If you're looking for a new building project in Minecraft, try building your own trampoline! There are actually a few different ways to do this that range from easy to somewhat advanced — perfect for players of different skill levels. Once you've learned the basics, you can send yourself flying high and make bouncy obstacle courses with your own creative inventions.
Gather at least nine slime blocks. In Minecraft, slime blocks have a slight "bouncy" effect when you jump on them. On top of this, you don't receive any falling damage from landing on them — no matter how high you fall from. [1] X Research source This makes them perfect for making a trampoline! Since you'll want to make a trampoline that's big enough to hit when you're falling from a great height, you'll probably want at least nine before you get started.
Arrange the slime blocks in a wide, flat pad. Make a square or circle with the slime blocks. Keep it one layer thick — multiple layers won't change the properties of the trampoline. This will be the "bouncy" surface of the trampoline that you'll jump on to.
- If you wish, you can just put this pad on the floor. However, if you're going for a realistic-looking trampoline, you may want to make a frame of wood, stone, or metal a few blocks off of the floor. Putting a ladder on one side is a nice touch.
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Build a tower next to your trampoline to jump off. Use whatever spare blocks you have to build your skinny tower — stone and wood work fine. There's no "right" height, but the higher you jump from, the more you'll bounce.
- Unless you want to build a system of stairs, a ladder will be a huge help for getting to the top again once you jump. Craft ladders by arranging seven wood sticks in an "H" shape at a crafting table. [4] X Research source
Jump onto the slime blocks. You should bounce several times before gradually coming to a rest. Now, just climb up and try again!
Make a sticky piston. For this method, which makes a trampoline that automatically shoots you up, you'll need a sticky piston block. You can make this from a slime ball and a normal piston. [5] X Research source
- To make a normal piston, craft it from the following at a crafting table: [6]
Research source
- Top row: Three wood planks
- Middle row: Cobblestone, iron ingot, cobblestone
- Bottom row: Cobblestone, redstone, cobblestone
- To make a normal piston, craft it from the following at a crafting table: [6]
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Position the sticky piston under a pad of slime blocks. Place the sticky piston facing up. On top of it, build a flat layer of slime blocks. You'll probably want at least a 3x3 square so that you can land on the trampoline easily.
- Note: If you're giving your trampoline a frame, be sure to make it out of obsidian. Most other building materials will stick to the slime when the piston moves it up.
Put a set of tripwire hooks above the slime blocks. Now, you need to start building the mechanism to power the piston. Make a two-block high wall on opposite sides of the trampoline. Put a row of tripwire hooks on the inside of each wall facing each other.
- You can craft a tripwire hook by arranging an iron ingot above a wooden stick above a wooden plank at a crafting table. [7] X Research source
Connect the hooks to each other with string. Stretch string from one hook to the one directly across from it. Repeat for each set of opposing hooks. You should now have a set of tripwires that completely cover the trampoline. To get to the trampoline, you should be forced to touch the tripwire.
- You can get string from killing spiders or by mining it from tripwire traps in the game. [8] X Research source
Link the switches to the sticky piston with a redstone circuit. This is the tricky part. You need to connect the piston to the tripwire trap so that when you touch the strings, the piston will shoot you upwards.
- First, wire the string traps to the ground with redstone. Redstone can move up and down one block at a time, so you may need to make "stairs" to get it to ground level.
Connect the redstone to the piston with a redstone comparator in the middle. The front (the end with one torch) should point towards the piston. The comparator should be in subtraction mode .
Make a side circuit with a repeater. This circuit should start in front of the comparator (on the same side as the piston) and connect to the comparator from the side. Put a redstone repeater in the middle of this circuit. The front of the repeater should face toward the piston.
Step onto the trampoline. Now, if everything is wired correctly, when you move onto the trampoline, you'll trigger the tripwire, which will activate the piston. The piston will push the slime blocks up, shooting you into the air. The repeater in the circuit will cause the piston to keep firing, sending you up again and again. Congratulations! You've built an automatic trampoline.
- Try putting a small pool of water (or some slime blocks without a sticky piston) just to the side of the trampoline. You can fall into this when you want to get off.
Community Q&A
QuestionIs this Xbox Minecraft?MagnusCommunity AnswerAs long as Minecraft is updated to the latest version, this will work on Xbox.
QuestionCan't you just link a torch circuit to the pistons?AARON WANGCommunity AnswerIf you use a redstone torch, it will go on forever and make lots of piston noises. If you don’t want this to be a noise machine, than don’t use it.
QuestionWhy do you need to make a tower?Xiao PoCommunity AnswerBecause to jump higher, your character needs to be high in the air. The higher you go, the more blocks you travel upwards after the impact with the slime block for more fun.
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- Try surrounding the trampoline with a wall to keep yourself from flying out. You can also arrange blank signposts around it as a makeshift fence.Thanks
- Any of the methods above will be much, much easier in creative mode. Not only will it be a cinch to get the materials you need — you also won't have to worry about dying or having your work destroyed.Thanks
- Covering the slime block surface of the trampoline with carpet will not affect its "bounciness."Thanks
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- ↑ http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Slime_block#Usage
- ↑ http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Slimeball?version=beb8867c370aa1ea4d4857a15f9e13b0
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- ↑ http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Ladder#Crafting
- ↑ http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Sticky_piston
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- ↑ http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tripwire_Hook#Redstone_component
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- ↑ http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Redstone_Comparator
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