What this error message means, and how to avoid seeing it
Are you seeing the error message "Rate Limit Exceeded" on a third-party X (formerly Twitter) app? This message occurs when a third-party app that uses the X API reaches the maximum number of API calls that are allowed on your account in one hour. X has also put in place new limits on the number of tweets, DMs, and accounts a regular user can follow in one day. There have been reports of some X users seeing this error message as a bug. This wikiHow article teaches you what the "Rate Limited Exceeded" error message on X means and how to avoid it.
Things You Should Know
- Apps using the X API will see "Rate Limit Exceeded" when they exceed the maximum number of API calls.
- You may also see this message if you exceed 500 DMs, 2400 tweets, or 400 accounts followed in one day.
- In some cases, you may be seeing this error as a bug or glitch.
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How to Prevent Rate Limit Exceeded
Reduce your percent usage to 60 - 70. You can do so in the settings of the app you are using. This will mean that you get fewer updates, but you will use fewer of your allowed API calls per hour.
Remove search terms that get fewer results. If you are tracking account engagement, try using fewer words in your search terms. Remove the words that get fewer results.
Save your results. If you are going to be using your search results for a long period of time, save them. This will prevent you from making identical requests. Many apps allow you to save your results.
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What to Do if You Get the Error Message
Wait until your time expires. X allows you to make 100 API calls per hour. Oftentimes, you can regain your account by just waiting a few minutes. If you receive this message while Tweeting, sending DMs, or following users, you will need to wait 24 hours before you can continue. If you are making changes to your account, you will need to wait an hour before you can make more account changes.
Unfollow some accounts. If you are currently following 5000 accounts or more, you will need to unfollow some accounts before you can follow some more.
Use the official X app or website. If you can do your work using the official X platform, go ahead and do so. This may not be possible in all cases, but the X API call limit only applies to third-party apps.
Change your password. There have been some reports that users were able to reset the API call limit by resetting their password. You should only do this if you are in a bind. It may be easier to just wait to regain your account rather than having to learn and memorize a new password. However, you can make that a little easier by using a password manager .
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