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Need to draw a cartoon man for a school project, greeting card for someone or just plain bored and looking for things to draw ? Follow this simple step-by-step how to for instructions on how to draw a cartoon man.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    Light blue in particular or yellow won't show up if you scan or copy your drawing, so you don't need to erase it. When you are happy with your picture, go over your best lines in black.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    Draw a circle , which will be the man's head.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    Draw a rectangle , attached to the man's head by a small line, which leaves a space to draw his neck. The rectangle will be the man's chest and stomach area.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    on the man.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    on the man , and a couple of fingers.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    to his arms.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    to his legs.
  8. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    on the man.
  9. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    on the man if you like.
  10. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    to the man's ears.
  11. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    , including his eyes, nose, mouth and eyebrows. Always remember that people's eyes are positioned halfway down their heads, not at the top. You can adjust his expression by the slope of the eyebrows and the angle or curve of the mouth.
  12. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    on the man.
  13. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    Some people find it more pleasing to only draw three fingers and a thumb, but it's up to you.
  14. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
    , including his pants and shoes. Don't forget that people's heels extend past the line of the leg.
  15. Watermark wikiHow to Draw a Cartoon Man
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  • Question
    How do I draw a fashionable dress?
    Community Answer
    Start off with a basic rounded rectangle shape. Add the sleeves. For the bottom, draw the basic shapes, and start constructing the final shape. Add details such as polka dots, stripes, zebra print etc.
  • Question
    How do I draw a man wearing a cloak?
    Community Answer
    First draw a collar, then take the inside lines that are closest to each other on the collar and then make that line as long as you want the cloak. Then take the outside line and make it parallel to the inside line and curve it a little. Then make the two lines on each side meet up at the bottom of the cloak at a point.
  • Question
    How do I draw a cartoon of a man in motion?
    Community Answer
    Draw some lines thicker towards the person and thinner as it moves away.
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      • Using a pencil instead of a pen or marker can prove helpful as it is much easier to correct any mistakes, because you can just simply erase the errors and start over again.
      • The source below provides a step-by-step video on how to make this drawing.
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