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Many dogs love to play with Frisbees, although most dogs don't know how to catch a flying disc. With a little patience and the following steps, you and your pet can learn to do this fun and rewarding activity.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Throwing a Frisbee with Your Dog

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  1. Human discs ("frisbees") can injure your dog. Look for the brands Hyperflite, Hero or Aerobie. These discs are specially designed to reduce risk of injuring your dog. There are discs for destructive dogs (the Hyperflite Jawz) and soft floppy discs as well (the Aerobie Dogobie). The Flippy Flopper is a soft fabric disc available at most pet stores. The Kong Flyer is also a good choice.
  2. For example: [1]
    • Use the disc as a feeding dish for a week.
    • Rub hot dog on the disc and praise your dog for going after it.
    • Play tug gently with the disc. [2] Always let your dog win. Don't rip the disc out of your dog's mouth.
    • Reward any behavior that shows "drive" to get the disc. This means that even if your dog jumps up and grabs the disc out of your hand without waiting for you to offer it to her, this is positive!
    • Never tell your dog to 'DROP' the disc. Always use a second disc to entice your dog to drop the one in his mouth, on his own. Remember, always encourage your dog's drive to have and get the disc.
  3. Instead of throwing the disc in the air, throw it so that the disc rolls on the ground like a wheel. This helps your dog transition from fetching a ball to retrieving a disc. Dogs love to chase discs this way. It helps them learn to "target" the disc and pick it up. [3]
  4. Begin with short, slow throws, and be very careful to avoid hitting your dog with the disc. [4] In the beginning, your dog will likely let the disc hit the ground before retrieving it. It may take 100 or more throws before your dog grabs it out of the air for the first time. Be patient!
  5. Eventually your dog will get used to the flying disc, learn how to track it in the air, and eventually will want the disc so badly ("DRIVE!") that she won't want to wait for it to drop to the ground and will instead grab it out of the air. This is the moment you've been waiting for! Congratulations, you now have a Disc Dog! [5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Teaching Your Dog to Catch a Frisbee

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  1. Bend over slightly and hold frisbee in your hand, horizontal to the ground, at the height of the dog's mouth. Then let him grab it with his mouth while you are still holding on to it. Say "drop it" then take the frisbee from his mouth immediately. Now praise the dog graciously by saying "good boy (girl) and repeat the process again a few more times. [6] [7]
  2. Now do the exact same exercise, only move your body in a circle away from the dog, keeping it at the height of the dog's mouth. As the puppy grows, you will be able to stand up while doing this exercise.
  3. Now that you are standing up, hold the frisbee a little higher than the dog's mouth and horizontal to the ground, so he has to jump up to grab it. After a while, release the frisbee right before your dog jumps up to grab it. Try turning in a circle with this exercise as well.
  4. If you are training a young pup, you may need to repeat all the above many times before it is ready to chase the frisbee. [8]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I get my dog to like Frisbees?
    Jennifer Damon
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Jennifer Damon is a Professional Dog Trainer and the Owner of Love for Paws Dog Training in Richmond, VA. With over 10 years of experience training dogs, Jennifer specializes in determining the psychology that motivates dog behavior. As a supporting member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Jennifer is passionate about improving the communication between owners and their pets through gentle, scientifically-backed methods. She holds a BFA in Communication Arts from the University of Montevallo and a Certificate in Canine Behavior Consulting from The International College of Canine Studies.
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Well, not every dog will enjoy playing with Frisbees, but if your dog enjoys playing fetch, you might be able to engage him with a little effort, like feeding him a few treats on it so he forms a positive association.
  • Question
    What do you do when your dog won't play?
    Jennifer Damon
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Jennifer Damon is a Professional Dog Trainer and the Owner of Love for Paws Dog Training in Richmond, VA. With over 10 years of experience training dogs, Jennifer specializes in determining the psychology that motivates dog behavior. As a supporting member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Jennifer is passionate about improving the communication between owners and their pets through gentle, scientifically-backed methods. She holds a BFA in Communication Arts from the University of Montevallo and a Certificate in Canine Behavior Consulting from The International College of Canine Studies.
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Maybe he doesn't understand how it works. Start by letting him sniff the Frisbee. Then use it along with his other toys for playtime so he understands what it’s for. Next, play tug of war for a few days with the Frisbee and try gently tossing it a couple feet away and see if he’ll catch it. Praise him whenever he tries to get it.
  • Question
    What if my dog won't grab the disk?
    billie beagle
    Community Answer
    Rub something yummy smelling on it, and reward any behavior toward the disk (looking at it, attempting to grab it).
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      • Remember that patience is the key to success and don't give up on your dog! [9]
      • Remember that all breeds and all sizes of dogs can become disc dogs.
      • If your dog puts holes in the discs quickly, get Hyperflite Jawz discs.
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      • If you find yourself getting angry or frustrated, take a break. The only thing your dog will learn while you are angry is fear.
      • Don't let your dog chew on the disc.
      • If your dog doesn't stay with you, then work on recall ("come") before working with a disc.
      • Don't let dogs under 1 yr old jump for a disc. It is very hard on their joints. Stick to "rollers" - throws where the disc never leaves the ground.
      • Don't use an Ultimate Frisbee disc. These discs can cost up to $20 and will be ruined by a dog's teeth. They are also VERY hard on the dog's mouth.
      • Don't use a hard plastic Frisbee, like the ones sold at most pet stores. These discs cut the dog's mouth and can shatter when the dog catches them

      Things You'll Need

      • 1 - 5 discs

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