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A Pisces man is quite a catch! He's intuitive, generous, and easy-going, so you might be surprised when he begins testing you. This is just his way of checking to see whether you two are compatible. Don't worry—in this article, we'll show you exactly how a Pisces man tests you, and give you advice on how to respond.


He ignores your calls or texts.

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  1. You may be tempted to keep calling or texting if you don't hear anything from him, but this is usually a huge turn-off. He'd rather see that you're patient or doing something with your life instead of just trying to get ahold of him.
    • If you choose to have a relationship with a Pisces man, take the time to discuss communication needs. For instance, you might want to check in every day or two with a quick call or text. The key is to find a balance that works for you both.
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He gives you the silent treatment.

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  1. You probably know that a Pisces likes you if he wants to spend lots of time with you. However, if he's testing you, your guy will go silent just to see how you react. He wants to know if you'll respect his privacy or if you'll become angry and argumentative. Give him some time and don't push.
    • The silent treatment is not okay if you feel like he's doing it to punish you—say, you're in a committed relationship with him and you two have been fighting. If this is the case, blow off some steam and talk about your problems.

He spends more time with his friends.

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  1. He'll probably hang out with his buddies to see if you get jealous or demand that he spend more time with you. You'll pass this test if you have a calm discussion about spending time with each other—don't make demands, but be understanding.
    • As time goes on and your relationship becomes stronger, communication becomes even more important. If you feel like he's not spending enough time with you, it's important to bring that up.
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He pushes your buttons.

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  1. If it seems like he's trying to provoke you, it's because he's curious to see if you'll explode in anger, or if you'll calmly react and won't let him get under your skin. He's looking for someone who can regulate their emotions , so don't rise to his bait! You might choose to put some space between you, ignore what he said, or calmly explain how you feel.

He doesn’t like making plans.

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  1. He acts like a slippery fish! If you reach out to set up a date or make plans, he probably won't take well to it. A Pisces guy likes to be the one taking charge here. This is also his way of testing whether or not you give up on him—are you truly interested enough to put in the effort?
    • The best thing you can do is casually signal your interest. Send him a short text like, "Are you doing anything this week?" to put the ball in his court.
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He cancels plans once you’ve made them.

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  1. As a mutable sign, Pisces can be indecisive, so don't be surprised if you finally make plans only to have him cancel on you. [1] He wants to see if you'll get upset and demand that he stick to the plans, or if you'll be understanding and go along with his change of schedule. He wants flexibility.
    • Think about what you want in a relationship—if you want someone steadfast that you can rely on, then make commitment a priority. If you're fine with a fun, casual relationship , then don't stress when he cancels on you.
    • If you're alright with him canceling, keep an upbeat attitude and say something like, "No worries! We'll get together another time."

He wants alone time.

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  1. A Pisces man wants to see if you'll give him the space he needs. It's easy for him to become emotionally drained and need to recharge. When he says he wants to be alone, he's testing you to see if you'll insist on hanging out or if you'll be fine giving him the alone time that he truly needs.
    • He's looking for someone who's independent , so don't worry about him when he needs his space. Trust that he's getting a break and do something you enjoy.
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He acts hot and cold.

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  1. A Pisces guy can be very subtle sometimes, but his temperament might change at the drop of a hat. One minute, your guy might be cuddly and affectionate; the next, he's quiet and brooding. Because Pisces is the sign of duality, it can be one of the most extreme signs of the zodiac.
    • He's looking to see if you're flexible and can roll with his moods. Take a deep breath and focus on your own well-being when he's in a bad mood. Remind yourself that this mood will soon pass!

He tests your boundaries.

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  1. A Pisces might disregard your boundaries to see if you stand up for yourself . You've probably already established some basic boundaries in the relationship—think of these as how emotionally or physically close you let him get. You might have boundaries about how physical you are with each other, how often you'll communicate, or what you expect from each other emotionally. He may start disregarding your boundaries to see what you'll do. Since he's good at enforcing his boundaries, he wants to see if you can do the same.
    • Stand up for yourself and explain your standards. He'll be impressed that you don't let him push you around.
    • For example, if you've asked him not to call you late at night, but he starts calling once you've gone to bed, ignore his calls and remind him that you don't accept calls after a certain time.
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He pulls away.

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  1. If your Pisces man is falling for you, he'll love the sense of loyalty he feels, but he'll also be afraid to lose his sense of freedom, especially if he's not sure you're also committed to him. This makes him confused, and he may distance himself from you while he figures out what he wants. [2]
    • The best thing you can do is be non-confrontational, but supportive. Let him know that you're around when he wants to talk, but focus on your own interests or spend time with your friends.

He questions your loyalty.

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  1. If you haven't been going out very long, he might seem jealous or ask questions about what you've been up to. At this point, he's trying to figure out whether or not he'll let himself get emotionally involved with you. Answer his questions honestly and your relationship will be off to a great start!
    • Over time, a Pisces guy will realize that you're committed and that he can trust you completely.
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Join the Discussion...

Had my first date with a Pisces guy a few days ago and I think we really hit it off but I've never dated a Pisces before and would love any tips/advice/insight about what it's like. Can you tell me what to expect or watch out for?
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Pisces is super sensitive and compassionate, and they want someone who's just as flexible and romantic as they are. If you try to force a Pisces to do anything or come at them too harshly or too directly, they're going to run. They're masters of ghosting!

You really need to be romantic towards your Pisces. They love it when you put imagination into the relationship: flirting, sending gifts, really wooing them. So make sure if you're dating a Pisces you're willing to put some effort and creativity in!
Pisces men are naturals at becoming emotionally in tune with their partners. They care deeply about understanding you and want to make you feel safe and secure. They're also often romantics at heart. This combo of characteristics makes them loving, empathetic partners. But I might be a little biased because I have a thing for Pisces men haha

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        Apr 21, 2024

        "Explained what is happening with my Pisces lover."
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