How do you know if you're toxic?
This quiz said that I'm toxic but I don't agree with that! I don't think the questions are very fair. Is it toxic to want your best friend's new friends to be nice? Is it toxic to think that drama is just a part of life? Toxic would be like, actively manipulating people or harming others for your own gain. Can other people who took this quiz please let me know what they got and tell me if they agree
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bro even from your post u sound kind of defensive and potentially toxic so maybe you have some self reflecting to do...
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@WikiChinchillaRunner697 You sound kinda toxic. If you don't believe it, why did you take this test anyway? Like one of the comments said, you have toxic potential.
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We don't know for sure if anyone is toxic. Sometimes the kindest-acting people are toxic inside. And wouldn't you agree that we all have toxic potential?
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I can agree with that. I think everyone has a bit of toxicity in them but overall, that's just normal.
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I got a little toxic and I agree. Drama is fun, but I would help somebody if they were down
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I got not toxic but I do think drama is fun.It is like action but overall I am not toxic have a good day
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I got "You're not toxic!" without trying very hard so I don't think this quiz is skewed towards giving people the toxic result
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OMG TOXIC ALERT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?😳😳😳😳😳😳😳‼️‼️‼️‼️🤯🤯🤯😱😱😮😮😮‼️😰😰😰😲😲😲😲😰😰😰😯😯😨🙀🙀😧😧😦😦😦😦
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ummmm guysssss stop now all of yall a just being toxic and besides he is not respondin lol
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The test said im not toxic! TBH tho, i want to help everybody and anybody that needs it but I bottle up my own emotions and sometimes they can explode. And when that happens everyone take cover.
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Honestly same. I get to points at times when I can struggle to regulate my emotions and I usually end up separating myself so I don’t say something I don’t mean
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exactly! because my friend's parents sometimes get a little nasty to her (they have good intentions, though) and she needs support, so I don't want to overwhelm her with my mental/emotional issues.
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Same here! And I really think I'm not toxic, I don't say it as: Oh, I'm better than you. No!!!
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I agree with WikiChinchillaRunner697 tbh. it said I was toxic but none of what I answered were bad things. I feel like they need better questions...
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Look, this is just a quiz. It ain't accurate, so stop being defensive about it. Arguing with other people isn't going to make someone toxic or not.
Also, in my opinion, some actions are very hard to see if it is toxic or not because they can affect people in different ways. Some people will act positively and others negatively. 'Toxic' can't be put into one tiny definition, just like with many other words.
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Also, in my opinion, some actions are very hard to see if it is toxic or not because they can affect people in different ways. Some people will act positively and others negatively. 'Toxic' can't be put into one tiny definition, just like with many other words.
I got "you are not toxic!" its true for me but I did not really try that hard and stuff. also Wikichinchillarunner697 you sound toxic plus retake it if you are unhappy about what you got and, if you are toxic you should go and reflect to nicer to people around you. best regards!
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dude, you may have done other things that made you toxic, and besides, I got toxic and no complaints here.
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It said that I'm toxic. And while I can sometimes be manipulative, I'm NOT Toxic.
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but manipulative can be toxic, though. the definition google gave me was: A toxic person is someone who brings conflict and negativity to your life. They're often controlling, manipulative, and even abusive.
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it says i'm a little toxic, and the best friend's new friend question got me. but to the best friend's new friend, i don't think just wanting your best friend's new friend to be nice is necessarily toxic, but if the friend wasn't nice? i think the test assumes that you would then straight up shove the new friend away, without even trying to understand why. to the drama-life, it's true, drama is a part of life, but the test assumes that you don't even try to avoid the worst of it, that you even willingly get into it. that might count as toxic.
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I'm not toxic but I think it's true because I'm really kind to others and I show kindness to everyone and that whenever I see someone that is sad I go over and help them but when someone's getting bullied I go and stand up And yeah
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Wikichinchillarunner697, I got I'm not toxic but I agree with you does it mean that youe mean , does it mean that you hate drama
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I aggre with WikiLynxJammer804, WikiChinchillaRunner697 sounds kinda toxic NGL (not gonna lie)
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Apparently I'm an angel? I thought I was toxic but it must just be half of the people I know? I dont think this quiz is accurate but it's cool that it didn't humble me lol
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Strangely , when I read my results I was surprised because I expected my results to say that I was at least a little toxic. My results said I wasn't at all and in fact it said " Is that a halo I see above your head. I was like that is weird and felt uncomfortable that it was determined the opposite . Although most of the time I don't live toxicly (lol) I swore I had some . insert Shrug. thankful though that I consistently have self reflections and make changes often. -Lisa
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I got "super toxic." The creators don't actually know what toxicity is so they simply apply it to anyone who isn't 100% altruistic. I wouldn't worry.
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I totally agree with you. Even though it said that I wasn't toxic, you have a great point. Someone needs to edit this quiz.
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EXACTLY. Just because drama is a part of life doesn't mean I actively enjoy it! Or that success is extremely important to me.
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I got super toxic... Because I basically said "oh yeah I try to accept anything." Bruh
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I got not toxic and I really believe it! I feel I'm the least toxic in my group of friends.
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Same stuff picked, chose mostly sweet answers, but I chose something like “I don’t care much” on the personal growth and that could be it. Dunno if it means I’m toxic those wtv
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The quiz doesn't say you're manipulative ,it just says you have some problems which you can fix...
I believe you're a good person at heart but you have to accept your mistakes to improve, not straight up absolutely deny your faults.
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I believe you're a good person at heart but you have to accept your mistakes to improve, not straight up absolutely deny your faults.
It said i am not toxic(YAY) i have a boyfriend, and i love him very much! But he seems to be distracted all the time, is he just busy? Please help >_<
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Said im a little toxic. Pretty much agree but it is true some of the questions could use a little improvement. Mostly great though!
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I got super toxic which I’m kinda seeing now, I used my ex best friend for a year and didn’t like her the whole time and she even said I was toxic, the most toxic person she’d ever met
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I got a little toxic but I'm literally the biggest gossip in my whole school lol :D
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I chose the options for wanting your best friend's new friend to be nice and that drama's just a part of life, and I got not toxic, so it could have been your answers to other questions that might be the problem.
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The test said that I'm not toxic! [ I was worried, and my friend totally agrees that I'm not toxic just energetic}
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My results said that I'm NOT toxic! I thought I was a little bit, but I guess I was wrong! I do agree with WikiChinchillaRunner697. The quiz is sort of unfair. Computers can be wrong sometimes. Have a good day everybody and I hope if you got TOXIC, you really should reflect and think about what I said about computers being wrong sometimes. <3 (No, my username isn't sus. It just goes by random.) ( ;
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its more about reading between the lines of the answers you’re supposed to select instead of the ones that actually reflect your past experiences
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i really dont im a good person but this quiz says otherwise...... IM JSUT A PROTECTIVE FRIEND AND THE MOM FRIEND
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I got "a little bit toxic" honestly I kind of agree.... trying my best to be less but a lot of people think I'm kind of bossy and annoying. This test need better questions (not because I'm annoyed with my result, just no one is going to answer that once they learn a secret the "immediately tell it to everyone". If that's your response, you need HELP)
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Ngl it called me a little bit toxic I feel hurt but I'm worried I may have unintentionally hurt people. this is good it brought it to my attention and I can grow as a person
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Bro you sound toxic cause your post just sounds kinda rude and disrespectful, if you don't like what you got then you can retake it. It also sounds like u need sometime reflecting on urself....also Toxic means that you are, disrespectful, rude, manipulative, and harming others and more and ur post dispalyed almost all of that... also whomever is reading this, sorry for my bad spelling :3
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This quiz said I'm super toxic. I don't know if I believe that because it's just how I am. I just don't share very much, am closed off, don't share my emotions, and am always angry. I don't know if that counts as super toxic or not.
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I'd say if you're not blaming other people for your own mistakes, taking your emotions out on others, or being a sarcastic jerk you're probably good.
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Drama isn't part of life, and is to be avoided and you have nothing to do with your best friends' choices so yes, you sound quite toxic.
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I would advise you to take a close look at your own behavior, even your thoughts and feelings, and think about how people who are even a bit toxic or moderately toxic might act or feel, and compare, see if you are, see what you have in common with toxic folk.
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I got a little toxic, and I agree. Also, I'd just say you're a sensible person. I like that.
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why not do a bit self reflection , put your ego aside for a while , think , fix a few stuff and you're good to go!!!!!
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i got i am not toxic and i agree wanting your friends friend to be nice and being ok with drama isn't necessarily toxic but your attitude is...sorry
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I don't think your toxic endless you personally go out to hurt someone so I agree with you don't listen to anyone who's saying your toxic because none of these people know you in real life
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I'm not, odd,but I'm not in a relationship but I'm trying so bad to get someone named Zack people are saying he likes me back and wants me
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