Reaching out to your celebrity crush through social media or meeting them in person can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Whether you’re planning to see them at an event or you’re simply dreaming about what they’ll think when they get your fan letter, chances are you’ll want to make a good impression. While there’s no guarantee that your crush will see or reply to your message, you can still have a lot of fun crushing on your favorite celebrity. Be your authentic self in whatever outreach you do, and keep your tone light, flirty, and fun. This way, if your crush does meet you or see your message, you’ll put a smile on their face.
Plan out what you’ll say and do when you meet your crush. Whether you want to pose for a photo, ask a question, or connect with them in a meaningful way, strategize your approach beforehand. Research what your celebrity crush does outside of their blockbuster work. Check out past interviews to see what makes them laugh or smile. Use this to try to come up with something that they might appreciate. Laughing with them and smiling when you see them in their interviews will make you feel happy and will help establish those connections with your celebrity crush. [1] X Research source
- Rehearse your opening line in your head, or try practicing it with a friend. This way, your mind won’t turn to mush when you approach your celebrity crush; you’ll have something to say right away. While rehearsing your opening line, be yourself just like you need to do once you meet them. [2] X Research source
- Picture yourself meeting your celebrity crush. Think about what the experience will be like, and try to process your feelings of excitement so that it will feel more natural when it happens.
Open with a smile and a friendly greeting. Whether you run into your celebrity crush on the street or you have a meet-and-greet ticket, focus on making a great first impression. Make eye contact, introduce yourself, and smile warmly. Ask them questions about themselves and get to know them as a person. Doing this will help you establish a good solid friendship with them. [3] X Research source Regardless of how much time you have to connect with your celebrity crush, start off naturally, as you would when initiating a conversation with any other person.
- An easy-going opener may make a conversation with your celebrity crush more likely to happen.
- If you need to take a moment to calm your nerves, do this before you approach your celebrity crush. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time stopping your nervous giggles or crazed facial expression.
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Refrain from apologizing when you want to show appreciation. Even if you’re nervous, avoid rambling on with things like, “I’m so, so sorry to bother you!” or “I never, ever do this but my friend dared me to come over and talk to you!” Instead, introduce yourself and directly say or ask what’s on your mind. This will show that you respect your celebrity crush’s time and that you’re confident in yourself. [4] X Research source
- Try something like this to get your celebrity crush’s attention without apologizing: “Hi, Chris? My name’s Lisa. I’m such an admirer of your work; your first album inspired me to start writing music.” It’s genuine, specific, and appreciative and doesn’t involve the word “sorry.”
- A celebrity will probably feel more at ease accepting a compliment than trying to fend off or forgive your apologies.
Avoid discussing topics that relate to your crush’s celebrity status. If you start your conversation by gushing over their latest movie or album, they’ll see you as a fan, and only a fan. If you have the chance to speak with them, treat them like any other normal person. Ask about their favorite books, foods, or places to visit. Try to find shared interests you can talk about, and aim to make your conversation natural and memorable. [5] X Research source
- Don’t try to get a behind-the-scenes peek into their life. If they want to share a secret with you, they will.
- Steer clear of commonly-asked questions like, “What’s it like to work with [another famous person]?” or “How long does it take to film each new episode?” These are questions they regularly face when talking to fans and interviewers.
- Reader Poll: We asked 860 wikiHow readers what conversation topics they like to bring up with their crush, and 62% of them said hobbies and fun things they’ve done recently. [Take Poll] These are also great topics to discuss with a celebrity crush!
Respect your celebrity crush’s personal space. Your crush might not welcome all physical contact. Pay attention to their body language and look for cues about what’s okay. Refrain from going in for a bear hug unless they initiate it. Don’t accidentally-on-purpose bump into them to get their attention. Making this mistake will blow your chances of a good first impression with them! [6] X Research source Ask before attempting a hug or snapping any photos with your celebrity crush. If they decline a hug or photo-op, respect their decision to say “no.”
- You don’t want to be remembered as that person who invaded their privacy!
- If they put their arm around you when posing for a photo, you’re probably safe to put your arm around them as well. [7] X Research source
Follow the codes of conduct for the situation you’re in. This is especially important if you’re at an organized event such as a meet-and-greet or a queue for autographs. Don’t hold up the line with a complicated selfie stick setup. If photos aren’t permitted, don’t take any. [8] X Research source
- If you encounter your favorite celebrity within a private environment or activity, such as a doctor’s waiting room or outside their child’s school, don’t try to approach them. [9] X Research source
- If you’re in a more public place, wait until it’s an appropriate time to introduce yourself. Don’t interrupt your celebrity crush in the middle of a conversation, and refrain from mobbing them if they’re clearly trying to lay low. [10] X Research source
Wait to ask for a photo until the end of your conversation. Focus on having a memorable, genuine connection with your celebrity crush first. If they feel at ease around you, they’re more likely to agree to a photo. [11] X Research source Plus, you’ll have an incredible memory to take with you as well.
- Don’t be surprised or disappointed if your celebrity crush doesn’t agree to a photo-op. Snap a mental picture instead and you’ll still be able to savor the memory.
Upload a cute profile picture if you reach out on social media. If your celebrity crush does see your comment, DM, or post, they’ll see your profile picture first. Choose a flirty but PG photo as your profile picture. Make sure your face is visible in the picture and that it shows off your personality. [12] X Research source
- Don’t include a picture of or reference to your celebrity crush unless you want to seem like a fan account.
Send flirty and fun messages to your crush via social media. Look up your celebrity crush’s official accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Facebook, and any other platform they might be on. Try not to spam their account with multiple messages every day. Instead, wait to comment, post, or DM your celebrity crush until you have something new and noteworthy to say. Keep your tone light, humorous, and flirty. [13] X Research source
- Make sure that if they do see your post or message, it will put a smile on their face.
- Try Tweeting out a clever pun based on the title of their first movie or latest hit. [14] X Research source
- Avoid talking obsessively about your celebrity crush on social media. For instance, don’t call them your boyfriend or girlfriend or say “I love you” over and over. You’ll seem like a crazed fan rather than a cool and interesting person.
Write your celebrity crush a letter. Compose a flirty and fun letter to your celebrity crush. Start by introducing yourself and be specific about what it is that you admire them for. Keep your note short but feel free to include something memorable, like a fun photo or a piece of fan art. If you’re planning to meet your celebrity crush in person, even for a brief moment, bring a letter with you and try to hand it to them or someone on their staff. [15] X Research source Or look up the address to which fan mail can be sent.
- Fan might be managed by your celebrity crush’s production or management team, or an official fan club. Do some research online to make sure you have the right address.
Describe how your celebrity crush has had an impact on your life. If their journey to stardom encouraged you to do something meaningful, let them know in a few words. Keep the story short and sweet and avoid rambling on. Be genuine and don’t say anything that you don’t really mean.
- Your crush will likely feel good knowing that their work inspired someone like you to follow your dreams or overcome an obstacle. [16] X Research source
Show authentic interest in the things your celebrity crush values. Rather than focusing your message on the things that you value, show your appreciation for the values or initiatives they’ve demonstrated a commitment to.
- If your celebrity crush does charitable work, express your interest in that aspect of their career. [17] X Research source
- If they try to lead by example, let them know that their message is being heard.
- If you notice something unique about what your celebrity crush is wearing or doing, mention that with a question or compliment. [18] X Research source
Prioritize having fun crushing on your favorite celebrity. It can be easy to get bummed out about the unrequited nature of your affections. But instead of wallowing in these negative feelings, focus on the fun, positive aspects of having a crush. If you love listening to your celebrity crush’s music, sticking up posters of them on your wall, and watching them crack that dreamy smile on late-night shows and interviews, then enjoy yourself!
- Don’t worry about what your friends might think of your celebrity crush. Feel free to keep your feelings private.
- If you’re worried about never having a relationship, use your experience of having a crush as a reminder that there are tons of likable, crush-worthy people out in the world.
Don’t expect to get a reply to your message. If you send your celebrity crush a message or letter, it’s not likely that you’ll get a reply. If you’re gearing up to see your celebrity crush in person at an event, anything more than a brief interaction would be atypical. Try not to get your hopes up; keep in mind that they’re probably overwhelmed with fan attention.
- Celebrities don't usually have enough time to really get to know individual fans. Try not to be disappointed if you don’t get a reply from your celebrity crush.
- While there is no harm in trying to get a response, don’t set aside too much energy in pursuit of an unrealistic goal and don't insist too much. Having a celebrity crush should be fun and exciting rather than obsessive.
Remember that a romantic relationship isn’t likely to develop. Despite your availability and devotion, your celebrity crush may not be looking for love. Remember that they know very little about you; it would be hard to expect them to fall in love with you on the spot. If you have a meeting planned, look forward to having a memorable interaction with your celebrity crush rather than trying to make them fall in love with you.
- Consider the fact that they move in different social and geographic circles than you do. This would make a relationship less likely to blossom.
- Don't assume that you actually know the celebrity well at all––most celebrities have carefully crafted public personas that don't necessarily match their private selves.
- It can be fun to admire their work and have a crush on their public persona. Don’t expect to move past this stage, though.
- Remember that there's seven billion people in the world. You definitely can be attracted to someone else and develop feelings for them. Don't feel like this is your only option.
Attend an event where you can see your celebrity crush in person. Even if you can’t chat 1 on 1 with your celebrity crush, you can have fun seeing them in real life. Find out which events they’ll be attending in the near future. Book a ticket or make arrangements to attend. Enjoy seeing them from afar and being in the same room, even if you don’t get to hang out.
- Depending on what your celebrity crush does for a living, you might be able to catch them at a meet-and-greet event, an autograph session, a Q&A panel, a tour, a premiere, a promotional event, a gala, an awards ceremony, a convention, a post-show reception, or outside of the stage door. [19] X Research source
- You have a better chance of meeting your celebrity crush in person if you plan to be in the same place at the same time.
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- Remember that your celebrity crush is still a person. Despite the crowds of screaming fans and millions of followers, celebrities are just people who experience extreme levels of public exposure. [20] X Research sourceThanks
- Reaching out to your celebrity crush can be exhilarating but also disappointing. Don’t be afraid to try moving on from your celebrity crush if you’re ready.Thanks
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