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If you have everything done that you need to accomplish or need to take a break from your work, you'll need to find some ways to burn up those extra hours. Wasting time can be productive or unproductive, but sometimes you need it after a long day. Whether or not you use electronics or you just want to get outside, wasting your time can be easy!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

With Electronics

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  1. Find free games that you can play in a browser. Look through the genres of games and pick one that looks interesting to you. These games tend to be short, easy to learn, and very addicting! [1]
    • Free websites like Newgrounds and Miniclip offer a variety of games made by users.
    • Some of the games will require Flash to be installed on your computer or else they will not load.
    • Find a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game, like World of Warcraft, to play with a large community over the Internet.
  2. Get into conversations with other individuals online through the forums. Search for something you’re interested and you’ll likely find a forum for it. If you’re part of a specific fandom, look for a discussion board to talk about it with others.
    • Websites like Reddit, Quora, Stack Overflow, and 4chan are popular places to have conversations or post images. Search for topics that interest you.
    • Subreddits like TIL or ExplainLikeIm5 are great for learning new things.
  3. Look up a subject you’re interested in on YouTube and start with the first result that pops up. Once the video is finished, look through the recommended video suggestions that pop up or search for something completely new. [2]
    • YouTube is a great place to learn new skills, watch pranks, get reviews, or stay updated with vlogs.
    • Use playlists to find and sort videos that you like or are in the mood for.
  4. Pick up your preferred gaming console and put in your favorite game. Whether it’s a single-player or multiplayer experience, set aside some time to plug in and play. [3]
    • Some studies have shown that video games can help improve your reaction times and build cooperation skills. [4]
    • Play single player games or join multiplayer games online to play with friends.
  5. Mobile games are easy to pick up and play if you’re on the go. Keep a handful of games on your phone in a variety of different genres so you always have something to play, no matter what mood you’re in. [5]
    • Popular mobile games include Candy Crush Saga, Fortnite, and Clash of Clans.
    • Many of the games will also work without an Internet connection.
    • Free-to-play games usually come with ads or in-app purchases.
  6. If you’re bored, why not see what other people are doing? Social media is considered a top time-waster since you can endlessly look back on what other people have posted about. Maybe other people posting will inspire you to go out and do what they’ve done! [6]
    • Visit sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with friends.
  7. Log into your preferred streaming service and watch something you’ve been putting off for a while. Watch a single episode if you have limited amounts of time or the whole season if you don’t have anything else to do. [7]
    • Television and movies can help you appreciate worlds you may not be familiar with and develop an understanding of the characters.
    • If you want to learn while watching TV, put on a documentary or a true crime series.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Indoor Activities

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  1. Randomly pick a book from your bookshelf, sit in a comfortable spot, and start reading. Getting lost in a book helps you escape reality for the time you’re reading it and burn the extra time you have in a productive way. [8]
    • If you’ve read a book already, try reading it again to gain deeper understandings and connections to the material.
    • Going to your local library or bookstore is a great way to ask others about recommendations and kill time.
  2. Doodle small pictures in a notebook or sketchbook. Grab a pen or pencil and a piece of paper near you and start drawing. They don’t have to make sense or represent anything; just let your mind wander as you doodle lines. Doodling can help improve your memory and helps you be more mindful. [9]
    • If you want to get better at drawing, check out drawing books from your library or watch tutorials online to follow and improve.
    • Look online for daily doodling prompts if you want to expand your creativity.
  3. Write in a journal to brainstorm new ideas. When you have time, pull out a notebook and start writing. Reflect on your day and what you want to accomplish or look up writing prompts if you don’t have any ideas. Journaling can help you manage your stress and keep your brain active. [10]
    • Carry around a small notebook wherever you go because you’ll never know when inspiration may strike.
    • Practice freewriting as a way to let your mind wander while you’re working.
  4. If you want to truly waste time, don’t make lists of things that are helpful, such as a grocery or to-do list. Instead, think about online lists you see about movies or celebrities and create your own. Start by writing a heading or title for your list at the top of your page.
    • For example, you could write things you want to do before you die, what movies you’ve watched, or all the items you have in a collection.
    • Consider making word lists, like how many words you can make just using the letters of your name or what funny words you can find around your home.
    • Look at list-style articles to get an idea of what to write about.
  5. Practice meditation to reduce stress. Sit in a comfortable place and focus on your breathing and your body. Don’t let external thoughts get in the way while you meditate. It’s okay if the mind wanders a little bit as long as you bring your attention back to yourself. Practice meditating for 10 minutes every day when you have time. [11]
    • Make sure the place where you meditate is quiet or else you will get more distracted.
    • Try counting your breaths if you find that your mind is wandering easily.
  6. If you can, take some time in the early afternoon to plan your nap. Find a comfortable spot in your home either on a couch or bed close your eyes. Rest for 20-30 minutes to help boost your energy later in the evening. [12]
    • Set an alarm so you don’t oversleep.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Outdoor Activities

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  1. Go around your neighborhood without any music and experience the nature around you. Make your walking route into a loop so you always right back home when you’re finished. The outdoor time will help refresh you and give you time to think about things to do when you get back. [13]
    • Wear clothes appropriate for the weather. If it’s sunny, wear a hat and sunscreen. If it’s cold, bundle up or walk on a treadmill instead.
  2. Lay in your yard or in a public place and look up at the sky. Be imaginative as you try to figure out what the clouds look like. It’s a great way to use your time and get a boost of creativity. [14]
    • Wear sunglasses to avoid looking at direct sunlight.
  3. if you need to waste time at night. Go to a low-lit area and lay in the grass to watch the night sky. Look around at all the stars, the moon, and any other celestial bodies you may see. Keep an eye out for shooting stars and make wishes whenever you see them. [15]
    • Bring a telescope if you want to see anything closer.
    • Look online to see if any meteor showers are happening in your area.
  4. Look online for the nature trail that’s closest to you and go there. Spend some time outside just walking and enjoying the environment around you. [16]
    • Know how far you plan on walking, especially if the trail doesn’t loop back around to where it starts.
    • Let someone else know where you’re going and how long you plan to be gone.
  5. Go to your local mall or shops to look at the products that they have. Try on clothes or read the beginning of books that you like, but don’t feel pressured into buying anything. Taking some time for yourself and just being out of your home will make the time go faster.
  6. Ride through residential streets or on designated bike trails if there are any nearby. You can either go slow for a leisurely ride or you can go fast to increase your mileage. [17]
    • Make sure you ride safely. Always wear a helmet and use reflective material or lights when you’re riding at night.
  7. Go fishing if you want to spend time near the water. Find a body of water where fishing is allowed near you. Cast your line from the shore or use a boat if you have access to one. You can either catch and release for fun or you can keep your fish it’s allowed. [18]
    • Get a fishing license if it’s required in your area.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I waste time in school?
    Community Answer
    Doodle in the margins of your notes or just zone out, but make sure to at least look in the general direction of your teacher every few minutes.
  • Question
    How do I waste time when I lost my voice?
    Community Answer
    Write out everything you are going to say on a slip of paper or whiteboard when in a conversation with someone. If you have no one to talk to, try reading or playing video games.
  • Question
    How do I waste time in life?
    Community Answer
    Don't be productive at all.
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      • Set an alarm clock for the amount of time you want to waste so you don’t use up more than you wanted!
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To waste time on your computer or phone, take online quizzes, play games, scroll through your social media accounts, or read random blogs. You can also doodle in a sketch pad or try making fun lists to pass the time, like how many words you can make just using the letters of your name or what funny words you can find around your home! To learn about outdoor activities you can do to waste time, read on!

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        Jan 7, 2018

        "I needed to kill an hour and I didn't even end up doing any of the stuff, just reading. It was amazing. This ..." more
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