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Form a deep and lasting connection with the Taurus guy in your life
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A Taurus man can seem like a puzzle. He's sensitive and fiercely loyal, but he doesn't open up about his feelings very often. Fortunately, if you're patient and steady, you can strengthen the emotional bond you have with a Taurus. We've compiled all the best tips to help you communicate and connect with this stubborn but sweet sign, with expert insights from astrologists Angel Eyedealism and Stina Garbis.

Tips for Dating a Taurus Man

Taurus men value thoughtful communication and reliability. They can be slow to form emotional connections, but it helps if you make them feel safe to vulnerably express their feelings. Try sharing your emotions with him first and practice active listening when he’s speaking.


Connect through physical touch.

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  1. Tauruses are big on hugs, cuddling , and casual touches. Eyedealism explains that Taurus men are “very touchy feel-y types.” [1] So, if you’re trying to melt a Taurus man’s heart, try showing him some physical affection! You might tickle him, brush against his arm, or give him a hug. [2]
    • If you've been together for a while, consider giving him a soothing massage or spending more time with foreplay—kissing, cuddles, and caresses are vital for your man.
    • Due to the sign being ruled by Venus, Taurus men tend to be highly sensual and physically affectionate in a very tactile way, Garbis says. [3]
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Spend time with him in person.

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  1. A Taurus needs to feel close to you before he can emotionally connect . Taurus men value consistency and safety in relationships, and spending quality time together is a great way to build up these things. [4] Make a point of hanging out with him in-person—meet up after work, grab a meal together, or run errands with him. The closer he feels to you and the more time you spend together, the more likely he is to feel comfortable opening up emotionally.
    • Face-to-face connection is ideal, but this isn't to say that you can't text him or send a message when you're thinking about him. These are great ways to show your love even when you can’t meet up in person.

Cook for your Taurus.

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  1. According to Eyedealism, Taurus men are total foodies, so in this case, it’s true that the best way to his heart is through his stomach! [5] If you make him his favorite dish or share a family meal with him, he'll see it as more than just food. A good meal can help him relax and feel way more comfortable around you. [6]
    • Not a great cook? You can still treat your Taurus—bring him his favorite takeout or make reservations at a restaurant that he wants to try.
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Appreciate your Taurus and model communication skills.

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  1. Praise your Taurus and tell him how you feel about him. Taurus men feel things deeply, but they can be a bit shy about expressing their emotions to others. [7] You can model good communication skills by letting him know what you're thinking and feeling. Start by giving him compliments. You might say, "Hey, I noticed that you put air in my tires. That made my day a lot easier. Thanks for being so thoughtful!" [8]
    • When you express your emotions openly to him, this can help him feel more comfortable doing the same thing.

Accept him for who he is.

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  1. Like their symbol The Bull, Taureans are notoriously stubborn, so he'll likely resist your efforts if you try to pry or criticize him into acting differently. [9] Instead of pushing him, try to appreciate him for who he is, and keep modeling good communication to show him it's safe to open up whenever he's ready. [10]
    • For example, you might wish that he'd be more forthcoming about how he's feeling emotionally. Try to remember that sharing his feelings is probably pretty hard for him, and do your best to be patient.
    • In the meantime, remind yourself of some of his positive traits, like the fact that he's physically affectionate, or the fact that he does helpful things for you as a way to express his love.
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Make him feel valued.

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  1. Taurus men are deeply committed partners, and they'll do whatever they can to strengthen and nurture the relationship. [11] If you want to keep a Taurus man hooked, make it a habit to let him know that you notice these things about him. [12] When he feels valued and seen, he’s much more likely to open up.
    • Even just a quick, "Hey, I wanted to thank you for bringing me lunch. Has anyone ever told you how great you are?" will be great for his self-esteem.

Keep calm when you talk about your feelings.

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  1. If something serious comes up and you need to talk about it, do your best to approach him in a calm and level-headed way, even if you’re frustrated. Explain how you're feeling, and give him a chance to respond. If you approach him with a lot of anger or demand that he explain himself, he may get overwhelmed and shut down. [13]
    • For instance, you might say, "Can we talk about how you haven't met my family yet? I kind of feel like you don't want to and I'm not sure why," instead of something like, "You don't want to meet my family because you don't care about me! It's like you don't even want to be with me!"
    • It's also really important that you don't interrupt him when he starts to open up. It’s hard for a Taurus man to be vulnerable in this way, and if he’s interrupted, he may retreat and stop trying to share how he’s feeling.
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Listen to what he’s telling you.

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  1. In fact, if he tells you what he thinks or feels about something, that's what he's thinking or feeling! He doesn't have a hidden agenda or feelings that he's hoping you'll uncover, so you can usually take what they say at face value. [14]
    • If you thrive on drama in a relationship, you might have a hard time with a Taurus. According to Garbis, Taureans are known for being stable, honest, and financially secure, rather than wild, spontaneous, or unpredictable. [15]
    • Of course, not all Tauruses are exactly the same, but it's a good idea to keep this info in mind if you're trying to attract a Taurus .

Be vulnerable and authentic.

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  1. Taurus men aren’t into playing games, so don't try things like reverse psychology or making him jealous—he won’t respond well to these tactics. [16] If you're trying to get him to open up, just tell him how you’re feeling in an honest, direct way. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, and your Taurus guy will love you for it.
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Provide emotional security.

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  1. He's looking for commitment, not a casual fling. [17] If you show him that you’re consistent and loyal, he’s more likely to feel comfortable opening up. Things like showing up for him when he’s having a hard day, following through on commitments and plans you make with him, and consistently showing interest in how he’s feeling can go a long way.
    • He might have an easier time expressing himself once you two have gotten into a comfortable routine and have been dating for a while. Tauruses don't like change, so knowing that you're steady and reliable is critical for emotional connection.

Be patient with your Taurus.

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  1. He might need space to figure out what he's feeling before he's ready to talk. This can be frustrating sometimes, but it can also be a good thing. He's thoughtful about what he wants to communicate, and he takes his words very seriously. [18]
    • One way you might initiate a tough conversation with your Taurus is to give him a heads up that you want to talk. You might say, "It seems like you've been stressed about something. Can we meet up this weekend to talk?"
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Join the Discussion...

Hey everyone! I’m curious what the pros and cons of dating a Taurus man are. I’ve heard that they’re stubborn and like nice things, but that’s kind of about it and frankly that’s not a whole lot of info to go on. So, what would I be in for if I said “yes” to a date with a Taurus? How might I attract a Taurus, and how will he act if he's interested in me?
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Taurus is a “fixed” sign, and is embodied by the stubborn bull. It is hard to get a fixed bull to move unless it really wants to move. Taurus is also kind of a lazy sign, so you can’t play hard to get with them because they don’t want to run. They don’t want to jump through hoops or chase, they just want to be held and told they’re hot stuff.

I’d recommend that you try to make it easy for a Taurus to be with you. Find reasons to bring them gifts, or be helpful to them in some way to where they will need you again. Taureans also like eye candy, so playing up the sexy outfits and high-end jewelry is always a great way to go.

Also, try to engage in a lot of warm hugs and offer plenty of massages. Beyond that, Taurus tends to keep their social circle small, to family and a few friends, and it is hard to break in. If a Taurus is going out of their way to spend any time with you at all it’s a big sign they’re into you!
I've really enjoyed dating Taurus men so far! My boyfriend is super loyal and gives our relationship stability. I can tell that he wants to build a secure future with me. Sometimes it was tricky to communicate with him because he's stubborn but once we developed trust, he was serious about commitment.

When we were dating, I could tell my now boyfriend was into me because he's a classic romantic. He gave me thoughtful gifts and took my out on classy dates.

Learn How to Date a Taurus Man with this Expert Series

Taurus men are dependable, practical, and occasionally stubborn. Dating a Taurus man requires a patient, straightforward approach, and this expert series has everything you need to know.

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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. https://www.nylon.com/articles/seduce-a-taurus
      3. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 11 October 2022.
      4. https://cafeastrology.com/articles/taurusmanlove.html
      5. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      6. https://astrotalk.com/zodiac-signs/taurus-man-characteristics
      7. https://www.astrology.com/taurus-man.html
      8. https://astrotalk.com/zodiac-signs/taurus-man-characteristics
      9. https://cafeastrology.com/articles/taurusmanlove.html

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