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Hoping to make a Cancer woman jealous? Maybe you’re crushing on her or are hoping to make your relationship more interesting. Or perhaps you just broke up with her and want your revenge. We have good news because a Cancer woman's emotional nature makes her super prone to jealousy. We’re going to tell you everything you need to know to make a Cancer woman green with envy.

Best Ways to Make a Cancer Woman Jealous

Cancers love to help those they care about, so try gently declining her assistance next time she offers it or offering your help to another woman instead. Cancer women also value vulnerability and quality time, so be less available and more secretive around her to make her jealous.


Spend less time with her.

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  1. Cancers want undivided attention, so she’ll get jealous if you pull away. She’ll start to wonder if she did something wrong and how she can make you focus on her. [1] Use more of your free time to work on your goals or hobbies . Additionally, wait a while before you text or Snap her back.
    • Tell her, “I need some space to work on my music,” or “I want more time for online gaming.”
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Hang out with your friends.

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  1. [2] She’ll wonder what you’re doing and why you didn’t invite her. Go make some plans with your friends, then post photos of you having fun on social media. Hopefully, her jealousy will make her want to spend more time with you.
    • You could also tell her you already have plans the next time she invites you to do something. Say something like, “I’m sorry! I already have plans with Alex this Friday.”

Compliment her rival.

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  1. Since Cancers are insecure, they get jealous if you compliment others . Appreciating her opponent’s good qualities will really stoke her insecurity. [3] Choose someone like a coworker, a frenemy, or a fellow student who outperforms her. Praise an accomplishment her rival made, or point out something you like about their personality. It’s not a good idea to compliment their looks, though, because she may think you like them. Say something like:
    • “Claire’s speech was so interesting.”
    • “Did you hear about Em’s award? I’m mega impressed!”
    • “T.J.’s jacket is killer.”
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Talk to another girl.

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  1. Since Cancers are so suspicious, she’ll immediately worry that something is wrong, which will make her super jealous. [4] Let her catch you talking to one of your female friends, or ask a random girl a question. You might try:
    • “Is it still raining outside?”
    • “Can you give me directions?”
    • “Your coffee smells good. What flavor is that?”
    • “Is the book you’re reading interesting?”
    • Reader Poll: We asked 227 wikiHow readers what they think is the most effective way to make someone jealous, and 51% of them said flirting with someone else. [Take Poll]

Help another girl.

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  1. It’s basically a love language for her. [5] Tell her that you can’t hang out with her because a friend needs you. She’ll definitely turn green with envy! You might:
    • Give someone a ride.
    • Assemble a piece of furniture.
    • Tutor a friend.
    • Help a friend move.
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Tell her you don’t need her help.

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  1. She’ll really want to help you out to show you how much she cares. Next time she offers to help you with something, just say “no thanks” or “I have all the help I need.” It’ll drive her crazy with jealousy.
    • Try telling her about a problem you have. You might say, “I really need to get my bag organized.” When she says, “I can help.” Say, “No thanks. My friend is going to help me.”

Keep a secret from her.

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  1. She’s also really sensitive and sympathetic, so she’s used to people opening up to her. [6] Drop hints that there’s something you can’t tell her, but that you told someone else. She'll be so jealous!
    • You could say, “I have to take care of something after work on Friday. Toby’s helping me out,” or “I’ve had so much on my mind lately. But let’s not talk about that. How are you?”
    • If you’re in a relationship, make the secret a surprise for her. That way, she’ll be super jealous but you’ll get instant forgiveness when you reveal the surprise. You don’t want her to actually be insecure in your relationship.
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Give her less affection.

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  1. Kiss her less than usual, and keep your arms slack when you hug her. Additionally, stop pampering her as much so she feels like you aren’t giving her enough attention. She’ll notice right away that something is different, and it’ll make her long for your touch.
    • Since Cancers are super suspicious, she’ll probably wonder if you’re giving affection to someone else. That’ll make her super jealous.

Make her chase you.

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  1. She wants you to pursue her, so she’ll get nervous if you act aloof. Ignore her, and she’ll wonder what’s wrong and start to crave your attention. You’ll know it’s working if she messages you or talks to you the next time you see her.
    • If you’re always reaching out to her, wait for her to contact you first.
    • Next time you see her, pretend like you didn’t see her there.
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Put down one of her passions.

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  1. She’ll get completely green from envy if you like something else more. [7] Casually tell her that you think a band is better than her favorite band, or that someone you know has a better hobby than her. She’ll start wondering if you’re losing interest in her. Say something like:
    • “I know you like the Avengers, but I think Batman is way better.”
    • “You spend so much time practicing your flute. My friend plays guitar and doesn’t have to practice so much.”
    • “I don’t know why you like Machine Gun Kelly. Post Malone is so much better.”

Act happy with someone else.

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  1. It sounds basic, but Cancers can be very emotional and insecure, so it’ll torture her to think you're happier with someone new. Post about your relationship all over social media, and tell all of your mutual friends about how happy you are now. She’ll be so jealous of you.
    • Don’t use someone just to get back at your ex. Only go out with someone you’re genuinely interested in dating.
    • If you’re not totally over your ex, stick to casual dating for the time being. Wait until you’re over your ex to try to get serious.
    • If you don’t have a new partner yet, say that you’re happier alone than you ever were with her. Additionally, fill social media with posts of you having fun without her.
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      • When she’s jealous, a Cancer woman will withdraw and become agitated. [8] Watch for these behaviors to know your plan is working.
      • Don’t make her too jealous because Cancers have a hard time forgiving you. If she gets mad or accuses you of something you didn’t do, she may be too jealous.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • I think the way to get to them is by giving them soothing remarks and whispers of "I'm here for you always" as they already have a hard time finding people who care about them not even near enough the extent they care for others.
      • In my experience, Cancer women aren't generally interested in people who play with their emotions and they can spot this type of thing a mile away. Always be genuine and upfront about your intentions.
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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about zodiac relationships, check out our in-depth interview with Stina Garbis .

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