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Everything you need to know about using Google Drive
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Google Drive is a free cloud storage service for uploading, sending, and sharing files and documents. It connects other Google apps, such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides, and keeps your files in one place. You can easily organize and edit your files on your computer or mobile device. This wikiHow will show you how to use Google Drive on your computer, iPhone, iPad, or Android.

Getting Started with Google Drive

To get started with Drive, go to the Google Drive website and sign in with your Google account. If you don't have a Google account, you can sign up for one from Drive's website. If you want to upload files from your computer or make a brand new document in your Drive, click the New button in the upper left corner.

Section 1 of 7:

Signing Into Drive

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  1. Go to https://drive.google.com/ in a web browser. If you're using the mobile app, tap the multicolored triangle icon.
  2. When prompted, type in the email address and password that you use to log into your Google account.
    • On mobile, you may have to select a Google account when prompted.
  3. You should see a column of options on the left side of the page, along with a large blank space in the middle of the page.
    • On mobile, you'll see a + at the bottom of the screen, along with a ☰ icon in the top-left corner of the screen.
    • Any items uploaded to Google Drive will be available on any other platform that supports Google Drive.
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Section 2 of 7:

Uploading Files on Desktop

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  1. It's a blue button in the upper-left corner of the page. A drop-down menu will appear. [1]
  2. Doing so opens a File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) window.
    • If you want to upload a folder, select Folder upload instead.
  3. Click the file that you want to upload. If you want to upload multiple files, you can hold down CTRL (Windows) or Command (Mac) while clicking files to select them.
  4. It's in the bottom-right corner of the window. The files will begin uploading to Google Drive.
  5. This can take a varying amount of time depending on the files' upload size and your Internet connection, so just make sure that you keep the Google Drive page open.
    • Once the files finish uploading, you'll see a checkmark ✓ to the right of the file's name in the box that's on the right side of the page.
  6. You'll see the file on your Drive homepage since it was uploaded recently. If you don't see it, refresh the page.
    • You can also use the search bar at the top to search for a specific file name, or click the Recents tab on the left to view all recent files.
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Uploading Files on Mobile

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  1. It's in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A pop-up menu will appear.
  2. It's one of the first options.
    • Alternatively, you can select Scan document or Take photo . Both options will open your device's camera.
  3. It's near the top of the menu.
    • If you have a different file type, tap Browse instead.
  4. Tap a photo, video, or document to select it. If you want to select more than one file, tap the three-dots icon and then tap Select or similar.
  5. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. This will prompt your selected file(s) to begin uploading to Google Drive.
    • If you only selected one file, it may upload automatically.
  6. This can take several minutes to several hours, depending on the file size and your Internet connection. Once the file completes uploading, the file's progress bar will disappear.
    • It's important to stay near a Wi-Fi router and keep Google Drive open during this time.
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Creating Files on Desktop

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  1. It's the blue button in the upper-left corner of the Drive window. A drop-down menu will appear.
  2. Click one of the following options:
    • Google Docs - Opens a new, blank Word-like document.
    • Google Sheets - Opens a new, blank Excel-like spreadsheet.
    • Google Slides - Opens a new, blank PowerPoint-like document.
    • Google Forms - Opens a new, blank form creator.
    • You can also select More to view more Google apps.
  3. Click the "Untitled" text in the upper-left side of the page, then replace the "Untitled" text with whatever you want to name your document.
    • Your changes will be saved automatically as long as you're connected to the Internet.
  4. Enter your document's text, images, and so on. You should see Saved to drive at the top next to a cloud icon.
  5. Your document will be saved on the Drive home page.
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Creating Files on Mobile

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  1. It's in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A menu will appear.
    • You will need the Google Docs, Google Sheets, and/or Google Slides apps on your phone if you want to create a document on mobile.
  2. Tap one of the following options:
    • Google Docs - Creates a Word-like document. If you don't have Google Docs, this opens the Google Docs app page.
    • Google Sheets - Creates an Excel-like document. If you don't have Google Sheets, this opens the Google Sheets app page.
    • Google Slides - Creates a PowerPoint-like document. If you don't have Google Slides, this opens the Google Slides app page.
    • The respective app will open.
  3. Type in a name for your document when prompted.
  4. It's in the bottom-right corner of the pop-up menu. Doing so applies the name to your document and opens the document.
  5. Enter the document's data, text, and so on.
  6. It's in the top-left corner of the screen. This will save the document in Google Drive.
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Section 6 of 7:

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  1. Click a file that you want to share with another person. You should see several icons appear at the top of the page when you do this.
    • Sharing documents or files is useful when the file in question is over 25 MB in size, since most email providers won't allow you to send it as an attachment.
  2. This is at the top-right corner of the document. A pop-up menu will open.
  3. Click the Add people, groups and calendar events field to do so.
    • As you type an email address, the matching contact will appear below the drop-down menu if they're in your contacts. Otherwise, make sure the full email address is correct.
    • Click the drop-down menu on the right to set the recipient as Editor (can edit the file or folder), Commenter (can add comments), or Viewer (can only see the file).
  4. If you want to include instructions or a brief statement about the item you're sharing, enter it in the "Add a note" text box.
  5. It's a blue button in the bottom-left side of the window. This will share the file with your selected recipient(s) via email.
  6. If you need to share with a lot of people, you can provide general access to those who have the unique link. Keep in mind that you shouldn't share documents with sensitive information this way. Do the following:
    • Click â‹® next to the file or folder.
    • Click Share .
    • Under General access, click Restricted .
    • Select Anyone with the link .
    • Click Viewer and set a new sharing restriction if desired.
    • Click Copy link .
    • Paste or send the link.
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Section 7 of 7:

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  1. Scroll through the Google Drive app until you find the file.
  2. It's to the right of the file name. A menu will appear.
    • On Android, tap and hold the file that you want to share.
  3. This option is at the top of the menu. Doing so prompts a new window.
  4. This will go in the field at the top with Add people or groups .
    • As you type an email address, the matching contact will appear below the drop-down menu if they're in your Google Contacts. You can tap the contact name to add the rest of the email address.
    • Set the recipient as Editor (can edit the file or folder), Commenter (can add comments), or Viewer (can only see the file).
  5. If you want to include a message with your shared file, tap the "Message" text field and enter the message you want to include.
  6. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. Your file will be shared via email.
  7. If you need to share with a lot of people, you can provide general access to those who have the unique link. Keep in mind that you shouldn't share documents with sensitive information this way. Do the following:
    • Tap â‹® next to the file or folder.
    • Tap Share .
    • Tap ••• in the top-right corner.
    • Tap Manage access .
    • Tap Restricted twice.
    • Select Anyone with the link .
    • Tap Viewer and set a new sharing restriction if desired.
    • Tap the link icon in the top-right corner to copy the link.
    • Paste or send the link.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How does security work?
    Bat 🦇
    Top Answerer
    Your account and all content on Google's servers are protected by a 128-bit TLS (SSL) certificate given by GeoTrust Global CA. Authenticity is also verified by GeoTrust Global CA.
  • Question
    Will my uploaded photos be visible to everyone?
    Community Answer
    Only if you make your password publicly known. (Note: If the FBI or NSA wants to look at them, they can. End of story).
  • Question
    How do I attach a photo from Google Drive to Gmail text?
    Community Answer
    If you choose to insert an image from within Gmail, you should have the option to insert a photo from Google Drive. You can only use the image if it's already been uploaded to Google Drive, however.
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      • Closing the Google Drive page or app before files finish uploading will cancel the pending uploads.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Sign up at https://drive.google.com .
      2. Install Google Backup & Sync for Windows or macOS.
      3. Sync your files.
      4. Install Google Drive on your Android, iPhone, or iPad.
      5. Upload files to your Drive.
      6. Access uploaded and synced files on all devices.
      7. Share files with others.

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      • Connie G.

        Aug 25, 2016

        "Thanks, I didn't realize that I'd have to go to the Drive to make a new folder. I was trying to do it ..." more
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