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So you've snagged the Aries man of your dreams, but now you might be wondering what it takes to keep him interested. Since this zodiac sign tends to crave adventure and have a short attention span, the task can be a challenging one, but well worth it if you can pull it off.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Keep It Fresh

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  1. Simply put, an Aries man will lose interest the moment his relationship with you becomes too routine or burdensome. If you sense yourself falling into a routine with him, mix things up to prevent him from getting bored.
    • Realistically speaking, there is no way that every day you spend with him can be completely unlike any other. If you see each other on a daily basis, though, you should try to do something new with him at least once or twice a week to throw off any routine you've developed.
  2. If you haven't realized it already, your Aries guy tends to like dates full of variety and adventure. If you want to keep him interested, you need to keep up. [1] On the off chance that your Aries asks what you would like to do, opt for a night on the town instead of a night in.
    • If you absolutely must have a night in, make it as interesting as possible. Cook a meal using exotic and unfamiliar ingredients or rent an instructional DVD on Latin dance.
  3. If your relationship is still in an early stage, you need to keep the momentum going. The Aries man is not a fan of taking things slow. Get ready to make him fall fast or not at all.
    • Of course, you also need to be honest with yourself about how ready you are to advance the relationship. He might be ready to take you to bed, but if you don't feel likewise, don't let his eagerness push you into something you don't want. If, however, you are ready to move forward, do so confidently and without hesitation.
  4. Even though the Aries man will usually take the lead, he will enjoy a relationship with a woman who can keep him on his toes, as well. When he least expects it, surprise him with something new and exciting. If he gets a buzz of energy from being with you, he will want to be with you for as long as possible.
    • One weekend, you could suggest trying something like bungee-jumping or rock climbing , especially if your Aries sweetheart has demonstrated an interest in similar activities in the past. You do not need to drag him there blindfolded, but simply suggesting the idea can be a nice enough surprise.
  5. When you want to give your Aries guy a great gift, take him out on an adventure instead of buying him something tangible. He is far more likely to appreciate the excitement of adventure more than some dull trinket.
    • Front-row seats to watch his favorite sports team or a long weekend camping trip will usually make a better present than something like a new CD.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Give Him Space

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  1. An Aries man needs to feel free and independent, so he might not always invite you to take part in his latest and greatest adventure. [2] Try not to hold him back, though. A clingy woman is a turn-off for most Aries men.
    • Try not to be too discouraged if it seems like he would prefer a night out with the guys rather than with you. An Aries man is not likely to beat around the bush and drop hints that things are over; if he loses interest, he will be honest about it. As such, you needn't worry that his sudden interest in hanging out with friends is a subtle indication that things are over between you.
  2. Many Aries men have a tendency to be extremely bossy and do not appreciate being told what to do. In other words, you will need to let him take the lead most of the time.
    • If you want to have your way in the relationship, you need to suggest things in a way that can allow your sweetheart to claim credit for it later.
  3. Unfortunately, many Aries men have wandering eyes. They might flirt with other women they meet regardless of whether or not the two of you are an official item. This might tempt you to keep him home or latch onto him when you head out, but doing so is more likely to drive him away than keep him looking in your direction.
    • If his eyes do start to roam, skip the direct confrontation and focus on making him look back in your direction, instead. Try making eyes at another guy and letting your Aries man catch you doing so. His competitive nature will kick in and he will invest his energy back into wooing you.
  4. If an Aries man feels smothered by your attention, he may lose interest. On the other hand, if you challenge him to hold your attention instead of worrying about keeping his, he will probably respond to the challenge more than adequately.
    • It is important, however, to let him ultimately win once he accepts the challenge. Act disinterested at first, but once he starts trying to get your focus back on him, let him know that his efforts are working.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Get Physical

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  1. Most Aries guys will thrive in a relationship if their partner is active both in and out of the bedroom. Athletic activities are a good way to bond with him, especially if those activities involve some level of challenge.
    • Engage in a one-on-one race, game of basketball, or similarly competitive game.
    • Keep in mind that Aries men hate routine, so your physical activities should not adhere to a strict schedule. In other words, a daily jog after work might not be the best thing to hold his attention. Mix up the activity and time a little each time.
  2. In terms of physical intimacy, the Aries man rarely needs much coaxing. Whether you've reached the bedroom stage or not, you can expect him to put the moves on fast and to heat things up in the blink of any eye. You'll need to keep pace with him if you want to avoid boring him.
    • For your own sake, you might want to stay physically fit. Otherwise, you'll find yourself exhausted well before he wears out.
  3. Unfortunately, the Aries man can be a little selfish regarding acts of physical intimacy and quickly takes over. If you want to have any say in the experience, you may need to act unimpressed from time to time. Doing so can trigger his love for a good challenge, and as a result, he may end up paying more attention to you in the pursuit of his conquest.
    • Hint around this his moves just aren't doing anything for you. Once he catches on, he will be eager to figure out what will and likely won't stop trying new approaches until he reaches his goal.
  4. As with all other aspects of his life, and Aries man needs variety. If he wants to try something new in the bedroom, let him. If he gets nothing but "the same old thing" with you, he might get bored quickly.
    • If you are uncomfortable with something, though, you need to be straightforward and directly tell him to stop. Once he gets an idea in his head, he will go through with it, even without direct permission. Only direct denial will be enough to put the brakes on things.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Be His Cheerleader

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  1. Since Aries men crave excitement and variety, they tend to get involved with more new things than most other guys do. He may or may not invite you along for the trip, but either way, you should let him know that you're cheering for him the entire time.
    • This means being involved in other aspects of his life, whether they be new business ventures or new hobbies.
    • If he welcomes you into the adventure, join him confidently. If he doesn't, show as much interest as possible without pressuring him into inviting you.
  2. Even though your Aries man needs to be right, he needs to be given the opportunity to prove how right he is in order to feel fully satisfied. You can and should challenge him on occasion, but keep in mind that you also need to let him win more than lose.
    • Of course, if you feel strongly enough about something, you don't need to let him have his way or walk all over you. Being timid will not go over well, nor will letting him win when it's obvious that you have the upper-hand.
  3. The ego of an average Aries man needs tender loving care. If you have a habit of embarrassing or correcting him in public, you are probably causing a good deal of damage to his sense of self-importance and causing his feelings for you to wane as a result.
    • Making fun of his junior high photos is a definite no-no, and laughing about a mistake he made with his buddies or families will almost always start a huge fight and lead to seriously hurt feelings. In spite of how assertive the Aries male can be, he's actually rather sensitive and easily hurt.
  4. It is true that most Aries guys are impatient and independent, but in order to make the relationship last for a long time, you need to encourage him to grow emotionally. The best way to do so is with obvious, tangible gestures of affection. Deep down, he fears rejection, and continual reassurance of your acceptance will go a long way.
    • Don't be afraid of coming on too strong. A frequent “I love you” or “I can't wait to see you” text is perfectly acceptable, as long as he hasn't told you to back off or stop. Likewise, letting him know that he's been on your mind all day will be a major compliment and will usually go over quite well.
  5. If you really want to hold his attention, you'll need to be honest with your Aries man. Giving him a challenge from time to time is important, but he won't be fond of guessing games, so you need to be decisive and confident when called for and honest about what you want when asked. [3]
    • Now is not the time to get into arguments and expect him to know what you're upset about. Similarly, you should also avoid asking trick questions like the classic, “Does this make me look fat?” He won't appreciate being backed into a corner, even if he knows how to get himself out of it.
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Learn How to Attract an Aries Man with this Expert Series

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  • Question
    What does an Aries need in a relationship?
    Tara Divina
    Vedic Astrologer
    Tara Divina is a California-based Vedic Astrologer. Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient, sacred art of self-understanding and divination. With nearly 10 years of experience, Tara gives personalized readings that answer her clients' biggest questions about relationships, money, purpose, career, and other big life decisions.
    Vedic Astrologer
    Expert Answer
    Aries need their own space, so make sure you give them some alone time so they can think and be in their head.
  • Question
    What is an Aries man attracted to?
    Tara Divina
    Vedic Astrologer
    Tara Divina is a California-based Vedic Astrologer. Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient, sacred art of self-understanding and divination. With nearly 10 years of experience, Tara gives personalized readings that answer her clients' biggest questions about relationships, money, purpose, career, and other big life decisions.
    Vedic Astrologer
    Expert Answer
    Aries men love it when you can keep up with them mentally so they don't have to explain or clarify something multiple times.
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      1. Tara Divina. Vedic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
      2. Tara Divina. Vedic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
      3. http://youqueen.com/love/seduction/how-to-seduce-an-aries-man/

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you’re dating an Aries man, you’ll need to learn how to keep him interested since he’ll likely have a short attention span and crave adventure. Since Aries men tend to lose interest the moment a relationship becomes routine, keep things fresh by trying new activities together or going to new and exciting places. Most Aries guys thrive when they’re being active, so plan at least some of your outings around things like rock climbing, hiking, or a game of basketball. You’ll also want to give your Aries some space to do his own thing since he’ll need to feel free and independent to be satisfied. While your Aries guy may seem confident and adventurous, most also seek reassurance and acceptance, so give your guy some loving tenderness to seal the deal. To learn how to keep the passion alive with an Aries guy, keep reading!

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        Mar 30, 2016

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