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Are you trying to figure out if a Facebook friend has restricted you from seeing their posts? While you won't be notified by Facebook when someone restricts your profile, you can usually figure it out based on a combination of factors, including a lack of friends-only content. This wikiHow article will teach you easy ways to determine whether you've been added to someone's restricted list.

  1. If asking your friend point-blank about the issue isn't an option, visiting their Facebook profile is the next best thing.
    • The "Restricted" list is different from the "Blocked" list in that restricted users can still view public posts and posts on mutual friends' pages from the person who blocked them. [1]
  2. This is usually indicative of a gap between private posts and public posts . If you've been restricted, you won't be able to see the private posts, hence the space here.
    • Depending on when your friend made their public posts, you might not see a gap here even if you have been restricted.
  3. These will likely appear below the empty space if there is any. If there's a "Public" globe to the right of every post's timestamp, you know that you aren't seeing their private posts. [2]
    • This doesn't necessarily mean they've restricted you--they may have simply decided to post only public items.
  4. Not being able to see photos or other content that you could before might mean you've been restricted. [3]
    • It also might mean that your friend simply deleted their posts.
  5. Even if you can't see private posts or their old photos, your friend may have just deleted their old information and locked down their account to retain privacy from all of their Facebook friends (not just you). You can verify this by having a mutual friend look at your friend's Timeline and tell you if they see anything that you don't. [4]
    • Even just asking them if your friend has posted recently when you can't see any account activity from the past month or so will accomplish this goal.
  6. There is always a possibility that the action was performed in error since the "Restricted" list is in proximity to the custom list section.
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  • Question
    I was unfriended on Facebook. I can see the public posts, and am able to read the comments and see the likes I did. Now I only see the pic. Why is that?
    Community Answer
    It's most likely because whoever commented blocked you. Either that, or the person's page you are on has his/her posts filtered so you can't see his/her friends.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a friend has restricted me from seeing their posts?
    Community Answer
    The only way you can tell for sure is to ask someone else if they can see any posts from that person. If they can see posts that you can't, then you'll know that person has blocked you from seeing their posts.
  • Question
    Have I been restricted if I can see a friend's profile on Facebook and see their posts if I go to it, but I don't receive them on my timeline?
    Community Answer
    Either that, or you may have accidentally unfollowed them. Go to their page and click on the menu where it says you are friends, and see if it says unfollow.
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      • If you've been restricted by Facebook itself, you won't be able to log into your account. [5] You can submit an appeal if you feel as though you've been restricted in error. [6]
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      • Don't push your friend for information about the restriction if it turns out they did restrict you.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Go to the friend’s profile.
      2. Look for empty space at the top.
      3. See if any of their posts are public.
      4. Check for a sudden lack of posts.
      5. Ask a mutual friend to compare.

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