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Plant vs. Zombies is a fun and challenging game, but to many people, this game is a little too tricky. Eventually you'll get the key to your Zen Garden, where your pet plants go. They have little purpose on the gameplay levels, but the Zen Garden is a good way to earn coins to buy new plants or minigames. All the plants in the Zen Garden give you coins and sometimes even diamonds (1000 coins value) as you tend them. More plants mean more money. You can buy up to 3 Marigold sprouts a day from Crazy Dave or you can find them for free during game play.

  1. It doesn't matter whether you play on adventure mode to get some or buy some from Crazy Dave.
    • You can get free plants by playing the mini games or adventure. They are dropped by zombies the same way coins or diamonds are.
  2. 2
    Prepare for your garden. Buy some fertilizer and bug spray. Eventually you can buy different garden areas if you have some aquatic or nighttime plants. Be aware that other garden plots cost quite a bit of coins, and it's better to only buy another plot if you have more than one plant for the area.
  3. If you want to get a mushroom plant, for example, play a night level.
    • The plants that are easiest to get are land plants, since the majority of the game takes place on levels with land. Water plants are found only in pool levels, night plants at night, and those used on the roof are in roof levels.
  4. Sometimes instead of a money award, you will get a gift box containing a pot with a sprout in it. Be sure to click on it when it shows up!.
  5. Put fertilizer on the sprouts when they ask for it and it will grow to a young plant. These are Marigolds bought from Crazy Dave.
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  • Question
    How can I grow my tree of wisdom if fertilizer isn't working?
    Community Answer
    You need to buy tree food from Crazy Dave's shop.
  • Question
    Can I get cattails into the zen garden? I really want one!
    Community Answer
    I'm sorry, but you can't - only adventure mode plants. You cannot get any plants from Crazy Dave's shop in your zen garden.
  • Question
    I don't get number 4: "Try every plant your lawn has two rows of" for getting Zen Garden plants. How do I "try" a plant?
    Community Answer
    It just means to put two of the same plant in a row in different columns to increase your chances of getting a present with a sprout in it.
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