basics. Watch the Judo masters: they often have a tournament arsenal no bigger than 4-6 throws. It's better to do a few judo moves well, than many moves badly.
  5. The conditioning may not seem fun, but you will feel ten times better on the mat if you practice a few cursory sweeping and balance drills regularly in your spare time. Drilling will increase your physical fitness, strength and stamina over time which will improve your performance. It will also build your "muscle memory" of different moves which will increase the fluency and ease you can perform them- particularly during a fight. "Muscle memory" is referring to the fact that muscles "remember" what they have done before and can replicate the move more easily. [3]
  6. This includes hold-downs, and for adults, strangles and armlocks too. Strangles and armlocks can win you a fight instantly if done correctly. Remember, most (real) fights are won on the ground. Training Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a great way to supplement your judo with ground techniques!
  7. Then when your teammates are shouting "Do ippon-seoi-nage!!" you'll know what they mean. Japanese terminology may also be needed for grading and used in competitions- you don't want to miss a judge's cue in a fight because you don't understand what they're saying!
  8. At gradings, this will work in your favour; for example, if you grasp your opponent's leg with your legs while you are being held down, the hold is broken.
  9. There is no substitute for practice, and no amount of reading about judo can replace actual practice, so stop being lazy and get stuck in!! [4]
  10. Having a healthy body (including a healthy weight) has a huge number of benefits, including leaving you with good stamina, making training easier and allowing you to fight with other people your fitness/size. [5]
  11. There are no stupid questions. Those beefy black belts are just normal people, and will be only too happy to help you learn their favorite sport.
  12. Learn counterattacks to basic judo throws, then when your opponent does a certain throw, you'll be able to use it to your advantage, particularly if you are small framed and often have a certain move used against you.
  13. Most players are only used to fighting right-handed, and they are often unable to defend against left-handed throws. (If you are already left-handed, you have a head start!)
  14. This means that even if the first move you try is anticipated, you can quickly transition into another. A rapid change in direction can help unbalance even more experienced opponents.
  15. For example landing in a hold-down, a strangle or armlock, directly from a throw or takedown. This dramatically improves your competitive advantage. [6]
  16. Although the sporting aspect of Judo is emphasized in modern practice, learning the history of the martial art, and understanding how Judo has evolved over the years will expand your horizons.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How old should I be to do Judo?
    Community Answer
    You could start at any age, as long as you are healthy enough to do it.
  • Question
    What do you mean by "dojo"?
    Community Answer
    A dojo is the place where you go to learn judo. You must always respect your dojo and follow dojo discipline.
  • Question
    Can I learn judo without a dojo?
    Community Answer
    Judo involves a large amount of practice with people your own size and weight and at various skill levels. A dojo allows you to train with others, and for an instructor to correct your techniques and give you tips along the way. The theory and principles of judo could be learned online, but the practical side is learned primarily in a dojo.
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      • Training with different people will always increase your skill.
      • Understand both the sport and martial art aspects of judo.
      • Different countries and organizations may have different ranks. When learning judo be sure to select a dojo with a well-ranked judo sensei (teacher). In the United States, a black belt is typically the highest rank in judo.
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      • Resist the urge to practice on non-judo friends or family. They won't know how to defend themselves and may get hurt
      • Don't boast about your abilities; modesty is part of the judo code.... (plus, there may be someone better than you, just waiting to wipe that smile off your face!)
      • You may have aches / pains / bruises after the first few sessions. We've all been there, but you will get better quickly, so it won't always be like that.

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