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The best positions and steamy tips for a sexual morning wakeup
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Sex is a great way to unwind at the end of a long day, but there’s no need to save all the fun for nighttime! If you and your partner wake up feeling perky, why not take advantage of it and start your day off with—well, a bang? We’ll show you how to have the best morning sex, show you the best positions, and share the surprising benefits of first-thing frisky business.

Top Morning Sex Tips

Wake your partner up with loving, gentle touches or an embrace. Once they’re awake, get things started with some foreplay and intimacy. Then, if you’re both feeling it, move on to an easy, low-energy position, like spooning, and see where it takes you.

Section 1 of 3:

Enjoying Sex in the Morning

  1. Spontaneous sex can be thrilling, but it isn’t always practical—especially when you have things to do and places to be. [1] If it’s a lazy weekend morning, though, don’t be afraid to have an unplanned romp in the sheets. Otherwise, plan for it the night before and set a pleasant alarm 30-60 minutes earlier than usual, so you have plenty of time.
    • To be spontaneous, you might wake up your partner with gentle kisses, then lead into some sexy touching. If they’re into it, try going on to your preferred type of frisky fun.
    • You might plan even further ahead, or establish a day that generally works. Maybe you drop the kids off at grandma’s the night before so you can enjoy a morning to yourselves.
  2. Get your partner awake and ready to go with some slow and sensual foreplay . Start by gently rubbing their back in slow strokes. [2] Once they’re awake, gently rub your hands up their thighs to get them in the mood, or smooth your hands over their shoulders, neck, chest, or any other sensitive areas where they enjoy a gentle touch.
    • Slip out of your pajamas and spoon your partner to get some skin-to-skin contact while you massage them.
    • Licensed counselor Tara Vossenkemper reminds us that communication and consent is key. Don’t perform sexual acts on your partner if they’re still asleep, and respect their boundaries if they say they’re too tired or not in the mood.
  3. It can take a little time to get going in the morning, especially if you’ve gotten up extra early. Instead of aiming for anything wild or energetic, take it slow and easy. Start with some kissing, cuddling, and pillow talk, then gradually work your way up to more intense action. [3]
    • If there isn’t any time pressure, take some time to spoon and snuggle afterwards. You could even go back to sleep for a few minutes before hopping into the shower and getting your day started.
  4. It’s harder to get in the mood when you’re groggy and sleep deprived. If you’re interested in morning sex, get to bed a little earlier than usual the night before so you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to go. [4]
    • For example, if you usually go to bed at 11 p.m. and wake up dragging the next day, try pushing your bedtime back to 9:30 or 10:00. That way, your energy levels will be higher when you wake up.
  5. You don’t have to be totally groomed and Instagram perfect before having morning fun, but having a minty fresh mouth will make the experience more enjoyable for everyone. [5] Hop out of bed and give your teeth a quick brush before you start making out, or do it while you use the restroom after you wake up.
    • If you’d rather get straight to the action, keep some mints or breath freshening strips in your nightstand for a quick fix.
    • If you’re gonna brush your teeth afterward, wait for 1-2 hours. Irritating your mouth after oral can lead to greater risk of infection. [6]
  6. If you’re not a morning person, you might feel like morning sex is too much work. It doesn’t have to be, though! If one of you is more rambunctious right after waking up, they can take care of most of the action while the sleepier person takes it easy and enjoys the ride. Let your partner know beforehand what you want and expect. [7]
    • For example, if you’re the more energetic one, you might get on top or go down on your partner while they lie back and relax.
  7. It can take extra time to get aroused—and to finish up—if you’re groggy in the morning. Using a toy can help give you the extra stimulation you need for some truly fantastic morning sex. Grab a vibrator or another favorite toy and use it on yourself or your partner to enhance your experience. Just be sure to wash it after! [8]
    • If you’re worried about sexually transmitted infections, avoid sharing toys with your partner. If you do choose to swap toys, cover your toy with a fresh condom every time you trade off.
  8. Morning is the perfect time for shower sex, especially if you’re pressed for time. Climb into the shower with your partner and get it on—then stay there and rinse off when you’re done! [9]
    • Incorporate washing into your foreplay. Lather up your hands or a loofah and gently wash some of your partner’s most sensitive areas.
    • If you need extra lubrication, opt for a silicone-based lube . Silicone lubes won’t rinse away as easily as some other formulations.
  9. If you have the time, make breakfast in the buff with your S.O. Get creative with your food and incorporate it into foreplay or make it part of the main event! For example, sit in your partner’s lap and sensually feed them strawberries, or lick off some strategically placed whipped cream. [10]
    • Or, spring for a breakfast in bed to warm your partner up and introduce a little loving seduction. When you’re done eating and you’re both satisfied and content, get frisky!
  10. There’s something to be said for the occasional brief but intense early morning encounter. If one or both of you has somewhere to be, but you’re both feeling it, try some quick and passionate lovemaking. Even if you don’t climax, you can still have fun—and treat it as a preview of coming attractions later in the day! [11]
    • A quickie doesn’t necessarily have to be penetrative sex. It could be oral, a quick hand job, or even just some brief but intense making out.
  11. If you’re like most people, chances are you tend to wake up with a full bladder. It’s hard to focus on pleasure when you’re desperate to pee, so take a minute to do your business before you get started. To prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs), it’s always a good idea to go again once you’re done. [12]
    • If you’re prone to UTIs, peeing both before and after sex will reduce the risk even more.
Section 2 of 3:

Best Morning Sex Positions

  1. Cowgirl, when one person lays on their back and the other straddles them, is a fabulous position for morning sex. For one, it lets one partner lay back and relax while they’re still shaking off some sleep. It also doesn’t have to be too intense—take it slow, then ramp up the energy as you both settle into it.
  2. Spooning is a great way to start any day. It’s lowkey, doesn’t require too much effort, and makes sure you and your partner stay warm and cuddly while you get down. It’s a great position to start with, then transition to more involved positions if you feel like it. [13]
    • It’s also a great way to signal to your partner that you’re ready to roll. Give them a tight squeeze from behind as you line up your hips and kiss their neck.
  3. Sixty-nining is a great way to enjoy oral sex without either of you feeling left out. It doesn’t have to be too involved, either, if both of you are lying on your sides. Or, just go for regular oral and take turns making each other feel good, or even just treat your partner to a one-sided session. This is a great idea if one of you doesn’t mind not climaxing early in the morning. [14]
  4. The bed is the best place for doggy, since you can both comfortably kneel on the mattress without killing your knees. Or, bend over the bed for a more intense experience. Either way, doggy takes a little more energy, so build up to it with other positions, first. [15]
  5. In a blanket position, one partner lays on top of the other while they both face each other and embrace. It’s a cuddly, snuggly, sexy way to get a little action without working up a sweat, and is super intimate. We definitely recommend brushing the morning breath away first, though.
  6. Morning sex doesn’t have to involve penetration! If you and your partner are still groggy or don’t feel up to going all-out, take it easy and use your hands instead. [16] Explore your partner’s body with your fingers, use your mouth to kiss their sensitive areas, and get plenty of skin contact to have a steamy time without all the other work.
Section 3 of 3:

Benefits of Morning Sex

  1. Great sex boosts your confidence, and gets your day off on the right foot. [17] It also gets the blood pumping and your brain working, kickstarting your systems and making sure that, by the time you climb out of bed and get showered, you’re up and alert, ready to tackle whatever comes next. [18]
    • If you’re really going at it, sex is also a great workout, and what better way is there to start your day than with some light exercise?
  2. Sex has been shown to reduce blood pressure and lower anxiety levels, which can be the perfect way to start a long day. [19] When you’re satisfied and feeling good first thing in the morning, that relaxed vibe will follow you all through the day.
    • Plus, it gives you something to remember as you make it through your day. Positive thoughts about your partner are a great way to calm your mind.
  3. When you have sex in the morning, it might take a minute to get going, which is actually perfect. That way, the man in the equation has more time to rev his engine, which means he’ll last longer. Plus, neither of you are stressed or tired about the day yet. Licensed acupuncturist Tracy Zollinger, Dipl. OM, L.Ac., FABORM, tells us that “if you're in a stress state, your hormonal levels change and your libido does go down,” so do it now, while your libidos are at their peak!
  4. Sex releases positive hormones and chemicals in your brain, like oxytocin and endorphins. It also lowers your cortisol levels. Both of these together mean that your brain is activated and enriched, your mood is boosted, and your stress levels go way down. [20]
    • Oxytocin is also key in various anti-aging processes in your body, like muscle repair and function. [21] That means sex can also help you look and feel younger.
  5. Studies show that people who have sex once or twice a week possess more antibodies, like immunoglobulin, that can help prevent illnesses. [22] Sex also lowers your risk of heart disease. [23] It’s kind of like taking your vitamins first thing in the morning!.

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    How do I ask for better sex?
    Nicole Moore
    Love & Relationship Coach
    Nicole Moore is a Love and Relationship Coach and the Founder and CEO of Love Works Method, a private coaching and digital course service for women looking to find the right partner. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in body language and helping others take control of their dating life, attract a partner, and build a strong relationship. Nicole has been featured in numerous publications such as Cosmopolitan, Forbes, and USA Today. She also hosts Love Works with Nicole Moore, a podcast for modern women wanting love, dating, and relationship advice. Nicole holds a BA in Public Relations and Spanish from Syracuse University and a Certificate in Personal Coaching from New York University.
    Love & Relationship Coach
    Expert Answer
    Start the conversation by praising your partner for what they are doing right. Then, discuss what you think needs to change. Positive reinforcement at the beginning of a difficult conversation goes a long way in helping the other person feel respected and not criticized. Remember—ask for what you want instead of focusing on what you don't want.
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      • A lot of people tend to be more sexually charged when they first wake up in the morning. That’s partially because testosterone levels usually peak early in the day. While you may think of testosterone as a “male” hormone, it helps boost sexual arousal in people of all sexes. [24]
      • Morning sex is more enjoyable if you keep it relaxed and low-key. Don’t worry too much about goals like making sure you have an orgasm. Instead, just take it easy and focus on the moment!
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