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Peer inside the mind of any Cancer woman
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If you love a Cancer woman, whether romantically or platonically, you know that she can be a bit of a tough one to crack—no wonder her sign's emblem is the crab! Caring and emotional, the nurturing Cancerian lady can be your best friend and closest confidant. Read on to learn how to understand the caregiver of the zodiac and show her how much she means to you.

This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Cancer Woman Personality Traits

  1. She’s a homebody who enjoys alone time.
  2. She likes to cook for and take care of others.
  3. She can be emotional and leads with feelings over logic.
  4. She’s highly intuitive.
  5. She takes time to trust others.
  6. She likes to keep the peace but fiercely defends those she cares about.

She prefers to stay at home.

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  1. Private and sensitive, the Cancer woman feels most comfortable at home. [1] It's not that a Cancer woman doesn't want to go out—many Cancer women are quite social, especially if they're surrounded by close friends. But if given a choice, she's going to be much more likely to stay at home cuddled up with a book or movie than spend the night out on the town.
    • She'll feel like you understand her if you suggest quiet nights in. Come up with things the two of you can do privately together—board games, movies, and jigsaw puzzles are great options.
    • Compliment her home by telling her how cozy things look or how warm and inviting it is. If you tell her you feel at home in her home, she'll think, "mission accomplished."
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She wants to take care of you.

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  1. If you're ever sick or having a hard day, call her up and watch her spring into action. She's most comfortable in this role and would love nothing more than to nurse you back to health.
    • She's a good listener, so never hesitate to come to her with your problems. Just keep in mind that if you're just talking, she's more of a person to empathize with you than try to fix things.

She can be a bit moody.

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  1. Cancer is ruled by the Moon so her emotions are constantly changing. You know how the Moon controls the ebb and flow of the tides? Cancer is a water sign, so you can think of her emotions as being similarly controlled. Don't be surprised if she's bright and happy one minute, sulky and brooding the next. [2]
    • She's also extremely sensitive, so things are likely to set her off that less sensitive people probably wouldn't even notice.
    • It can be hard for her to control her mood sometimes so don't take it personally. An abrupt mood swing usually won't have anything to do with you.
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She builds trust slowly.

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  1. Like her sign's emblem, the Crab, the Cancer woman has a hard outer shell that can be difficult to penetrate. She wants to feel you out for a while before she decides to let you in. In the meantime, do everything you can to show her what a trustworthy and caring person you are.
    • She'll be more inclined to open up to you if you're always open and honest with her.
    • Hiding things from her or keeping secrets will give her a reason to close back up.
    • A Cancer woman values security. She'll trust you if you make her feel safe and protected.

She values emotions over reason.

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  1. For her, what's "right" in a situation is what makes you feel right. When she's making a difficult decision, she'll consider how she feels about it over and above anything else, even if her feelings don't make logical sense.
    • If you're one who tends to put your emotions aside to deal with problems objectively, she'll likely see you as a cold person. Always acknowledge your emotions and keep them in mind.
    • Be prepared for her to ask you how you feel about something. If an option doesn't make you feel good, you'll have a hard time convincing her it's the right choice.
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She understands people and emotions intuitively.

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  1. Like her sister water sign Pisces , she's deeply intuitive and reads people and situations well. If she tells you someone's vibe is off or that she doesn't like going to a particular place, trust her. [3]
    • She might not be able to put into words why she feels a certain way about something.
    • Try to take her word for it instead of challenging her, which will make her feel like you don't respect her.

She needs time to herself sometimes.

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  1. She's a giver, patient and kind, who often goes out of her way to help others. This giving comes at a price for her, though, and she frequently needs time alone. This need may come up suddenly—when it does, do what you can to get her the quiet and solitude she needs.
    • She'll know that you get her if you show that you appreciate that she needs time alone and don't give her a hard time about it.
    • Never take it personally if she cancels a date or other outing because she needs her alone time. If she goes out without being sufficiently recharged, she'll likely feel guilty for not being her best.
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She loves to cook for you.

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  1. Even better, offer to help her prepare a meal. Let her take charge—as a cardinal sign, she's more comfortable planning and starting things herself. But she'll appreciate another set of hands and enjoy bonding with you over the creation of something scrumptious.
    • If she doesn't have anything specific for you to do, look for something you can clean. She'll know you understand her if you show that you clean as you go and care for the environment around you.
    • Offer her tastes of whatever you're cooking from time to time, she'll appreciate the care that you're taking toward making something she's sure to enjoy.

She has a sweet tooth.

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  1. If you're ever looking for a gift for your favorite Crab, or just something to lift her spirits when she's feeling down, a little something luscious and sweet will never fail. If you're at a bakery, choose something pretty and delicate and tell her it made you think of her.
    • Colorful pastel macarons are a wonderful choice for the feminine Cancerian.
    • Anything homemade will go over great with her. Even if it's not the prettiest thing, she'll see the love and care that went into it.
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She likes to keep the peace.

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  1. This is especially true if you have a long relationship with her and she feels safe and secure in your presence. She doesn't want to say or do anything that would rock the boat.
    • You might sense that something is bothering her if she gets quiet. She believes that if you can't say something nice, it's better to say nothing at all.
    • Gently encourage her to come to you when she has a problem. If she believes that you won't make a big deal out of it, she'll be more willing to come forward.

She can be a bit traditional and old-fashioned.

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  1. She's often sentimental, and goes through life with the mentality of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." This is why she's probably used the same toothpaste since she was a child and always buys the same brand of dish detergent. She doesn't like change, and she'll get out of sorts if you try to force it on her.
    • Holidays are very important to her for this reason. Expect her to pull out all the stops—she wants a traditional family gathering and it just won't feel right to her otherwise.
    • She's skeptical of anything new that she can't easily fit into her regular routine. Show her how she can make a change with minimal disruption—she'll love that you understand how important that is to her.
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She will fight for those she cares for.

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  1. It might seem at odds with her gentle, loving nature, but crabs are naturally protective of those they love. Never underestimate her ability to come out strong in your defense if someone mistreats you or does you wrong.
    • Keep in mind that she doesn't quickly forgive and forget either. If someone gets on her bad side, they tend to stay there.
    • It can be hard to convince her that someone has changed. She doesn't like change, herself, and can't really understand it in others. Once someone has wronged her, it will take her even longer to trust them again (if ever).
    • Reader Poll: We asked 272 wikiHow readers if they believed Cancers are generally family-oriented, and 92% of them said Yes. [Take Poll]

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