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Picking up after your dog is far from glamorous, but it must be done. Most dog owners understand the importance of picking up their dog’s waste, so it can be especially frustrating to see dog owners that blatantly refuse to perform this duty. Figuring out how to convince these owners to change their ways can be difficult. However, by asking them the right way, informing them of the risks and consequences of not picking up after their dog, and providing them with the right collections tools, you may be able to get them to change their ways.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Asking People to Pick Up Their Dog’s Waste

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  1. Talking to another dog owner about picking up their dog’s waste can be uncomfortable, but asking the owner directly to pick up after their dog will often work to fix the problem. There are many reasons people don’t pick up after their dog. Maybe they think no one notices or that their actions (or non-actions in this case) don’t directly affect those around them. Asking the person directly lets them know you, and others, have noticed their actions and are being affected negatively by them.
    • Some people choose to leave notes or signs around their communities in hopes that the culprit will take notice and correct their actions. While this may work to create awareness of the problem, it may not persuade someone who doesn’t believe they are doing anything wrong or who doesn’t think anyone knows they are the culprit. [1]
    • If you are going to leave a sign, however, it may help to make it humorous. Some people respond better to funny or witty notes about picking up their dog’s poop.
  2. Although you are probably fed up and mad at a dog owner that isn’t cleaning up after their dog, approach them in a friendly manner. Yelling at them may make them defensive and angry and will likely do more harm than good in resolving the issue. [2]
    • Don’t confront them when you are angry. For example, maybe you just saw this person’s dog go to the bathroom in your front yard and you witnessed the owner walk away without picking it up. If you are too angry to have a friendly conversation with them about it at this time, wait a few days and confront them once you have calmed down.
  3. It’s possible this person doesn’t realize how their neglect in picking up after their dog is negatively affecting those around them. When you ask them to pick up their dog’s waste, give them a reason why you want them to do so. [3]
    • For example, say “I know it can be unpleasant picking up after your dog, but my children play in our front yard often and I am afraid they might get sick from your dog’s poop. Can you please pick up after your dog?”
  4. When confronting someone on this issue, don’t exaggerate the truth or make up reasons they should comply with your request. Be honest with them about why you want them to pick up after their dog and what could happen if they don’t. [4]
    • For instance, don’t tell someone that their failure to pick up after their dog is ruining the lives of everyone in the community. This is likely an exaggeration of the truth and may be brushed off as such.
    • Instead, tell them that you are frustrated that you have to continually pick up their dog’s poop to keep your kids from getting in it. Be honest about how their actions are negatively affecting your life. Hopefully they will relate to your truthfulness and change their ways.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Informing People of the Consequences

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  1. It is also possible that people who don’t pick up after their dogs are unaware of your neighborhood’s rules on the subject. When you ask them to pick up after their dog, be sure to let them know that this is a practice all dog owners in your community are expected to perform. It is not optional.
    • You could say, “We take picking up after our dogs very seriously in this area. Everyone is held accountable for picking up after their pet and we, as a community, help enforce this policy. If this issue remains a problem, you could face a fine and nobody here wants it to come to that.”
  2. Another reason people might think it is okay to leave their dog’s feces on the ground is that they believe it will break down naturally. This is not the case, however. Dog waste can actually take months or years to break down, and when it does it can deposit loads of toxins and bacteria into the soil. If you find someone who is not picking up after their dog, open up a conversation with them and discuss some of the reasons this is an unhealthy practice.
    • Another common misconception people have about dog poop is that, like cow poop, it can be used as a fertilizer. They might also believe that the next rain will break down the feces and wash away any dangerous bacteria it carries. The fact is, the safest way to dispose of dog waste is to bag it and throw it away, every time. [5]
  3. Leaving your dog’s waste on the ground carries some serious health risks for both people and dogs. Unfortunately, many dog owners may not be aware of these risks, and therefore, don’t understand the implications of not picking up after their pet. Let them know how leaving feces on the ground can impact their health, their family’s health, and the health of their dog.
    • One gram of dog waste contains 23 million fecal bacteria. [6]
    • A dog can track a variety of dangerous pathogens into the home by stepping in their own waste. These pathogens can include a number of things like E. coli, giardia, and tapeworms. [7]
  4. Dog waste that is not taken care of can also affect the environment. It contains toxins that seep into the soil as they decompose, ultimately affecting our fresh water supply. Once again, dog owners may not be aware of the severity of the effects that not picking up after their dog can cause.
    • Water filtration systems are not designed to filter out dog waste. Eventually, it will make its way into our rivers, lakes, oceans, and our drinking water.
    • The Environmental Protection Agency warns that dog waste is as harmful to our environment as chemical and oil spills. The pathogens contained in dog waste can make local waters unusable and can cause serious illnesses in people. [8]
  5. The fact sheets can include information about the importance of picking up your dog's waste and the consequences of not doing so. Keep some of the sheets on you when you go out so you can give them to dog owners you run into. If you see someone not picking up after their dog, you can give them one of your fact sheets and kindly explain your reasoning for doing so.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Providing People with the Right Collection Tools

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  1. One of the most common excuses heard for why an owner isn’t picking up after their dog is that they forgot to bring a bag. A simple solution is to offer them one. Make sure you carry poop bags with you at the dog park or on a walk around your neighborhood and offer them to people who neglect to pick up after their pup.
    • If you see someone failing to pick up after their pet try saying something like this: “I notice you didn’t pick up after your dog. Do you need a bag? I’ve got plenty and I’ve forgotten one before so I’m happy to give you some!” Chances are, the person will accept your offer and pick up their dog’s waste.
  2. Making sure bags are available 24/7 can also help with this problem. If your neighborhood or local dog park does not have bag dispensers, contact your local officials to suggest they be added.
    • When contacting your local officials, calling their office may be more effective than writing a letter or email. Speaking in person about an issue at a community meeting can also be very effective.
    • Whichever method you use, make sure you are polite, respectful, and provide suggestions on how to fix the issue instead of just complaining. Also, avoid sending a pre-written mass letter or email. These will most likely get a cookie-cutter response without receiving much attention. Finally, do your best to speak to someone specific. Research your officials and ask to speak to the person most likely to take action.
    • Be prepared to support your request with information about the health and environmental risks dog waste can have. This will make your argument much more convincing and, hopefully, you’ll receive quicker action.
  3. In addition to having bags readily available, garbage cans need to be easily accessible as well. If they aren’t available in public places, like dog parks, place a call to your county’s waste department and suggest garbage cans be added. People will be more likely to pick up after their dog if they know they’ll be able to quickly dispose of the bag of waste.
    • Also, ensure these garbage cans are placed in the most heavily trafficked areas. The more convenient they are to people, the more likely they are to get used.
  4. Some people may not be physically able to pick up after their dog using a bag. They may have back problems that prevent them from being able to bend down, or have a particularly sensitive gag reflex. If you run into someone facing these problems, suggest they use an alternative method. There are several types of devices made for these issues:
    • The most common device is a stick with a bag attached to the end. You simply scoop the waste into the bag from a standing position, tie the bag, and dispose of it.
    • There are also bag-less products that suck the waste up through a tube. When you’re ready to dispose of your dog’s poop with these devices, you just press a button on the device and release the waste into a garbage can.
    • For those who don’t like to carry a poop bag around, there are products that allow you to clip to your dog’s waste bag to its leash until you find a garbage can. Some of these products include the Poopy Carrier, The H-Clip, and The Fifth Paw. You can also make your own carrier by attaching the bag to the leash with a binder clip.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Taking Action With Continual Offenders

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  1. If the suggestions above aren’t working, you may have to use more advanced approaches, depending on your situation. Some people find it helpful to set up video cameras around apartment buildings and in communities. If people know they are being watched, they’re more likely to comply with rules regarding pet waste.
    • This isn’t an option for everyone. For example, as a homeowner in your community, you may not have enough pull to get cameras installed, but this can be a very doable option for people who own rental properties.
  2. DNA testing is also being used in some cases. Some apartment complexes are resorting to collecting the DNA of any dogs living in their buildings. If there is a recurring problem, the waste collected can be tested and matched to the dog and owner.
  3. As a last resort, alert the authorities about someone who refuses to pick up after their dog. The right authority might be the president of your home owner’s association, your landlord, or in very extreme cases, the police. If someone continually refuses to pick up after their pet, there may be no other option than to impose whatever penalties are stipulated in your community.
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      • Peer pressure is often very effective in getting people to comply with rules and regulations. Do your best to get those around you to always pick up after their dog and others will feel obligated to as well.
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