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Are you dating a Leo man and ready to make your relationship official? Leos are known for their fiery passion and white-hot energy, but they can be complex when it comes to matters of the heart. In this article, we'll share everything you need to know about getting your lion to commit so you can make him the king of your heart.

How to Take Your Relationship With a Leo Man to the Next Level

Show him that you’re loyal and committed to your relationship by showering him with attention, keeping your eyes on him when you’re in groups, complimenting him, and giving him a lot of physical affection.


Compliment him.

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  1. Leos need to feel appreciated and loved at all times. Men born under this sign are also notorious flirts, so if he isn’t getting the praise and attention he wants from you, he might seek it elsewhere. You can nip that kind of behavior in the bud and keep him hooked by keeping the compliments flowing. [1]
    • You might say something like, "You are hands-down the hottest guy in this room! I feel so lucky to be here with you."
    • You could also try, "How are you so good at bowling!? Normally, I'd be upset about losing, but you look so cute when you bowl a strike..."
    • One of the worst things you can do to a Leo is withhold affection. Your man needs to be noticed and his pride simply can’t handle being rebuffed.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 976 wikiHow readers what they would do if a Leo in their life opened up and shared something personal. 86% agreed that the best way to respond is by showing empathy, understanding, and kindness (like with a thoughtful compliment!). [Take Poll]
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Give him plenty of physical affection.

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  1. Leos want to be loved and petted, especially in public. And since this sign expresses themselves through touch, it’s very important to maintain a physical connection with your guy—in public and behind closed doors. You can do things like:
    • Hold his hand, hug him, and kiss his cheek in public
    • Run your fingers through his hair on the dance floor
    • Caress his ears and scratch his chin affectionately in private

Make sex a priority.

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  1. Fiery lions tend to have impressive libidos, so let the passion flow freely between the two of you. Fun fact: Leos are especially into mates that are uninhibited and sexually adventurous. Be open to experimentation, let loose, and have some fun behind closed doors! [2]
    • Make an effort to surprise him. For example, ask him to share one of his fantasies and find a way to indulge him.
    • Leos are typically dominant in the bedroom, but once you gain his trust, don’t shy away from taking the reins every now and then.
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Let him take care of you.

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  1. Leos are coming from a sincere place, though—the comfort of their loved ones is extremely important to them. In general, they prefer to be the breadwinners, but that doesn’t mean your man doesn’t want you to work!
    • That said, if you happen to make more money than him, try not to flaunt it too much.

Be sociable and fun.

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  1. At parties and gatherings, your man probably bounces around the room, mingling with everyone. He’s a charming conversationalist and wants nothing more than to have his mate by his side as he works a room. If you can keep up with him, he’ll see you as his ideal partner in crime. [3]
    • For example, if he invites you to a party or event, make sure he knows you’re super excited about it. Dress to the nines and enjoy yourself—he'll love it.
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Be honest with him.

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  1. Since your relationship is in the early stages, even a little white lie might make your Leo suspicious of you. It can be tough to earn back a lion's trust once you lose it, so do your best to be honest and forthright no matter what. [4]
    • If he asks you to share your thoughts or opinions, be an open book.
    • Tread carefully when it comes to criticism, though. Leos can be sensitive in that respect. For example, instead of saying, "That orange shirt doesn't suit you at all," try something more tactful like, "I really love that blue button-down. You look so handsome in it! Will you wear it for me tonight?"

Let him have the spotlight.

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  1. Your man is a bit of a show-off—he can’t help it, it’s in his nature! He wants a mate who loves socializing as much as he does, but at the end of the day, he wants to be the one to sparkle at every event. Give him space to shine and he’ll fall head over heels for you.
    • For example, if you’re chatting in a group and the conversation rolls around to something your man is good at, encourage him to talk about it. You could say, “You know, Robert is so good at chess. He used to compete! Bob, tell everyone about your time as a chess champion...”
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Allow him to take the lead.

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  1. Leos are the kings of the zodiac, which makes them natural born leaders. In other words, your man can be a bit of control freak! Since he prefers to be in the driver’s seat, try to indulge him. That doesn’t mean he isn’t open to sharing the reins with you, but initially, he wants to feel like he’s in control.
    • For example, he’d prefer to plan most of your dates and outings. If you try to plan a surprise date for him, he might fret about details or feel a bit emasculated. He needs to know where you’re going, how you’re getting there, and so on.
    • If you're at a restaurant that he's familiar with, ask him for entree or wine suggestions. You could even ask him to order for you.

Support his goals and ambitions.

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  1. Men born under this zodiac sign tend to have ambitious career goals. They tend to be key players in a professional team setting and often prefer to take the lead. Your man will love it if you support his ambitions, encourage him move up the corporate ladder, or even start his own business so he can be the boss. [5]
    • For example, you might say, “Derek, have you thought about asking the CEO for a promotion? You’re basically running that department and you have been for months. I think you should go for it.”
    • Or, “You’re woodworking skills are incredible. Have you considering making this a full-time career? You have the talent to do that, I’m sure of it.”
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Show him that you’re loyal.

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  1. Leo is a fire sign, which means your man can be possessive and a bit jealous, too. A Leo needs to know that you're loyal to him and only him before he commits, so take every opportunity to show him you’re all in. [6] You can do things like:
    • Keep your gaze fixed on him no matter how many cute guys are in the room
    • Shower him with plenty of attention (especially in social situations)
    • Reject any guy that approaches you without hesitation

Try to overlook his stubborn side.

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  1. Once a Leo makes up his mind about something, you’ll be hard pressed to get him to change it. Additionally, the very notion that he might be wrong about something really ruffles your man’s mane. If you need to correct him, tread carefully so you don’t hurt his pride.
    • For example, if you’re arguing about directions, avoid saying, “I’ve been to this restaurant before and I’m certain you took the wrong exit.” Instead, go with, “We can take this exit if you’re sure. I trust your sense of direction. I’ll check my map app in the meantime just in case, though.”
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Learn How to Attract a Leo Man with this Expert Series

Leo men are adventurous, fun-loving, and spontaneous. You will need to be able to go with the flow to attract this fire sign, so we've put together this expert series to help you attract the Leo of your dreams.

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