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Tell if a piece of glass is from Murano using these close-up tricks
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In 1291, the mayor of Venice, Italy ordered that all glass factories move to the island of Murano to prevent harmful factory fires from affecting Venice. [1] Since then, Murano glass has developed a reputation for beauty and color. Murano glass is first identified by its location, then its factories, and finally its designers. You can identify these sources with a certificate of authenticity, a master glass maker signature or a Murano glass catalog.

Murano Glass Markings

Murano glass is marked with a sticker or stamp that says “Made in Murano,” however, some glass with this stamp is counterfeit. Check for a signature on the glass, and ask your seller for a certificate of authenticity.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Cursory Ways to Identify Murano Glass

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  1. If it says “Made in Italy” or “Made in Venice,” it is not likely to be Murano glass. These are two ways outside glass makers try to convince tourists that the item was likely made in Murano without stating it is. [2]
    • An item that is labeled “Made in Murano” may be counterfeit. Currently, many items are made in China and sold in Venice as Murano glass.
    • Similarly, if the item says “Murano-style” it is unlikely to be authentic Murano glass.
  2. New glass from Murano should be accompanied by a certificate from the factory, guaranteeing it is Murano glass. If bought and sold by art or antiques dealers, it should accompany the piece of glass in all sales.
    • Murano glass made before 1980 is unlikely to have a certificate, so this is only a surefire identification method for new glass.
  3. These are the most commonly counterfeit items, sold as Murano glass, but made elsewhere. Move on to the next identification methods to identify whether or not it is Murano glass.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Identifying by Sight

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  1. This is something only a trained eye and glass expert can do with reliability.
  2. If you are looking at buying an item, it is better to identify it through a signature of a master glass-maker, a catalog or an authenticity certificate.
  3. The following are master glass makers from Murano: Ercole Barovier, Archimede Seguso, Aureliano Toso, Galliano Ferro, Vincenzo Nason, Alfredo Barbini, and Carlo Moretti. There are many more master glass makers that worked at Murano glass factories over the years. [3]
    • If the signature looks as though it has been scratched into the surface after it hardened, with a carbide-tipped pen, it is likely a counterfeiter trying to sell a fake piece as a designer original.
    • You will need to move on to the next method to find whether the signature is in the correct place. Catalogs will tell you about signature and label placement.
  4. Murano glass is hand-blown, meaning there should be bubbles and asymmetrical qualities.
  5. While hand-blown glass is not completely uniform, these mistakes are rarely made.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Identifying by Catalog

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  1. com. It is a good primer for the techniques and styles of Murano glass. You may want to refer back to it when you are looking at factory catalogs.
  2. Factories have catalogs of at least their current offerings, but possibly also their vintage glass. Look on 20thcenturyglass.com to find popular Murano glass factories, and then search for their websites so that you can request a catalog.
  3. If the authenticity is still in question, you should contact a local glass antique expert and show them all the information you have. Although experts are not 100 percent accurate, they will have an easier time identifying it than almost anyone else.
    • If you can’t find an expert, try posting pictures and information on an antique glass forum. You may be able to discover more creative ways of identifying the glass.
    • A good indicator that a Murano piece is genuine is the cross-hatched pattern sometimes found on bases and the pinch pliers artists use often have their own identifiable patterns. And remember: if a piece of Murano sounds too cheap to buy, it's more than likely to be fake because even a small 5" vase can often cost hundreds of pounds.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Is Murano glass always colored all the way through?
    Community Answer
    Murano Glass may have any number of colors of any depth throughout the piece, or a Murano Glass piece may be completely transparent. Coloring alone does not provide any indication of the origin of a Murano Glass piece.
  • Question
    I got a folded Murano piece at a second-hand store. There are three lines on the bottom that say 'Yalas', then 'Casa' and, lastly, 'Murano'. How old is it, and is it worth anything?
    Community Answer
    Because it has the print, it could have been made anytime from the mid-to-late 1800s up to the 90s. Yalas Casa Murano makes beautiful pieces, and if you go to Italy, real murano gass can be worth thousands of dollars. The value really depends on the piece's legitimacy, condition, and size.
  • Question
    Do all Murano pieces have the artist's signature on them?
    Community Answer
    Yes, unless it is an original sketch in which the painter never thought of publishing, such as a doodle, in which case there would be no proof. To find a signature, look at the bottom-right or -left corner.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Certificate of authenticity (can be faked)
      • Murano glass factory catalogs
      • Factory label
      • Designer signature

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      An easy way to identify Murano glass is to look for a sticker or stamp that says “Made in Italy” or “Made in Venice.” Make sure the label doesn’t say anything else, since counterfeiters typically try to trick buyers with labels like “Made in Murano” or “Murano-style” glass. Since Murano glass is hand-blown, examine your piece for irregularities, such as air bubbles or asymmetrical patterns, which indicate it's authentic. For a more detailed list of patterns and styles, look up the “Murano Glass Glossary” on fossilfly.com. If you’re still unsure whether your glass is authentic, contact an antique glass expert for their professional opinion. For more advice, like how to identify Murano glass by the glass maker’s signature, keep reading!

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      • M. K. Gilbert

        Apr 11, 2017

        "I recently began browsing eBay, and stumbled upon all the listings for beautiful Murano glass. While most of the ..." more
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