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No job? Learn how to stay afloat while still looking toward the future
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Surviving without a job is challenging. If you don't have a regular monthly income, you may have a hard time paying your bills, filling your time and coping with your emotions. Even though it might seem impossible to survive a period of unemployment, it is possible. Keep reading to learn how to survive if you can't find a job.

What should you do when you have no job?

Don't be afraid to seek help from the government in the form of different assistance programs, like SNAP and/or unemployment. You can also ask your community for help by using crowd-funding platforms like GoFundMe, or by seeing if your credit card company or loan provider has an economic hardship program.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Getting Help

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  1. Many government programs can help you with paying for your groceries, heating your home and even paying your rent. Use the U.S. government’s benefits finder to help you find out what types of benefits you might be able to receive.
    • One program you might apply for is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which is available to low-income families and individuals who need help paying for groceries. [1]
    • The Trade Adjustment Assistance Program helps out workers in manufacturing, farming, and production who have lost jobs to overseas competition. It provides up to 104 weeks of paid occupational training, literacy training, and weekly cash payments for up to one year after unemployment benefits run out. The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act helps people who have been part of mass layoffs in industries not covered by the program. They can get free training workshops, college courses, or professional development classes. [2]
  2. If you quit, got fired or were laid off from your job, you might qualify for unemployment benefits which would provide you with some money to help you survive. Each state has different rules for who can receive unemployment. Check with your state to see if you qualify. [3]
    • Don't be embarrassed to apply for unemployment. You have worked towards your unemployment, so take advantage of this option. [4]
  3. Your family and friends may be able to help you through this difficult time. Talk to your family or friends about what you are having trouble affording and ask them if they can do anything to help. Make sure to let them know what you are doing, such as looking for a job, to make your situation better.
    • Sites like Gofundme, Youcaring, and Indiegogo allow you to set up a fundraiser website. You can post these fundraisers on social media, like Facebook, so you can ask friends and family to contribute to you during your time in need.

    Did You Know? Crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe are mostly used for people who need medical care that is very expensive. This service should not be abused. In addition, there are countries where it may be restricted (e.g. Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, etc.).

  4. Most credit card companies and loan providers have special economic hardship programs for when someone becomes unemployed and can't pay his/her bills, or at least not the full amount of the monthly bill. To make sure that you don't get charged late fees or default on a loan, contact your credit card company and loan providers right away. [5]
    • When you call, keep it simple and say something along these lines: “I am unemployed, and I can't afford my credit card/loan payment right now. What options do you have available for someone in my situation?”
    • Answer the questions that the credit card company or loan representative asks you. The representative will advise you on the best options available to you, based on your situation and the type of credit card or loan you have.

    Warning: If you're currently unemployed but have a credit card, it's advisable to seek out a guarantor who can vouch for your debts. However, it's important to manage your spending carefully, avoiding extravagance so that neither you nor your guarantor runs into trouble. In the event that you can't find a guarantor, you may need to put up collateral such as a car or even your own home, even though you run the risk of having it repossessed.

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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Cutting Your Expenses

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  1. Keep a spending journal to identify unnecessary expenses. Record everything you spend money on and label it essential or non-essential to determine what you may be able to eliminate. Identify the amount of money that you can spend each month, and budget that money among your essential categories. Decide what you can live without (even if only for a few months).
    • Food, shelter, and basic utilities are essential expenses.
    • Going to the movies, having a gym membership, and buying luxury items are not necessary and can be labeled as non-essential expenses. [6]
    • Record all of your expenditures in your spending journal to make sure that you stay on track.
  2. Monthly subscriptions and membership fees can add up quickly, so these are good places to start trimming your expenses. Review your subscriptions and memberships to see what you can live without for a while.
    • Things like cell phones and internet may be necessary expenses. However, you can use the internet for free at your local library, so you may be able to cancel it for a few months.
    • Cancel cable service because cable be expensive. Consider cutting your cable and just keeping your Internet service. You can watch many of your favorite shows and sports programs online.
    • Consider switching to a cheaper cell phone provider. You can get your cell phone bill under $20 per line per month if you are willing to switch to a value provider like Ting, RingPlus, Zact, Republic Wireless, or FreedomPop. If you have a smart phone, you may consider going to a cheaper plan with no data. Keep in mind that there are catches to these services. Sometimes you have to buy a phone from the providers and the call service may not be as good. Read the fine print and shop around before you decide to switch.

    Warning: If the situation gets so tight that you can no longer afford it, you will have to make the sacrifice of canceling your Internet service and selling your cell phones, even if you are cut off from communication. Then you will have to turn to your family or friends to be able to communicate and tell them that you are in a bad financial situation and that is why you had to stop contacting them.

  3. Consolidate your errands so that you don’t have to make individual trips. Use public transportation, ride your bike or walk whenever possible to save money on gas.
    • Get regular maintenance on your car. Oil changes and other basic maintenance will help keep your vehicle running and may even help prevent more expensive problems down the line. Schedule regular oil changes for all of your vehicles.

    Warning: In more extreme cases, you may have no choice but to sell your car.

  4. If your home or apartment is too expensive for you right now, look for a new place to live that is more suited to your current financial situation. You might even consider asking a friend or family member if you can live with them until your situation improves.

    Warning: If you are going to stay with a relative or friend, remember that you are living in someone else’s house and that you must resolve your financial situation as soon as possible so that you do not stay in their house for too long. As the saying goes: “Fish and company stink after three days”.

  5. It may seem like an expense you can't afford, but you will be glad that you have health insurance if someone in your family gets sick or needs medical attention. Emergency room visits and other medical expenses without health insurance are extremely expensive and may put you into long-term debt.
    • Government programs may help with the cost of insurance. Your options will vary by state, but see if you can apply for reduced-cost insurance programs.
    • If you have insurance for your car or home, you may consider modifying your plan to a higher deductible to help save on monthly premium expenses. Keep in mind that if you need to file a claim, you will have to pay that higher deductible.This strategy is not a good long-term solution for saving money, but it can help you out for a short time.
  6. Another way to cut your monthly expenses is to purchase your essential items when they are on sale, when you have a coupon or when you can save money over time by buying in bulk. Watch local ads, clip coupons, and compare prices on your essential items to make sure that you get the best possible prices on the items that you buy. [8]
    • Consider shopping at bulk retail stores, like Sam's Club or Costco. If you have a friend or family member with a membership, see if they will take you so you don't have to purchase your own membership. Some things can be purchased cheaply at these retailers. Make sure to consider unit price, however, because not all items sold at these stores are cheaper.
    • Buy generic brands. Most grocery stores carry their own brand of products that sell for significantly less than other brands. This can be a way to reduce your grocery expenses.
    • Give up certain things. Since you are cutting corners, you can't buy everything you usually do. Items like sodas, expensive meats, and snack foods are unnecessary expenses. Instead, buy what you need to feed you and your family. The extraneous items can be skipped for now.
  7. Plan ahead before you go grocery shopping. Make a meal plan so that you can cook all of your meals at home. Doing this will take a bit of extra planning and work, but it will save you money in the long run.
    • Pack a lunch and snacks if you will be away from home for the day. Lunch at a restaurant plus the cost of little snacks here and there adds up. Bring a cooler with sandwiches, snacks, and drinks from home if you expect to be out of the house for the day.
    • Skip your daily trip to the coffee shop and start brewing coffee at home. This can save a significant amount of money weekly.
  8. Think carefully about things that you do. Keep your air conditioner or heater off to conserve energy. Use candles or battery-powered lamps instead of electricity. Only use water when it's necessary. These small changes can add up to big savings on your utility bills.
    • Be frugal with your food. Food is an expensive part of life, even if you buy generic and shop at discount stores. Don't eat because you're depressed or bored. Only eat because you have to.
  9. Due to your financial situation, there may be bills you cannot pay. You need to prioritize the bills that must get paid first. Bills dealing with your living situation, such as house payment, utilities, and food, should be your top priority. Medical expenses come after that. Credit cards and other loans come after living expenses. [9]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Finding Ways to Make Money

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  1. If you cannot find a job in your field, take a lower paying job in the meantime. This will more than likely be at a lower salary, probably minimum wage. Sometimes, you have to swallow your pride and find a way to temporarily pay the bills. There is nothing wrong with working a temporary job to support yourself and your family.
    • Look for a job that could help build your resume. If you work at a retail store, use it as an opportunity to build your customer service and inventory skills. If you work in fast food, think about it as learning teamwork and job performance under pressure.
    • Leave yourself time to job hunt. This is just a temporary job. You still want to devote time in finding a full-time job.
  2. If you own more than one vehicle, consider selling a vehicle. Not only will you earn some money from selling the vehicle, you will also save on the cost of maintaining and driving that vehicle.
  3. Online selling can be a great way to make money to help during difficult times. You can sell clothes, shoes, collectibles, games, electronics, furniture - just about anything in your home. Try sites like eBay and Craigslist to sell your items.
    • You may need to sell things you would rather keep. Prioritize. Sell items you can part with first, then consider the more important ones. It may be the difference between food or rent and one item.
    • Look for any collectible items or antiques you have in your home. Some toys, memorabilia, and antiques can sell for a few hundred dollars.

    Warning: If you are going to sell something that you don’t use, make sure that it is in good condition and not obsolete, outdated, or no longer used. It makes no logical sense to sell unused items (e.g., a VHS or an analog cell phone in the age of digital telephony, unless you are selling it to an antique collector).

  4. If you are crafty, try selling things online. Sites like Etsy are craft marketplaces where you can sell your homemade jewelry, clothes, candles, soap, paintings, or anything else. Make sure to balance the price of supplies with how much you are selling. Start small and grow from there.
    • You may also try going to local craft fairs. This can be a great way to earn money, but beware that getting booths at some of these fairs can be expensive.
  5. One way you can make extra cash is to rent out a room in your home. If you live in a city, in a popular vacation spot, or a college town, this might be a viable option. Many people rent rooms to short-term and long-term roommates.
    • Sites like Airbnb.com allow private, local hosts to list their homes as bed and breakfast-type accommodations for people passing through.
    • Be aware that renting a room to someone can be a serious commitment. Think through this plan before allowing someone to live with you. If you will want them to move out in 2 months instead of 12 or 24 months, this may not be the option for you.
  6. You can try to find work in your community doing various tasks. Try dog walking, pet or house sitting, cleaning, babysitting, adult care giving, and lawn care. Put up flyers around your neighborhood advertising your services, put an ad in a community-wide bulletin, or use social media, like Facebook, to try to gain business.
  7. Use your free time to do some much needed cleaning in your home. Instead of throwing out or donating unwanted items, have a garage sale . This is a good way to make extra money for food, gas, or bills.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Occupying Your Time

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  1. The best thing that you can do to help yourself survive a period of unemployment is to apply for as many jobs as you can. Set aside some time every day to browse help wanted ads and apply for jobs.
    • Drop off resumes in person. Call people or e-mail them to ask if they are hiring even if they don't have a help wanted sign.
    • Use online job sites, like monster.com and indeed.com. Not only can you search for jobs and apply online, but you can also post resumes so potential employers can browse your resume.
  2. One great way to fill your time while you look for a job is to take a class that may provide you with some new skills. Filling your extra time with something productive like taking a class will show potential employers that you are motivated to learn and work. Some of these classes are free or offered at low costs. [10]
    • Check out the Department of Labor's One-Stop Career Centers. Many of these centers offer free classes in topics like computers and basic academic skills. They also help with career counselling and can provide information on available jobs.
    • Microsoft's Elevate America works with U.S. veterans and with nonprofit organizations in communities to help people receive training for employment. The program offers no-cost and low-cost online training programs to help people develop technology skills. They also have a state voucher program to help people get vouchers for training and certification. [11]
    • Monster.com offers free eLearning courses that can help teach you vital skills and build your resume.
  3. Another way to get on-the-job training, and perhaps an in for a new job, is through an apprenticeship. The Department of Labor's website has a compiled list of hundreds of apprenticeship programs. Most of the apprenticeship programs are paid, although many at a lower salary to begin with. But with the benefits of on-the-job training, it is a worthwhile opportunity. [12]
  4. You might consider starting a business of your own if you have any skills that you could put to use to earn some money while you seek full-time employment. Consider your skill set to determine what you can do to earn some money while you seek employment. [13]

    Tip: You can even start a business to work for yourself and save yourself the hassle of waiting for a job offer and also do what you are passionate about and know how to do without being accountable to an employer.

  5. If you don’t have much work experience or you would like to gain some new skills, volunteering is a great way to make yourself more appealing to potential employers. [14] [15]
    • Consider volunteering at a local hospital, animal shelter or other nonprofit organization while you look for a job.
    • Doing volunteer work will look great on your resume, and it will also be a rewarding experience for you.
  6. One of the reasons why you have not been able to find a job might have something to do with your resume . Spend some time revising and reorganizing your resume. Try to look at it from the perspective of potential employers and highlight the things that they might be seeking in a new employee. [16]
    • Look online for resume how-to guides, templates, and samples. There are many websites that help you build an effective resume for any career. You may even be able to find forums where people will look over your resume and give you feedback.
    • Proofread your resume for grammar, spelling, and usage errors. Employees will throw out a resume if it has too many glaring errors. Make sure it is polished and perfect before sending it out.
    • Check the formatting of the resume. Make sure it looks professional. Use templates online if you are unsure. Make sure you have the proper fonts, font sizes, and spacing.
  7. Before you go to job interviews or to drop off resumes, make sure your appearance is neat and professional. This doesn't mean you have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a suit. Make sure you dress in business casual. For men, wear nice slacks and either a collared shirt or a jacket and tie. For women, wear a skirt and blouse or a dress. Don't wear jeans, sneakers, or flip-flops.
    • Make sure your hair is clean and combed, shower before you go, and make sure your clothes are clean.
    • Iron your clothes before you go. Wrinkled clothes give a bad impression.
    • If you can't afford to buy nice clothes, try yard sales or thrift stores. You can find many nice business casual outfits at either place for low costs. Or borrow something from a friend or family member.
  8. Many people who are unemployed get depressed because they have no job. This causes them to lose their motivation and not want to leave the house and apply for jobs. Instead of sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself, get out of the house or take up a new hobby.
    • Go for a walk. Staying active and healthy during this time is very important.
    • Don't ignore your friends, family, and community. Remember, getting out helps you make connections and find new opportunities.
  9. Being unemployed can lead to depression, which may make it harder to survive this difficult period. [17]
    • When you feel discouraged, make sure that you reach out to someone and talk about what you are going through.
    • Confiding in a friend or relative about your struggles will make it easier for you to survive this difficult time.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I find a job in the USA?
    Michael R. Lewis
    Business Advisor
    Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas. He has over 40 years of experience in business and finance, including as a Vice President for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. He has a BBA in Industrial Management from the University of Texas at Austin.
    Business Advisor
    Expert Answer
    Presuming you are a non-US citizen living offshore, you should initially review the jobs available for your experience and credentials in the USA to determine if there is demand. If there is a need, you will need to get a Temporary Work Visa through the US State Department as well as permission to leave your country of residence if needed. Finally, you should contact any potential employers in the USA, explaining your status and asking for their assistance to obtain a Visa.
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      • Consider joining an online unemployment support group or a local unemployment support group. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to friends and family about your struggles, an unemployment support group can provide a safe place for you to talk to others who are going through some of the same things that you are going through.

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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you’re finding it tough to survive because you can’t find a job, look for financial support to help pay for your essential costs and take steps to shorten your unemployment as much as possible. Try searching online for benefit programs in your area that offer financial aid. You could also ask friends or family members to help you out with money during your difficult time. If this isn’t an option, look for a way to raise money yourself, like selling a vehicle or some personal items online. Remember to make time every day to apply for jobs, since this is the best way to decrease the length of your unemployment. Another great approach is to take a training course to develop new skills, such as using computers or resume writing. For tips on how to cut your spending when you’re unemployed, read on!

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      • Mal Higgins

        Mar 15, 2016

        "This is a very good overall road-map, especially steps of applying for limited SNAP and Unemployment benefits ..." more
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