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Everything you need to know to preserve a beautiful bouquet of roses forever
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Drying roses is an important task, as they often hold sentimental value that we want to cherish. Whether you're unsure what to do with your roses from a wedding, dance , or just from your garden, drying them is a wonderful way to create a keepsake which will last for years. We're here to cover the best methods for drying and go over some tips on what you can do with them once they are dried. Read on to learn more!

How do you dry roses?

One of the easiest ways to dry roses is to hang them upside down in a cool, dark place. First, put a rubber band around the stems of your roses to bundle them together, then attach your roses upside down to a clothes hanger. Hang the roses on a hook or a clothesline for about two weeks, or until they’re fully dry.

Section 1 of 7:

Air-Drying Your Roses

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  1. You want a rose which has a nice bloom, but also no moisture or flaws. The moisture will cause molding and the flaws will be exaggerated in the drying process. You can use blooms which have opened a bit, but don't use a rose which is already beginning to fall apart and lose its petals. [1]
  2. You want to trim the stems, but not too short. 6 inches (15.24 cm) is a good minimum, but you can leave more length if you prefer. Remove the foliage from the stems. The leaves will not dry nicely and should be removed.
    • Leaves also hold water and will slow the overall drying process.
  3. Bundle all of the roses you will be drying and wrap a rubber band around the stems. Leave at least 2 inches (5.08cm) of stems beyond the rubber band. Continue wrapping the rubber band around the stem until the roses are secure. [2]
    • You can arrange the roses into a nice bouquet before drying so they are already prepared to be displayed.
  4. Find a room which you don't use often, like a laundry room, attic or a utility closet. The space should still have good ventilation to allow the moisture to escape. Stretch a clothes line or rope between 2 points in this room and tie it securely. Make sure it is sturdy enough to hold your roses.
    • You want to choose a dark space. The color of your roses will darken in the drying process, but exposing them to light will increase this color change, while using a dark space will reduce the alteration in the rose color.
  5. Do this by pulling some of the rubber band used to wrap the roses together over the hook of a hanger. If you have a hanger with an extra hook under the hanging hook, you can strap the roses there. Otherwise, pull some of the rubber band over the hanging hook of the hanger.
  6. Hook the hanger onto the line in the dark room and leave them to until they are dry. It can take several weeks before your roses are completely dry. [3]
  7. Once the roses are dry, they will be brittle. Remove them from the hanger and spray them with hairspray to reinforce and protect them from damage.
    • Use an unscented hairspray when spraying your roses.
    • Spray the roses lightly to avoid saturating the roses you have just dried.
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Section 2 of 7:

Using Desiccant to Dry Roses

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  1. Desiccant is a sandy-textured product which absorbs moisture from the rose encouraging it to dry quickly and evenly. There are several products you can choose from, including borax , cornmeal, alum , and the popular choice, silica gel . [4]
    • This method is also effective using sand.
  2. You want to be able to place your rose with the bloom facing up inside your air-tight container. Trim the stem to 2 inches (5.08cm), then test it in the container and make sure that it fits with room to cover the bloom with the lid. [5]
    • If the rose is too tall, trim more of the stem to fit the container.
  3. Pour 2 inches (5.08cm) of desiccant into the container. Push the rose stem into the desiccant so that the rose stands in place with the bloom facing up.
    • If you are drying more than one rose in a container, make sure there is at least one inch of space between the roses.
  4. Using a small cup, pour more desiccant over the bloom to cover the rose. Be sure that the desiccant fills between the petals. If the rose falls to the side, use a spoon to right it until it is balanced again.
  5. Cover the container with an airtight lid. You may also want to run some masking tape over the edges for extra security. Let the standard roses sit for 2 weeks. Mini roses should dry after 1 week. [6]
    • Write the date you sealed the container on the side of the container with a pen.
  6. Gently pour the container out into an oven pan. Pick up the rose by the stem and shake off the excess desiccant until the rose is clean. Gently brush the petals off if the dust persists.
    • If some residue is still stuck to the rose, pour a stream of desiccant over the trouble areas to drive the residue from the rose.
    • Pouring the silica desiccant into an oven pan preps you for baking the silica for reuse.
  7. Silica desiccant shows signs of moisture by fading or changing in color. If it has faded, blue is turning into pink, or orange is turning green, you will want to dry it out by baking the desiccant.
    • Pour the desiccant into a microwave safe bowl. Set your microwave to medium heat or defrost. Cook the desiccant for 2-3 minutes or until the color has returned to signify it is ready to use.
    • Remove the bowl from the microwave using an oven mitt. Both the bowl and desiccant will be very hot. Allow it to cool on a heat-safe surface for 24 hours.
    • If the desiccant is showing signs of moisture from a humid environment, you can bake it before the first use.
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Section 3 of 7:

Drying Roses in the Microwave

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  1. Before placing flowers in the microwave, ensure all excess moisture is removed. If water remains in the petals, they will not dry properly. Gently pat the flowers dry with a towel or shake them to eliminate any lingering moisture. [7]
  2. Covering the flowers with a layer of paper towels will ensure they don't get too overcooked in the microwave. After covering your roses, place another microwave-safe plate on top of the first plate. [8]
  3. Check the flowers to see if they're dry enough. If they're not, microwave them in 30-second intervals until they feel dry. Smaller flowers usually take less time to dry. [9]
    • If your microwave doesn't rotate, rotate the plate halfway through.
  4. Once the drying time has elapsed, inspect the rose petals to ensure they have reached your desired level of dryness. If needed, continue drying for additional intervals until the petals achieve your preferred dry texture. [10]
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Section 4 of 7:

Drying Rose Petals in a Conventional Oven

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  1. Using multiple sheets can increase your drying capacity. This method works best with petals rather than the whole stem, as the leaves may get dried out too quickly. [11]
  2. While oven temperatures can vary, this range is generally suitable for drying rose petals. Monitor the petals closely rather than relying solely on the oven temperature. [12]
  3. Start with a shorter drying time, around 10 minutes, to gauge how quickly the petals dry in your oven. Rotate the sheets if using multiple racks. [13]
  4. removing them once they appear dry and slightly crisp to the touch. Leaving them in the oven too long can result in very brittle or even burned petals, so keep a close eye on them. [14]
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Section 5 of 7:

How to Press Rose Petals for Drying

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  1. Place the rose petals evenly across the interior pages of a large book with coarse pages, rather than a glossy finish, as the paper material will better absorb moisture. [15]
    • Once the petals are in place, slowly and carefully close the book to ensure the petals stay in position for drying. You can try drying petals between multiple pages of the same book, but limit the number and space the pages out slightly. Be sure to mark the section of the book where your petals are drying.
  2. To give the petals a flattened look, place a heavy object on top of the book to compress them as they dry.
    • After the drying period, carefully remove the dried rose petals from the book pages.
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Section 6 of 7:

Maintaining the Color of Dried Roses

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  1. For best results when drying roses, select fresh flowers with partially opened blooms. Opt for vibrant, lively roses, as they will retain their color better through the drying process.
  2. Sunlight is not your friend when it comes to maintaining the original brightness of the rose before it's dried. To preserve the color of your roses, hang them in a dark, out-of-direct-sunlight location to dry.
  3. Dry the roses in a cool, well-ventilated area, keeping them away from fireplaces, space heaters, and other warm spots in your home. Exposure to warmth can cause the rose colors to fade prematurely.
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Section 7 of 7:

What to Do With Dried Roses

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  1. Potpourri is a fragrant mixture of dried flowers, herbs, and spices, often kept in a small container to perfume a room. By placing this aromatic blend in an enclosed space like a jar or sachet, the pleasant scent can gently diffuse throughout a smaller area. This simple yet effective technique is enhanced further by adding a few drops of nice-smelling essential oils to the potpourri. [16]
    • The potpourri mixture can be easily made at home and displayed in an attractive container when not in use. The delightful aroma of ingredients like rose petals can instantly brighten and refresh any room's atmosphere.
  2. Creating a dried flower bouquet is a simple way to repurpose old blooms into a new decorative piece. Start by gathering a vase or other container, then add your dried flowers, including any dried roses you may have on hand. Arrange the roses however you like, perhaps by attaching them directly to the stems of the other flowers.
  3. To create a beautiful wreath, ensure your flowers are completely dried before beginning. The best part of making a wreath is designing it yourself and choosing the placement. With a plentiful supply of roses, you could construct the entire wreath from them. Conversely, if you have fewer roses, complement them with other plants to craft a personalized design.
    • Consider making your wreath seasonal by incorporating bright fall leaves or spring flowers, depending on when your roses have dried. This versatile idea works with any rose variety, allowing you to create a charming, one-of-a-kind wreath no matter the petal color.
  4. Create a handmade card by arranging dried rose petals on a blank card or one made from cardstock. Experiment with different patterns and designs, adding other dried flowers or decorative touches as desired. Adhere the petals using a glue stick or craft glue, allowing it to dry completely. [17]
    • Once set, embellish the card further with ribbons, glitter, or markers. Finally, write your personalized message inside, and the thoughtful keepsake is ready to give.
  5. To make rose tea , bring approximately 4 cups of water to a boil. Place 1 tablespoon of dried rose petals in a teapot. Cover the dried petals with 2 cups of the boiling water. Reduce the heat under the kettle and remove its lid. [18]
    • Set the teapot on top of the kettle for about 5 minutes. This allows the tea to steep without boiling or cooling down too much. The rose flavor will infuse nicely into the hot water--no need to steep it for too long.
    • After a few minutes, once the rose petals have lightened in color, strain the tea into cups. Now, sweeten with saffron rock candy, honey, or sugar if desired.
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Expert Advice

Follow these tips when you're hanging roses to dry them:

  • Stagger the heads. When you're hanging roses to dry, hang them upside-down, and stagger them so the heads aren't touching. [19] If the air can't circulate around the flowers, it could lead to mold growth—that doesn't smell good, and it isn't good for your health.
  • Place them in a dry place away from the sun. Of course, when you're drying flowers, you want to make sure the environment won't be too humid. However, don't place your flowers in sunlight, because the sun will leech the color out of the roses and will make the petals more brittle.
  • Allow the roses to dry fully. Once your roses are hanging up to dry, leave them alone unless you're checking to see if they're ready. They'll be fragile, so don't move them until they've dried all the way.
Floral Designer & Owner, Gorgeous and Green

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  • Question
    Do the roses have to be microwaved as in the picture? It doesn't say so in the directions.
    Community Answer
    No, he's talking about the silica, not the roses. The picture doesn't match the text.
  • Question
    After a rose has dried, can it then be pressed?
    Community Answer
    Once the petal is dried, it is fragile and pressing it may cause it to disintegrate. Press the rose before drying, in order to get the pressed effect.
  • Question
    Can I just leave it in the silica gel for several weeks? The other methods leave the rose discolored.
    Community Answer
    You can try, but all of the above methods will cause the rose to discolor. Roses naturally turn a much darker color after they dry.
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      • For the best results, pick roses from your garden early in the morning, when the petals are dry. Choose only healthy, unblemished roses to avoid discoloration or rot during the drying process. [20]
      • Instead of an oven, you can also dry roses in a dehydrator. Simply place the roses evenly on drying rack, then set the dehydrator for 16 hours at 100 degrees, or overnight. [21]
      • Experiment! Different colors of roses might dry out with different colors, experiment to find your favorite.
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      1. https://fiftyflowers.com/blogs/flower-care/how-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers?return_to=%2Fblogs%2Fflower-care%2Fhow-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers
      2. https://fiftyflowers.com/blogs/flower-care/how-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers?return_to=%2Fblogs%2Fflower-care%2Fhow-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers
      3. https://fiftyflowers.com/blogs/flower-care/how-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers?return_to=%2Fblogs%2Fflower-care%2Fhow-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers
      4. https://fiftyflowers.com/blogs/flower-care/how-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers?return_to=%2Fblogs%2Fflower-care%2Fhow-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers
      5. https://fiftyflowers.com/blogs/flower-care/how-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers?return_to=%2Fblogs%2Fflower-care%2Fhow-to-dry-rose-petals-6-fast-easy-ways-to-preserve-flowers
      6. https://millarose.com.au/blogs/flowers/how-to-press-flowers
      7. https://www.venusetfleur.com/blogs/news/what-to-do-with-dried-roses-8-creative-ideas
      8. https://fluxingwell.com/how-to-make-pressed-flower-greeting-cards/
      9. https://mycaldron.com/2017/03/13/rose-tea-for-this-norooz/
      10. https://www.rhs.org.uk/shows-events/virtual-chelsea/wednesday/branch-out-mk-cic
      11. https://www.lonelypinesfarm.com/how-to-harvest-dry-rose-petals/
      12. https://shesrootedhome.com/how-to-preserve-and-use-dried-flowers/#

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      After you've selected roses with a nice blooms to dry, trim the stems so about 6 inches are left and remove all of the leaves as they don't dry well. Next, wrap a rubber band around the stems of the roses you want to dry before hooking the band over the hook of a hanger. Hang the hanger from a rope for 2-3 weeks in a dark room, because the darkness will reduce the roses' change of color as they dry. Once the roses are dry and brittle to touch, spray them with an unscented hair spray to help preserve them. To learn how to dry roses with desiccant, keep reading!

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        Oct 1, 2016

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