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As an Aries woman, you're like a shot of espresso to the people close to you. With your energy, charm, and overall luminous spirit, you have all the tools you need to win the attention of your Taurus crush. The grounded, meticulous Taurus is a pretty stark contrast to your fiery, bold nature, but if you put in the work, this can be relationship filled with growth and beauty. Luckily, there are so many strategies that can help you catch his eye and enjoy all that your Taurus crush has to offer. As an Aries, there's nothing you can't achieve if you put your mind to it! Read on for all the best tips to attract a Taurus man as an Aries woman.


Save all your flirtiness for him.

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  1. To snag a Taurus, you’ll definitely have to resist your urge to play the field, which might be a bit of a challenge. Aries women are the queens of flirtation, drawing in just about anyone with a bright personality and loads of confidence. However, Taurus men get insanely jealous; even in the early stages, if you flirt with other people, he could very easily hit the road. [1]
    • More than anything, try to avoid flirting with someone directly in front of him.
    • Try to channel all of your flirty energy into your conversations with your Taurus crush.
    • You can never overemphasize your interest to a Taurus. Plus, by choosing to flirt with him and only him, you'll avoid accidentally driving him away.
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Keep the games to a minimum.

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  1. These guys, though, genuinely won’t deal with anything but straight-shooting. Playing hard to get and making him jealous could mean game over with your Taurus crush. This isn't a sign that will keep chasing someone who doesn't seem interested. He'd be much more likely to walk away. [2]
    • As an Aries, you may feel like working hard, getting competitive, and trying to "win," even when it comes to love. Channel your competitive spirit into playing by his rules instead of playing your own game.
    • This could be an exciting challenge in itself. Focus on really listening to his take, practicing patience with him, and letting things move slowly.

Be your charming, confident self.

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  1. You definitely don't need to worry about getting his attention. With your lively personality, he'll probably feel an immediate spark with you. The more you lean into all of that natural, Aries-esque charisma, the more effect you'll have. [3]
    • Be the first to hit the dance floor at a party.
    • Arrive dressed in your favorite bold look.
    • Feel free to walk right up to him and start asking questions. Your Taurus crush will find you totally exciting—and attractive.
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Bring on the adventure.

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  1. Aries women, on the other hand, couldn't avoid life's thrills even if they wanted to. With every concert, rock-climbing class, and dance party you drag your Taurus crush too, you'll be showing him that being with you means constant adventure. He may be hesitant at first, but eventually, you'll have him totally obsessed with all of the fun you add to his life. [4]
    • Send a last minute text asking him to join you on an impromptu road trip.
    • Without warning, stop by his house when you're in the area. Ask him if he'd like to join you for a quick adventure.
    • Plan a scavenger hunt around the city for him. He'll probably love getting to have so much fun right by your side.

Focus on your physical connection.

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  1. Both of these two signs love bringing on the passion in the bedroom, and a Taurus man is definitely equipped to impress. You're both usually considered generous lovers, so you two are bound to have an amazing time getting intimate. Once he experiences the fireworks with you, he'll likely have a very hard time thinking of anything else. [5]
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Flaunt your independence.

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  1. You’ve got energy and industrious spirit out of your ears. There’s probably no home-improvement project, new skills, or personal problem you don’t feel equipped to handle all on your own. You're happiest spending Sundays solo, getting stuff done. To a Taurus, this will be an irresistible quality in you. [7]
    • Don't be afraid to talk about your accomplishments. An evolved Taurus won't feel threatened by his love interest's success. He'll think it's hot!
    • Show off the new wallpaper you put up yourself the next time he's over. You could even offer to help with his future projects.

Show him how honest you are.

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  1. It'll be super meaningful to a Taurus when he realizes that you value honesty just as much as he does. Try to avoid giving your take without at least a little tact, though. When you share your frank, unfiltered opinions in front of your Taurus crush, try to keep in mind that there's a real person with real feelings on the receiving end. Taurus is a kind-hearted sign, so he'll appreciate your courtesy.
    • If he asks you what you think of his new shirt, be honest but gentle.
    • Be upfront about how you're feeling. A Taurus definitely likes things a certain way, but if you disagree with him, being honest will soften the blow.
    • For example, if you want to keep dating other people at the start of your flirtation-ship, he's more likely to stay if you are honest about that.
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Get comfy on the couch.

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  1. A Taurus is fond of food. [8] Though, for you, he'll definitely mix up his go-to routine by joining you on all your wacky adventures, you'll need to go at his speed sometimes, too. You might find this a bit boring, but to find common ground with your Taurus crush, you'll need to get comfortable staying in every now and again.
    • Try to find a balance with him. You could offer one chill session of his choosing per every wild adventure he's dragged on.
    • As an Aries, you probably care a ton about the people around you getting everything they want.
    • Try to keep in mind that even though it might bore you, your Taurus crush is having the time of his life watching Property Brothers and Bones with you.

Move at his speed when you can.

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  1. Aries are about the now, always looking for ways to move forward. For this reason, you may be tempted to nudge him along while you're getting to know each other. But the truth is, though a Taurus can compromise in many areas of your relationship, his pace will not be one of them. [9]
    • While your Taurus crush it taking it slow, try using that time to really reflect on how you feel about the relationship, too.
    • The Taurus and Scorpio relationship often goes the long, serious route. Use this time to get a read on how you really feeling before diving in.
    • Try journaling. Or, ask yourself important questions, like, "What am I really looking for from this? Do I have the bandwidth to commit to someone right now?"
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Focus on teaching each other.

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  1. Making this relationship work long term will completely depend on your ability to look at your differences in a positive light. Your Taurus crush's meandering pace and traditional values may bother you. Just the same, your impulsivity and occasional hot-headedness may sometimes rub him the wrong way. But remember, your contrasting strengths can help balance each other out!
    • Taurus people are very practical. [10] A Taurus can teach you to think things through. He can teach you to resist your need for instant gratification and wait for a bigger payoff.
    • You can teach a Taurus to throw caution to the wind and finally have some fun. You can show him how to follow his heart a bit more in his day to day.
    • To stay happy with your favorite Taurus, you've got to find ways to appreciate him for who he is. By becoming positive influences on each other, you'll have the tools for a long, healthy connection.

Channel your can-do attitude into your relationship.

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  1. When dating a Taurus, there will definitely be a few obstacles to overcome. But you're not afraid of a challenge! Try to see building a gorgeous, deep connection with your Taurus crush as your next big project. [11]
    • Commit to spending one night a week strengthen your connection. Choose a fun or intimate activity to do together, like a candlelit dinner, a volunteering sesh, or a night of bowling.
    • Try to show appreciation for him as often as possible. If he does the dishes, fixes a shelf, or listens to your problem at work, try finding a meaningful way to say thanks (like doing something for him, getting him a treat, or just telling him you appreciate his efforts!)
    • Reader Poll: We asked 1632 wikiHow readers about the most frustrating part of dating a Taurus, and 76% agreed that it’s when they give you the cold shoulder due to their stubbornness. [Take Poll]
    • So Aries, if you can find a way to handle this behavior and move past it, your Taurus crush will probably be super appreciative!
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Join the Discussion...

Taurus woman here dating an Aries man. We've been together a few weeks but I've never been with an Aries nor met any Taurus-Aries couples and I am curious about these sign's compatibility. Any Tauruses or Aries out there with experience dating the other sign who can tell me what to expect from this man?
I am a Taurus woman who's been in a relationship with an Aries man for 4 years. My take is: it can definitely work. There are just some things to be aware of. For instance, Aries are not always good at communicating. We work through it, but it is a constant frustration for someone like me who is very communicative!

On the other hand, he can be a lot more energetic and adventurous than me (I think he'd agree, I can be a bit of a homebody). I am definitely the more grounded and thoughtful one and he is more quick-moving and exciting, and he adds some spice to my life, and he says I help ground him and let him be himself.
Hi, fellow Taurus woman here! I'm also dating an Aries man and I'd say we're pretty compatible, we've been together for 3 happy years and counting :) He's a grounding presence in my life. I always feel so safe with him and like I can be myself around him. He is there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to. But one of his weaknesses is that he's not the most communicative guy. Even when I do go to him for emotional support, he's more there to listen and sometimes has trouble figuring out the right thing to say, but he's quick to jump into action if he thinks there's something he can do to make my life better, which I really appreciate. You may find yourself getting frustrated when it comes to communication but you just have to be patient and try your best to adapt to his communication style without taking it personally.

Learn How to Date a Taurus Man with this Expert Series

Taurus men are dependable, practical, and occasionally stubborn. Dating a Taurus man requires a patient, straightforward approach, and this expert series has everything you need to know.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What are the qualities of a Taurus?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Taurus people are fond of money and food. They are practical and also sensual.
  • Question
    What sort of people get along well with Taurus?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Often Taurus people are attracted to the Scorpio type of people. Scorpio is about passion. So if a Taurus is with a Scorpio, things can keep moving.
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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. https://popularastrology.com/get-taurus-man-to-chase-you

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