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Decode the meanings of the blushed and flushed face emojis
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Those rosy cheeks are eye-catching, but maybe they make you scratch your head, too. If you want answers about the 😊 (blushing smiley face) emoji or the 😳 (flushed face) emoji, we'll tell you what's up. Review our handy guide to brush up on the 😊 and the 😳 and keep your cool whenever you see either of them.

Blushing Emoji Meaning

  • The blushing smiley face emoji (😊) can convey that you’re super happy or that you’re sending “good vibes.”
  • The blushed emoji may also be a way to show affection or tell someone that you’re a little shy. You may even use the 😊 as an innocent way to flirt!
  • The flushed face emoji (😳) usually means that someone is embarrassed, feeling shy, or in disbelief after a shocking event.
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😊 (Blushing Smiley Face) Emoji Meanings

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  1. If you’re in a great mood and nothing can get you down, post a 😊. Whether you’re proud of an accomplishment, excited by an event, or simply soaking up the beauty of the present, a 😊 says you’re content. [1]
    • “So happy I moved to Cali! 🌴😊 The weather’s incredible!”
    • “My parents are in town this week! 💛😊 I’m excited to catch up!”
    • “I made the Dean’s List this year! 📚 😊 Glad my hard work paid off.”
    • “I’m the top seller in my region! 💵 😊 Feeling proud!”
  2. Want to be in the best state of mind? The 😊 has your back. With its serene smile, a 😊 tells everyone that you only have time for positivity. If you want to count your blessings and inspire friends, 😊 shows you’re glowing with appreciation. [2]
    • “Nothing can go wrong today! 😊 I’ve got my good luck amulet on! 🍀❇️”
    • “On the lookout for just the positives. 🕵🏿‍♀️ 😊”
    • “I’m out of debt and have a roof over my head. 🏡 😊”
  3. When you want to get everyone super sentimental, give them a dose of the 😊. A 😊 can also be a response to a cuteness overload. If something seems too sweet to be true, drop a 😊 to say you’re basically getting a sugar high. [3]
    • “Check the kitchen island, babe! I baked you a batch of cookies. 😊 🍪”
    • “Cuddle pile with my three kittens! 😊 🐱🐱🐱”
    • “What a cute lemonade stand! 🍋 💛 Such little entrepreneurs. 😊”
    • “ Love the 🤍 ‘positive shark’ meme! 🦈 He takes a bite out of any bad day. 😊”
  4. Hit with some nerves or a little stage fright? Maybe you’re hoping for the best but just want some extra support. A 😊 will let your friends and followers know you could use a pep talk.
    • “I’m about to go on stage in a few. 🎤 I hope all goes well. 😊”
    • “OMG! What a compliment! 😊 I don’t even know what to say.”
    • “Thanks for the friend request! I wanted to reach out but didn’t know how! 😊”
  5. Want to boost someone’s self-esteem without getting too steamy? Make a sweet and respectful comment with a 😊⁠—you’ll probably make them smile right back! [4]
    • “You’re totally adorable. 😊 I’ve thought that since middle school. 🫣”
    • “That selfie gives me butterflies. 🦋 😊 You’re just so stunning.”
    • “Are you sure you’re not a movie star?! 🎬 🌟 You’ve got that ‘look’! 😊”
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What does the 😊 (blushing smiley face) emoji mean on Snapchat?

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  1. When you look at your “Friends” list, you should see a 😊 across from their name and avatar. Basically, a 😊 means that you talk to this user a lot but they’re not your #1 BF just yet. [5]
    • A 💛 goes next to your “#1 BF,” someone who you’ve sent the most Snaps to.
    • ❤️ says a person has been your “#1 BF” for at least 2 weeks.
    • 💕 is the symbol for someone who’s been your “#1 BF” for 2 months or more.
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Meanings of a 😳 (Flushed Face) Emoji

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  1. When your cheeks are burning because you made a silly mistake, the 😳 turns it into a funny story everyone can get a kick out of. [6]
    • “Oops! Didn’t mean to ‘cc’ you on an email about your own surprise party! 😳”
    • “Checked myself out in the store window…everyone saw me. 🪟 Oof! 😳”
    • “My stomach growled like a lion during a silent meditation. 🦁 😳”
  2. If you’re dipping your toes into a new experience or just expressing what makes you nervous, the 😳 will help get you sympathy and support.
    • “Trying to put myself out there…soooo…I signed up for speed dating. 😳 Here goes nothing. ⌛”
    • “I was invited to speak on a panel and give my POV about comic books. 💥 😳 This’ll be new.”
    • “I’m a total introvert. 🫥 Please don’t throw me into a new crowd without telling me. 😳”
  3. If an earth-shattering moment has changed your world, tell all your friends that you need a second to collect yourself with a 😳. If someone took your breath away with a kind gesture, a 😳 also works as a compliment. [7]
    • “I thought it was a real soda can, but it turned out to be cake! 🥫 😳 I’m still shook!”
    • “Did you really make that trick shot?! 🏀 😳 I can’t believe it!”
    • “I couldn’t walk across the stage, so my mom announced my graduation on a billboard! 💖😳”
  4. If you can’t find the right words to say how happy you are, the 😳 does just the trick. Everyone will be rooting for you and thrilled about what might happen next. [8]
    • “My bf…well…my fiancé, now!...got down on one knee in Times Square today! 😳 🥰”
    • “I finally finished med school and was just accepted into a residency! 😳 🏥”
    • “Just packed my bags! 🧳👜 I’m leaving the country for the first time in my life! 😳”
  5. Want to finally admit you’re attracted to someone? The 😳 will prove it took a lot of guts and courage. A 😳 also lets your current SO know you still find them totally drool-worthy. [9]
    • “That selfie is too hot to handle. 🔥😳 Wow.”
    • “I blush every time I get a notification from you. 📱😳”
    • “I’ve been meaning to tell you…I think you’re super dateable. 😳”
    • “Every time I look at you, hon, I’m hit with the warm fuzzies. 😳 🚚 💕”
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Similar Emojis

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  1. Whether you're hit by Cupid's bow or a bit of embarrassment, these are some options at your fingertips to let everyone know your mood: [10]
    • 😚 (Kissing Face with Closed Eyes) Emoji: With its rosy cheeks and puckered lips, it’s a go-to for SOs!
    • 🥰 (Smiling Face with Hearts) Emoji: All those floating hearts can convey either platonic or romantic love.
    • 🤭 (Face with Hand Over Mouth) Emoji: This light-hearted emoji usually suggests you’ve made a mischievous joke or a funny slip-up.
    • 🫣 (Face with Peeking Eye) Emoji: When you can’t believe what you or someone else did, this emoji shows you still have to watch what happens next.
    • 🥵 (Hot Face) Emoji: Depending on the context of your message, you can be flirty and funny or extremely spicy with this little symbol.
    • =^.^= : This text-based swap for an emoji can depict a happy person with “smiling eyes” or a gleeful feline.
    • ^_^ : This emoticon originated in Japan and shows that you’re full of joy.

Understand and Use Sexual Emojis with this Expert Series

We've all been there. You're flirting with someone over text, and then they send a confusing emoji. What does it mean? Read this expert series and learn how to use emojis to upgrade your flirting!

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