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Find out what the universe is asking you to do when you see 838
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Are you seeing the number 838 everywhere you turn? While it might seem like a coincidence, repeating sequences are actually angel numbers, or numeric messages from your guardian angels. Luckily, seeing 838 means you’re heading in the right direction, as long as you work hard and stay positive. In this article, we’ll walk you through what the universe has in store for your love life, twin flame connection, and more, as well as what to do when you see 838.

Things You Should Know

  • Angel number 838 is a sign to believe in yourself and work toward your goals—you’re on the right path if you think positively and treat others with kindness!
  • In love, 838 encourages you to be honest and work through any issues with your partner. If you’re single, 838 is a sign to stay open to romantic possibilities.
  • Angel number 838 signifies abundance in your career and finances. Use your skills, creativity, and knowledge to create opportunities and manifest your dream reality.
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  1. Think of it as reassurance from your guardian angels that you’re exactly where you need to be. As long as you believe in yourself and work toward your goals, the universe will provide you with all the necessary tools to achieve your dreams. Everything is part of the divine plan, so be patient and push forward—what’s meant for you will arrive at the perfect time! [1]
    • In the meantime, build a positive thinking mindset and let go of any self-limiting beliefs. Once you recognize your inner strength, you can go after what you truly want in life, becoming more happy, optimistic, and fulfilled.
  2. Your guardian angels want you to remember that what goes around comes around: the energy you put out into the world is the energy you will receive. With this in mind, reflect on your behavior and adjust your actions accordingly. If you think positively and try to become a better person, the universe will reward you with increased prosperity and abundance.
    • Angel number 838 is considered a karmic number, so if you’ve hurt people in the past, reach out to them to make amends. Directly apologize for your wrongdoings, and tell the other person what you’ve learned from your mistakes. This can help you reverse bad karma and generate positive karma for the future.
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  1. Angel number 838 is considered a manifestation number, so when you see it, your angels are urging you to think about your desires. According to the Law of Attraction, your thoughts, beliefs, and actions can shape your reality, so visualize what you want in life and imagine your ideal future. The more specific and detailed you are, the more likely you’ll manifest your dream reality!
    • To use angel number 838 for manifestation , physically write down your goals in the present tense, as if they’re about to occur. Use clear and positive wording to attract good energy, and date your entries so you can keep track of your manifestation when they come true.
    • Alternatively, make a vision board to help you visualize your desires. Create a collage of images and text that represent your ideal future, then hang it in an area you pass by frequently. If you want to work in the fashion industry, for instance, you might cut out photos from Vogue or any other fashion publication.
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  1. In numerology, the number 8 represents abundance, prosperity, balance, and success. The number 3 is associated with creativity, self-expression, imagination, and memory. Combined, angel number 838 is a sign to pursue your life purpose with focus and enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid to aim high and take creative risks—the heavenly realm is always by your side.
    • Since the number 8 appears twice, it has double the influence. Your guardian angels are urging you to create balance in your life, so be sure to set boundaries around your work hours and follow a daily schedule to maintain a healthy work life balance .
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  1. Your guardian angels are reminding you to focus on your spiritual growth and maintain a positive outlook on life. A spiritual awakening is often triggered by major life changes, such as an illness, tragedy, or trauma, and these events can dampen your spirit. Even if you bump into unexpected obstacles, trust in the divine plan so you can fulfill your soul’s purpose in life. [2]
    • Angel number 838 asks you to learn, teach, or practice spiritual principles. This could look like praying, meditating, volunteering, attending religious services, exploring nature, or practicing gratitude daily.
    • If you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening , you might feel more connected to the world around you. Your guardian angels might bestow you with gifts of increased knowledge, empathy, or gratitude.
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Love & Relationships

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  1. Angel number 838 is a reminder to keep an open heart and mind—your next partner could be someone you meet by chance, or a friend you haven’t seen in years. When you’re open to romantic possibilities, you increase the odds of finding love, so pay close attention to how you feel around others. If you feel a spark or connection with someone, don’t be afraid to pursue it! [3]
    • If you haven’t dated in a while, figure out what type of partner you want and have fun meeting new people . Find potential dates by using dating apps, attending local events, or asking your friends if they know anyone who might be a good match.
  2. Whether you’re in a short-term or long-term relationship, seeing 838 is a sign to be open and honest with your partner. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings if things have been bothering you, and establish boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship. With compromise and understanding, you can work through any issues and come out even stronger as a couple! [4]
    • To set boundaries with your partner, think about your needs and desires, then clearly communicate the limits around your personal time and space. Boundaries serve to protect your well-being, and someone who truly loves you will respect them no matter what.
    • For example, if your partner is always working and it stresses him (and you) out, you could set specific hours around when he can check his emails and engage in work. This could look like setting his phone to personal mode when he comes home or on the weekends.
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Twin Flames

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  1. Twin flames are mirror souls, or 2 people who share a deep connection and teach each other a valuable life lesson.Seeing 838 could be a sign that you’re about to see them after a long time apart, or meet for the first time if you’ve never crossed paths. Twin flames can appear at the most unexpected times, so keep an open heart and mind—you might run into them sooner than you think! [5]
    • If you’re currently dating your twin flame, 838 could be a sign to take a break and focus on your own spiritual growth. Twin flame relationships can be codependent, which can cause toxic patterns and behavior. Once you discover who you are, you can better understand what it takes to maintain your connection, leading you back to your partner.
    • When the universe guides you to your other half, there are several signs you’ve met your twin flame .You might share the same goals and passions, have similar life experiences, or have the sudden urge to become the best version of yourself.
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Career & Finances

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  1. If you keep seeing 838, your angels are sending you a positive message of prosperity. Focus on your tasks and goals to create financial stability for yourself, and take calculated risks to advance in your career. There’s always room for growth in any profession, and by honing in on your skills , you might land a promotion or get a raise! [6]
    • Even if things aren’t going to plan, your guardian angels want you to remain patient and confident. The universe has got your back if you work hard and stay focused on your goals.
    • If you’re looking to level up in your career, show initiative in the workplace. Take on responsibilities without being asked, work on improving your skills in your free time, and ask your colleagues to provide honest feedback about your performance.
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What to Do When You See 838

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  1. Seeing angel number 838 is a sign of abundance and prosperity, but it doesn’t mean you can sit around and wait for things to be handed to you. Use your skills, creativity, and knowledge to create opportunities for yourself, and step out of your comfort zone to reap even bigger rewards. By tapping into your creative side, you can put yourself in a position to achieve everything you want in life.
    • Express yourself creatively by writing, producing, taking photographs, making art, or starting a podcast or project you’ve always dreamed of.
    • Use social media to connect with other creatives and find opportunities to collaborate. Even if a brand isn’t hiring publicly, for instance, direct messaging them might put your name on the list for a position in the future.
  2. If you’ve been feeling stressed or overwhelmed, seeing 838 is a sign to step back and prioritize your mental health. Set aside time for activities that bring you joy, and remember to enjoy the little things in life—listen to your favorite album, sing in the shower, or sit down to drink a cup of coffee. It’s easy to live life on the go, but simple activities can help you relieve stress and remain positive.
    • Additionally, practice self-care by eating healthy foods, exercising for at least 20 minutes every day, and getting at least 7 hours of sleep.
  3. Seeing 838 is a reminder to surround yourself with positive thoughts (and people) so you can attract your desires. Even if you’re faced with adversity, your guardian angels ask you to reflect on all the wonderful things life has to offer. Think of every experience, good or bad, as an opportunity to grow, and use your setbacks as motivation to create your ideal future.
    • To overcome adversity , practice gratitude so you can focus on the positive aspects of your life. Volunteer in your community, give your friend a thoughtful girl, or perform a random act of kindness. Finding opportunities to help others can boost your well-being and generate good karma.
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