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Lose fat from your pubic area the healthy way with our expert guide
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A FUPA, which stands for “Fatty upper pubic area,” is a layer of excess fat and skin around your pelvis that can protrude or hang over your pubic area. Both men and women can develop a FUPA due to weight gain, weight loss, aging, or genetics. While it’s not necessarily unhealthy to have a FUPA, it can affect your self-esteem and comfort, so you might want to get rid of it. In this article, we spoke with fitness and nutritional experts to learn what exercises, lifestyle changes, and medical procedures can help get rid of a FUPA.

Reducing a FUPA: Quick Guide

To shrink a FUPA, do exercises that strengthen your core muscles like planks, leg raises, hip lifts, and crunches. Incorporate cardio and a healthy diet to help lose excess belly fat. For a stubborn FUPA, consider noninvasive procedures like CoolSculpting or surgeries like liposuction or a tummy tuck.

Section 1 of 7:

Best Exercises to Get Rid of a FUPA

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  1. Planks strengthen your core and abdominal muscles, while also working your back and shoulders. They can be challenging at first, so it’s okay to hold yourself up with your forearms or if you can only hold the pose for a few seconds. To do a plank : [1]
    • Lie down on your stomach and place your elbows directly under your shoulders. Stretch your legs back and pull your toes toward your shins.
    • Tighten your core and lift your torso up from the floor. Keep your shoulders back and centered over your elbows.
    • Make sure your back is straight, your hips are in line with your body, and your knees aren’t bent.
    • Hold the pose for 5 to 30 seconds, or longer.
    • Keep your core tight and back and legs straight as you lower your torso to the floor. Then, relax your body.
  2. Leg raises work your abdominal muscles. They also help strengthen your back, hips, and thighs. To do a leg raise : [2]
    • Lie down on your back with your arms at your sides.
    • Lift your legs straight in the air and over your hips to form an “L” shape.
    • Contract your core, breathe in, and slowly lower your legs back to the floor. Make sure you keep your shoulders and back on the floor.
    • Exhale and raise your legs back up and over your hips.
    • Repeat 8 to 12 times for 2 to 3 sets.
  3. This staple pilates exercise works out your core and abdominal muscles. If this exercise is challenging at first, it’s okay to bend your knees or do fewer than 100 arm pumps. To do the hundred: [3]
    • Lie down on your back and extend your arms on either side of you.
    • Lift your head, neck, and shoulders slightly off the ground while keeping your back firmly on the floor.
    • Tighten your core and raise both legs at a 45° angle, ensuring they’re straight.
    • On an inhale, pump your arms up and down beside you 5 times. Then, exhale as you pump your arms up and down 5 times.
    • Repeat 10 times for a total of 100 arm pumps.
  4. This classic exercise strengthens your abs. You can also try a different crunch variation, like bicycle crunches , reverse crunches, or side crunches . To do basic crunches : [4]
    • Lie down on your back. Then, bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor—keep them about 12 to 18 inches (30-46 cm) from your bottom.
    • Clasp your hands behind your head. Then, bring your shoulder blades together and pull your elbows back.
    • Tighten your core and inhale.
    • On your exhale, raise your torso and upper back off the floor, bringing your rib cage toward your pelvis. Keep your head in line with your spine, your neck relaxed, and your feet, tailbone, and lower back on the floor.
    • Inhale and lower your torso back onto the floor.
    • Repeat 8 to 12 times for 2 to 3 sets.
  5. Rollups work out your abdominal muscles. To do a rollup: [5]
    • Sit up straight on the floor. Extend your left leg in front of you and bend your right leg so your foot is flat on the floor.
    • Extend your arms above your head.
    • Slowly lower your back to the floor, allowing each vertebrae to make contact with the floor, one at a time.
    • Contract your core and slowly roll your torso back off the floor, lifting each vertebrae off the ground one at a time.
    • Repeat for 30 seconds. Then, switch your leg positions and repeat the exercise for 30 more seconds.
  6. The Superman pose strengthens your core. It also works out your back, glutes, and shoulders. To do the Superman: [6]
    • Lie down on your stomach with your arms extended above your head and your legs straight back behind you. Keep your head in line with your spine.
    • Tighten your core. On an exhale, raise your legs and arms several inches off of the floor. Just make sure you keep your back straight.
    • Hold the position for several seconds. Then, inhale and lower your legs and arms back to the floor.
    • Repeat 8 to 12 times for 2 to 3 sets.
  7. This exercise works your core and abdominals. If you can’t lift your hips all the way off the ground in the beginning, aim to lift them 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm). To do a hip lift: [7]
    • Lie down on your back and extend your arms on either side of you, palms facing the ground.
    • Lift your legs straight above your hips, extending them at a 90° angle (so your feet are parallel to the ceiling).
    • Contract your core and inhale. On an exhale, raise your hips off the ground and press your feet to the ceiling.
    • Inhale and lower your hips back to the ground, keeping your back and legs straight.
    • Repeat 8 to 12 times for 2 to 3 sets.
  8. Burpees are a full-body exercise that work out your abdominals, shoulders, chest, thighs, glutes, arms, and back. This exercise is also a great cardio workout that gets your heart pumping. To do a burpee : [8]
    • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Bend your knees until you’re in a squat position and place your palms on the ground in front of you.
    • Contract your core and jump or walk your feet straight behind you into a plank position. Just keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Bend your elbows and lower your torso to the floor to do a push-up .
    • Jump or walk your feet back to the starting position so they’re directly behind your hands.
    • Stand up straight again and jump, extending your arms straight above your head.
    • Repeat 8 to 12 times for 2 to 3 sets.
  9. The knee tuck is a great exercise for your abdominal muscles, calves, and shins. Because this exercise uses a stability ball, it can also improve your balance and stability. To do a knee tuck: [9]
    • Lie down on your stomach on a stability ball and place your hands and feet on the floor, about shoulder-length apart.
    • Tighten your abdominal muscles and walk your hands forward, allowing your legs to lift up from the floor. Align your back with your legs and keep them both straight.
    • Keep walking until your thighs are on top of the ball. Pull your shoulders back and down and position your hands under your shoulders.
    • On an exhale, pull your knees (and the ball) toward your chest until they’re under your hips. Your hips will lift and your shins will rest on top of the ball.
    • Hold the position for several seconds. Then, inhale and push your knees back so you’re back to the starting position.
    • Repeat 8 to 12 times for 2 to 3 sets.
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Section 2 of 7:

Diet & Lifestyles Changes to Get Rid of a FUPA

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  1. Getting regular cardio exercise helps burn excess fat, which can help you shrink your FUPA. Aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio each week, which is about 20 minutes each day. [10]
    • Do any type of cardio you enjoy! For instance, walk, jog, swim, cycle, or take an exercise class.
    • To fit cardio into your workout routine , fitness trainer Laila Ajani recommends that you have “three days that you allot for just strength training” and “on the other three days…do something that gets your heart rate up,” whether you “go for a jog or go for a hike or get on the Stairmaster.” Then, she says to build a rest day in your schedule to help your muscles recover and strengthen.
  2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet . Eating nutritious foods not only helps you be healthier, but it can also help you lose your FUPA. Prioritize lean protein, healthy fats, complex carbs, vegetables, and fruits in your diet while limiting sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods. [11]
    • For instance, add chicken, salmon, eggs, tofu, chickpeas, quinoa, brown rice, avocados, almonds, cashews, and olive oil to your diet.
    • When changing your diet , clinical nutritionist Tara Coleman recommends that you “start with one thing at a time” to help it stick. She suggests that you “start with breakfast, or start with one small change” and then “build on that rather than trying to overhaul everything at once.”
  3. Burning more calories than you eat is an effective way to lose weight , which can help you get rid of your FUPA. To ensure your weight loss is safe and maintainable, aim to cut around 500 calories each day. This helps you lose about 1 pound per week. [12]
    • NASM-certified personal trainer Laura Flinn agrees and says, “When I work with someone on their weight loss goals, I advise them to aim for 1-2 pounds a week for a healthy weight loss.”
    • Use an online calorie tracker, like MyFitnessPal , to get a baseline reading of how many calories you normally consume. Coleman says, “I would log your food for a week or so, look and see what's happening, and then come up with a plan of action for the week moving forward.”
    • Burning calories from exercise can also make up your caloric deficit. For instance, you might do cardio to burn 250 calories and then eat 250 fewer calories that day, too.
  4. When you’re stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which lowers your metabolism and makes you crave fatty, sugary foods. If your stress is long-term, this can lead to weight gain and a larger FUPA. So, manage your stress with strategies like: [13]
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Section 3 of 7:

Can you spot reduce fat from a FUPA?

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  1. Flinn says, “Unfortunately, we can’t target certain areas for fat loss.” She explains that “core exercises will help tone and strengthen [the] belly, but they won’t necessarily burn fat in this area.”
    • However, Flinn asserts that “a combination of clean eating, cardio, and resistance exercises will burn fat overall.” So, making exercise and lifestyle changes can help you get rid of a FUPA.
Section 4 of 7:

Noninvasive Medical Procedures for a FUPA

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  1. CoolSculpting works by freezing fat cells around your abdomen and FUPA. The cold temperature destroys the cells, causing your body to expel them. During the procedure, your doctor moves a cold, suctioning device along your upper pelvic region. [14]
    • CoolSculpting works best for people who have small areas of fat that resist diet and exercise. [15]
    • It usually takes 2 to 4 treatments to achieve the results you want. Most treatment sessions last 30 to 60 minutes.
    • There is no required recovery time for CoolSculpting.
    • You typically start seeing results after 1 month.
  2. Laser lipolysis uses heat from a laser to break down and destroy fat cells. Your doctor applies the laser applicator and a cooling device to your skin—you may feel some warmth or a tingling sensation as the laser works. [16]
    • Good candidates for laser lipolysis are people with small, stubborn pockets of fat.
    • You typically need several treatments to get the results you want. Each appointment usually lasts 25 minutes.
    • There is no recovery time for getting laser lipolysis.
    • You usually start seeing results around 6 weeks, which are fully apparent by 12 weeks.
  3. Radiofrequency lipolysis uses radio waves to heat and destroy excess fat cells. During the procedure, your doctor holds the device 1 cm (0.4 in) from your skin. [17]
    • You may be a good candidate for this treatment if you have small areas of fat that resist diet and exercise.
    • Most people need 1 to 4 treatments to get results. Each session lasts around 30 minutes.
    • There is no recovery time associated with radiofrequency lipolysis.
    • You typically start seeing results within 2 to 3 weeks.
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Section 5 of 7:

Surgical Procedures to Get Rid of a FUPA

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  1. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from your body. Before the surgery, your surgeon places you under local or general anesthesia. They then use a small tube to suction the fat cells from your abdomen or FUPA area. [18]
    • Good candidates for liposuction are people who are average weight and have skin with good elasticity, allowing it to “snap” back in place.
    • Recovery can take up to 6 weeks, though you can usually return to work within a few days. The surgery may take up to 6 months to fully heal.
    • After the surgery, you may have bruising, swelling, and soreness. You might be left with a scar from the incision, too.
  2. A monsplasty removes excess skin and fat from your mons pubis, which is the area over your pubic bones. Your surgeon then lifts the tissue to tighten and reshape the area. Most surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. [19]
    • Recovery can take up to 8 weeks and you can usually return to work within 2 weeks.
    • During recovery, you might experience swelling, bruising, soreness, bleeding, and some pain. The surgery usually leaves you with a scar.
  3. A panniculectomy removes hanging, excess skin and fat from your lower abdomen. Your surgeon then sutures the upper and lower abdominal skin to create a flatter, tighter area. You are usually placed under general anesthesia. [20]
    • It can take several weeks to recover from the surgery and you can typically return to work after 2 to 3 weeks. [21]
    • You may experience swelling, bruising, soreness, and fatigue as you recover. The skin on your stomach might be numb for a few weeks, too. Your surgeon usually cuts 2 incisions, which can result in scars.
  4. An abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat along your abdomen to flatten your stomach. During the procedure, your surgeon also repairs weakened muscles to tighten the area. You are typically put under general anesthesia. [22]
    • Recovery can take up to 6 weeks and you can usually return to work after 2 weeks.
    • After the procedure, you might have swelling, bruising, and soreness and feel a pulling sensation. The surgery typically creates a scar.
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Section 6 of 7:

What causes a FUPA?

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  1. It’s completely normal to have a layer of fat over your lower abdomen and mons pubis, as it protects your pubic bones. Developing a larger FUPA can come down to several factors, like: [23]
    • Genetics : Some people naturally carry excess fat in their lower abdomen and pubic area instead of other places on their body (like their arms or thighs), even when they’re at an average weight. This is why some "skinny" people may still have a FUPA.
    • Aging : Lifestyle and body changes related to aging, like chronic stress, poor sleep, less activity, muscle loss, and hormone changes (like menopause), can lead to weight gain around the FUPA. [24]
    • Weight gain : Gaining weight all over the body can also cause a FUPA to appear larger.
    • Weight loss : When some people lose a large amount of weight, they are left with excess skin that hangs over their lower abdomen and pubic area. [25]
    • Pregnancy and childbirth : Some people gain stubborn fat around their pelvic area during pregnancy. Their skin might also stay loose in this area after giving birth. [26]
Section 7 of 7:

Can a FUPA go away?

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  1. If you’ve recently gained some weight, exercising and eating a healthy diet can typically help a FUPA go away. [27] If your FUPA is resistant to exercise and diet changes, nonsurgical procedures can get rid of small amounts of stubborn fat. If you’re dealing with hanging skin and excess fat, surgical procedures are typically your best option. [28]
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      1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/exercise/faq-20057916
      2. https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/features/healthy-eating-tips/index.html
      3. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/calorie-deficit
      4. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/stress-and-weight-gain
      5. https://www.americanboardcosmeticsurgery.org/procedure-learning-center/non-surgical/fat-reduction/
      6. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/cosmetic-plastic-surgery/procedures/cool-sculpting#frequently-asked-questions-tab
      7. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/nonsurgical-fat-reduction/laser-lipolysis
      8. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/nonsurgical-fat-reduction/radiofrequency-lipolysis
      9. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/11009-liposuction
      10. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/23372-monsplasty
      11. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/reconstructive-procedures/panniculectomy
      12. https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/aftercareinformation/pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=acg9344
      13. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/procedures/11017-tummy-tuck
      14. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/articles/lift-your-confidence-and-possibly-sexual-satisfaction-with-a-pubic-lift
      15. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/hidden-causes-of-weight-gain
      16. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/23372-monsplasty
      17. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/23372-monsplasty
      18. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/tips-for-losing-belly-fat
      19. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/articles/lift-your-confidence-and-possibly-sexual-satisfaction-with-a-pubic-lift

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