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Use Excel to make a hierarchal family tree chart
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Looking for a way to show people your ancestry? You can create a family tree on Excel using built-in tools like Shapes and SmartArt. If you want an even easier way, you can use a free family tree template. Here's how to make a family tree on Excel using your Windows or Mac computer, whether you have 8, 12, or 20 generations.

Creating Family Trees on Microsoft Excel

To make a family tree layout, select the Shapes tool and click a shape. Draw the shapes you need, and then connect them with the line shape. Double-click the shape to add names. Alternatively, open a new Excel file and search for "family tree" in the templates section.

Section 1 of 4:

Using the Shapes Tool

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  1. This is the tab at the top.
    • You can manually create a family tree by using Excel's built-in Shapes and Lines tools. This allows more freedom when creating your family tree structure. If you have a more typical family tree structure, consider using a template instead.
  2. You can find this in the Illustrations section. A drop-down menu will open with various shapes you can add to your spreadsheet. [1]
  3. For typical family tree formatting, you can select a rectangle or oval shape. This depends on your own preference.
  4. Click and drag any spot on your spreadsheet to create the shape. The longer you drag your cursor, the bigger the shape will appear. Release your mouse when you have the shape you want.
    • If you need to resize the shape, click it to make the options appear. Then, click and drag any of the circles inwards or outwards.
  5. Double-click the shape to open the text field. Type any name(s) into the field.
    • If needed, select the text and use the Font menu to customize the size, font, color, and more.
  6. Right-click the shape and click Copy . Right-click another spot on the spreadsheet, and then click the icon for Paste - Keep Source Formatting .
    • You can also press CTRL + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac) to copy, and then press CTRL + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac) to paste.
    • If you need to rearrange or reposition the shape, click and drag it.
  7. Click the shape to add a name. Repeat this for as many shapes as you need.
  8. This is on the Insert tab. A drop-down menu will open.
  9. You can use a simple line or line arrow to connect your shapes together.
  10. Click and drag an area on your spreadsheet to draw your line. If you misplace the line, click and drag it so it connects your shapes together.
    • You can copy and paste the line you drew, or you can continue drawing new lines by clicking Insert > Shape > Line .
  11. If you want to print your family tree, you can export your spreadsheet as a PDF. Do the following:
    • Click File .
    • Click Export .
    • Click Create PDF/XPS .
    • Select a file location.
    • Click Publish .
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Section 2 of 4:

Using SmartArt

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  1. This is the tab at the top. [2]
    • SmartArt is available on Excel 2007 and newer.
  2. You can find this in the Illustrations section, underneath 3D Models . A new window will open.
  3. This tab is on the left, between Cycle and Relationship .
  4. When you click an option, you'll see a preview on the right. You can edit the colors and format later, if needed.
    • Some styles have the option for photos.
  5. The blank family tree will be created.
    • If you need to change its size, click it. Drag one of the circles inwards to make it smaller or outwards to make it bigger.
  6. This is on the left side of the chart.
    • If you don't see this arrow, click the chart first. A panel will open on the left.
  7. When you click a text field, the corresponding square will be selected. The text on the chart will update as you type into the panel.
    • If the style you chose has a picture option, click the picture icon to select a photo.
  8. Press Enter to create another square for a new generation. If you want to create a square that goes directly under another one, select the first square and press Tab .
  9. If you need to move a square to change a relation, click and drag it to its proper place. SmartArt should automatically add a line to connect it to its nearest neighbor.
    • If you want to edit how the squares look, click the SmartArt Design tab at the top, or double-click the chart. Select a new style, or click the Format tab to customize it yourself.
  10. If you want to print or save your family tree, you can export your spreadsheet as a PDF. Do the following:
    • Click File .
    • Click Export .
    • Click Create PDF/XPS .
    • Select a file location.
    • Click Publish .
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Section 3 of 4:

Using a Template

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  1. This is in the top-left corner.
  2. You can find this tab in the left panel.
  3. You should see a list of results.
  4. This will open the template description and preview.
  5. The template will be downloaded, and a new spreadsheet will open with the new template.
  6. Click a box to open the text field, and then type the names needed. Repeat for all boxes.
  7. If you want to print or save your family tree, you can export your spreadsheet as a PDF. Do the following:
    • Click File .
    • Click Export .
    • Click Create PDF/XPS .
    • Select a file location.
    • Click Publish .
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Section 4 of 4:

Tips for Appealing Family Trees

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  1. If you have a lot of names on your family tree, adding colors can help to differentiate and separate generations, gender, paternal and maternal lines, and more.
    • Color schemes can also make your data nicer to look at, especially if sharing with your family.
  2. Microsoft Excel supports custom fonts . However, certain fonts can be difficult to read especially when next to a lot of other elements. Be sure to use a reader-friendly font style and size.
  3. This can save time and effort when you're ready to save. Right-click the chart, and then click Size and Properties . In the left panel, expand the Properties header and make sure Print object is checked.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I change the size of the text boxes?
    Community Answer
    Select the text box that you want to enlarge. Click and drag the corners or the sides to enlarge the box. If you increase the size of the box, you may want to increase the size of the font as well.
  • Question
    Can I download a template for a family tree on Excel?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can and it works well.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open Excel.
      2. Search for a family tree template.
      3. Select a template.
      4. Fill out the template.
      5. Save the file.

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