This wikiHow article will show you two different options to recover a deleted voicemail on Android.
Things You Should Know
- As long as you haven't left the voicemail screen, you might be able to recover voicemails you've deleted by tapping "Undo" when it appears.
- Get a third-party app to help you retrieve deleted voicemails after you've already closed out of your voicemail inbox.
Open thePhone app. This will typically be on the home row at the bottom of your screen. Check your app drawer if it is not there.
Call the number for your voicemail system. This number will vary based on your provider.
- Call *86 on Verizon Wireless or U.S. Cellular.
- Press and hold 1 if you are on AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Cellular One, or Metro PCS.
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Enter your voicemail password if prompted. You may need to contact your service provider if you can't remember the password.
Listen to your new or saved voicemails. New messages will usually play automatically, or you can press 1 to listen to your saved messages.
Press 7 to delete a voicemail.
Press 1 on the Message Playback menu.
Press 9 to Check Erased Messages .
Press 9 to save the message to your voicemail box. [1] X Research source
- If you already hung up, the only way to recover a voicemail is through third-party programs.
Open thePhone app. This will typically be on the home row at the bottom of your screen. Check your app drawer if it is not there.
Tap on Voicemail . This should be on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
- Some devices will have Voicemail as its own app. If this is the case, then check your app drawer for Voicemail .
Tap on a voicemail from the list.
Tap on thedelete button. This will delete the voicemail.
Tap on Undo on the pop-up screen at the bottom. You will only have a few seconds to do this, so you will need to quickly tap on Undo . Once the pop-up screen disappears, there is no way to recover your voicemail without the use of third-party programs.
- Your device may also list this option as Undelete . [2] X Research source
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- If the above options do not work, try to contact your service provider within 24 hours of deleting the voicemail. If the voicemail has not been deleted from their network, then they might be able to help recover the voicemail. However, there is no guarantee that this is possible.Thanks
- While there are several third-party programs that are able to recover data from your phone, there is no way to recover a deleted voicemail unless it was saved and recorded by a computer or a voice recording service beforehand.Thanks
- On some phones, you may be able to view recently deleted voicemails by tapping on the trash icon in your visual voicemail app, and recover them from there. Typically, you will have a limited amount of time to recover your voicemails before they are permanently deleted.Thanks
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Article Summary
1. Open the Phone or Voicemail app.
2. Scroll down to the bottom.
3. Tap Undo
or Undelete
on the voicemail.
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