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Spice up your next party or sleepover with a round of Paranoia
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Paranoia is a super fun party game (and sometimes drinking game) that can be played by teens, adults, and anyone who’s looking to get a little bit paranoid —but in a fun way. Players take turns whispering questions to each other, and the receiver shouts out another player’s name as the answer…but the question may never be revealed! Keep reading to learn the complete rules to this mind-bending and party-starting game!

How do you play Paranoia?

One person whispers a “who” question to the player next to them: e.g., “Who’s most likely to be an influencer?” or “Who would you most like to marry?” That player must name another player as an answer and announce their name to the group. The named player can then drink or flip a coin to find out the question.

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Paranoia Game Rules

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  1. Paranoia is best played with large groups at a party, but it can be played with a minimum of three players. Once you have your paranoid participants, gather them in some sort of circle—whether that’s sitting on the floor, in chairs around a table, or even gathered around the corner of a bar. [1]
  2. On each turn, one person will ask the player next to them a juicy question that starts with “who.” Start with any random player, and have them turn to the person directly to their right. They should quietly whisper their “who” question into that person’s ear so that no one else can hear. [2]
    • Depending on your group and age range, questions could range from tame and family-friendly to raunchy and personal. For example, a player might whisper, “Who’s most likely to be reincarnated as a golden retriever?” or “Who here do you think is best in bed?”
  3. Once they’ve heard the question, the person being whispered to must think of another person in the circle that best fits the question. Then, they’ll say that person’s name out loud to the entire group—so everyone will now know the answer to this question, but only the whisperer and whisperee know what the question was. [3]
  4. This part of the game is where the paranoia really sets in—the person named will probably be itching to know what question they were the answer to. Did they just get called out as the messiest person in the group or the person with the prettiest eyes? They now have the chance to find out, but this step can go a few different ways based on the type of game you’re playing: [4]
    • If you’re playing Paranoia as a drinking game: The named player can decide whether or not they want to know what the question was. If they do want to know, they have to take a shot or 5-second drink. If they don’t, they can simply pass and let play continue around the circle.
    • If you’re not playing Paranoia as a drinking game: Leave this step up to chance. Flip a coin and have the named player call heads or tails—if they guess right, they get to know the question. If they guess wrong, they don’t! Alternatively, you can hold a small object in one of your hands and have them guess left or right, or even use a virtual coin flipper on your phone.
  5. For each subsequent round, the person who’s been whispered to now gets to ask their own question. They turn to the person to their right, whisper a question into their ear, and that player announces their answer to the group. Play continues like this until everyone is bored, drunk, or otherwise ready to move on! [5]
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What do you need to play Paranoia?

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  1. However, some other items can make your game more fast-paced or turn it into a drinking game (for those of legal drinking age). To play Paranoia, it’s best if you have:
    • At least 3 people (although the more the better—there’s no max amount of players!)
    • A coin, small object, or alcohol (if you decide to play Paranoia as a drinking game).
    • A great list of Paranoia questions to get your gears churning.
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Example Paranoia Questions

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  1. One of the best parts of Paranoia is coming up with all the fun, deep, chaotic, and juicy questions you want to ask your friends. However, you might need a little bit of inspiration to get started or keep the game going well into the wee hours of the night! Here are some good Paranoia questions to play the game with your pals. [6]
    • Who would make a good President of the United States?
    • Who in the group knows the most about celebrity gossip?
    • Who has probably peed in the ocean before?
    • Who would accidentally insult an alien race upon first meeting them?
    • Who will be the first to have children?
    • Who is most likely to choose love over their career?
    • Who is most likely to date their friend’s sibling?
    • Who is the worst driver?
    • Who would be the first to die in the zombie apocalypse?
    • Who is most likely to die on the toilet?
    • Who is most likely to date a famous person?
    • Who is most likely to sleep with their ex?
    • Who has the dirtiest search history?
    • Who is the most artistic?
    • Who would stop to help a cat stuck in a tree?
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Other Games Like Paranoia

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  1. Paranoia is bound to provide you with hours of endless fun, but there are plenty of other games that you can add to your party game selection! The games below are all similar to Paranoia in one way or another, so you’re sure to find one to suit your needs—whether you’re hosting a teen slumber party or a family-friendly game night :

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