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If you’re sexting with someone, you may wonder what they mean when they send a 👻 (ghost) emoji your way. This mysterious, silly emoji can convey a wide range of meanings, and we’re here to help you make sense of it all. In this article, we’ll break down what the 👻 means both in sexual and non-sexual conversations. We’ll also break down other popular emojis you might use to show that special someone how you really feel 😉.

Ghost Emoji Meaning

The ghost emoji can represent an actual ghost, usually relating to Halloween or supernatural topics. It may also mean that someone is playful, flirty, or about to do something crazy. In romantic relationships, the ghost emoji may reference kissing or convey that someone has “ghosted” the relationship.

Section 1 of 4:

What does the 👻 (ghost) emoji mean sexually?

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  1. The goofy little 👻 emoji, with its tongue out and arms spread to its side, looks like it’s up for anything. Roleplaying, dirty talk, whatever. While it isn’t a super sexual emoji on its own, it can be used to punctuate a sexy message and add an extra little wackiness to it. For example:
    • “I can’t wait to be all over you tonight 👻”
    • “You must be so cold; you’ve been naked in my daydreams the past week 👻”
  2. The 👅 (tongue) emoji is a staple of naughty texts, and if you look closely, the 👻 has a similar tongue-out look. While a 👅 might be a forward, explicit reference to making out or going down on your partner, the 👻 can be used as a more spirited, playful spin on the message. You might say:
    • “I can’t wait to take get down to whatever is under your underwear tonight 👻”
    • “You know what I want to do tonight? Kiss your face 👻”
  3. The ghost in this emoji carries a wacky, ridiculous expression that suggests it may be up to no good. If you’re sexting someone and they throw this emoji in there, they may be implying that they’re up for an all-nighter full of wild behavior and recklessness. Someone might say:
    • “You ready for a wild night, hot stuff? 👻”
    • “So, are you bringing the sex toys tonight, or am I 👻?”
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Other Possible 👻 (Ghost) Emoji Meanings

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  1. The 👻 typically refers to anything supernatural or Halloween-related. These are the 👻 emoji’s most popular usages. You can use a 👻 to refer to anything paranormal or spooky. The ghost, alongside the 🎃 (pumpkin) emoji, 🦇 (bat) emoji, and 🍭 (candy) emoji, also evokes trick-or-treating, costumes, and scary skeletons. [1] Someone might say:
    • “You ready for Josie’s Halloween party next week 👻🎃!!”
    • “Tell me a 👻 story. I’m bored!”
  2. Snapchat’s logo is a ghost, so you can use the 👻 to stand in for the social media app. If you’re talking to someone and the convo is hot and heavy, they might be trying to suggest that you two send nudes or suggestive flicks over Snapchat, which is a popular move since the photos disappear after a period of time (although they can still screenshot them, so keep that in mind). [2] For example, someone might say:
    • “If you’re worried about sending cute selfies, we can always use 👻”
    • “Do you have 👻? We should chat on there 😈 😏”
  3. Ghosting is where someone (usually a person you’re talking to on a dating app) suddenly and unexpectedly disappears. When using the 👻 this way, it implies that you aren’t all that torn up about it. The ghost is just too funny looking to suggest that you’re genuinely sad. [3] You could say:
    • “Remember that goof I was talking to on Tinder? He went straight 👻 on me.”
    • “I really liked Danny at first, but he was kind of boring looking back at it. He 👻 me, so at least I don’t need to worry about him anymore.”
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How to Use the 👻 (Ghost) Emoji Sexually

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  1. Throw a 👻 in a dirty text to let someone know you’re kinky, but not in a scary or aggressive way. You could use the 👻 to punctuate a sext and hint to your partner that you’re up for anything, that you’re going to blow their mind, or that you’re going to totally go to town on them. For example:
    • “You up for a quickie, or should we take it low and slow tonight 👻 I could go either way 😏”
    • “Am I tying you up later, or are you tying me up? 👻👻👻”
  2. If you want the person you’re sexting or flirting with to know that you’re not uptight when it comes to trying new things, a 👻 can help you send the right message. You might say:
    • “You ready to get into trouble tonight, cutie pie 👻🤪”
    • “I am ready to go wild tonight. You up to have some fun? 👻”
  3. Combing emojis to form complex sentences is an art. The 👻 emoji can be a versatile tool when it comes to crafting a naughty emoji-filled sext. Here, a 👻 can be used to say “I’m going to rock your world so hard that you’ll turn into a ghost!” You might send something like:
    • “🍑👏👻”
    • “🍆😯😲😵👻”
    • “✊🍆😭👻”
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Section 4 of 4:

Sexy Emoji Guide

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  1. This emoji can refer to kissing or licking. Alternatively, it can be a reference to oral sex, or just generally naughty behavior. [4]
  2. The peach emoji is plump and round enough to signify a booty. If you want to compliment your partner’s elegant derriere, this flirtatious emoji is always a good option. [5]
  3. The eggplant emoji is the universal symbol for a penis. If you want to get really explicit, this is a key emoji to have in your repertoire. [6]
  4. The ✌️ and 🌮 emojis symbolize a vagina. Like the eggplant, these two emojis are essential when it comes to naughty texting shorthand.
  5. You may know where this is going, but this combo (👉👌) refers to sexual intercourse.
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Understand and Use Sexual Emojis with this Expert Series

We've all been there. You're flirting with someone over text, and then they send a confusing emoji. What does it mean? Read this expert series and learn how to use emojis to upgrade your flirting!

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    What does 💤 mean from a guy?
    Community Answer
    The 💤 emoji indicates sleeping or snoring and can be used to indicate boredom or the action of sleeping.
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