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If you have made the exciting decision to get a new puppy, you’re probably ready to bring one home as soon as possible. Not so fast, though—you will need to take the time to figure out which breed is the best fit for you, pick out your puppy from a reputable source (breeder, animal shelter, rescue group) and prepare your home for a puppy. Taking your time to do your homework and learn as much as you can will go a long way in ensuring that you and your new puppy will share a happy, lifelong friendship.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Preparing for a Puppy

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  1. Puppies are cute and furry, but require a lot more time, attention, and money than you may think. It would not be fair to you or your puppy to bring him home when you are not truly ready for, or committed to, caring for him. Asking yourself a few questions—and answering them honestly—will help you determine if you are ready to take on the responsibility of buying a puppy.
    • Do I have the time groom, train, and exercise my puppy? Puppies are very time-intensive—although some breeds are more laid back than others, you will need to devote a lot of time to properly caring for your puppy. If you have a busy schedule or are out of town a lot, you may need to reconsider if you will be able to make time to take care of a puppy.
    • Am I financially able to cover the costs of caring for a puppy? There’s no getting around the fact that puppies are expensive. Think about if you are ready to pay for all of the necessities (food, collar, toys, bedding, etc.) plus regular and unexpected veterinary visits.
    • Is anyone at my house allergic to dogs? [1] If you do not live alone, you should consider whether anyone else who lives with you is allergic to dogs or pet dander in general.
  2. [2] Research breeds with characteristics (e.g., small dog, calm temperament, etc.) that make them a good fit for your life situation. The AKC has a matching quiz that can help you choose a breed. Dogs come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. Choosing the wrong breed can result in heartbreak for all if you realize that he is not a good fit for your home. A few examples of important factors to keep in mind include your living situation (apartment vs home) and work schedule (regular work hours vs constant travel).
    • Consider the energy level of the breed. For example, if you don't enjoy being outdoors much, getting a Siberian husky probably isn't the best idea. Huskies love to jump and run, and they need hours of daily exercise. It may be better to choose a puppy who will grow up to be a dog that likes napping and hanging out with you at home, such as a Cavalier King Charles.
    • If you rent, your apartment may have breed and weight restrictions for dogs. In addition, a large dog who needs a lot of exercise, such as a Golden Retriever, may feel a bit stifled in an apartment. If your apartment complex allows larger dogs, you will need to make sure that you have easy access to a large fenced-in area or dog park where you dog will be able run and exercise.
    • Talking to a reputable breeder could help you narrow down which breed would be an ideal fit for your life situation.
    • Other than doing Internet searches of dog breeds, consider purchasing a book on dog breeds.
    • Keep in mind that you do not have to pick a specific breed. A mutt will do just fine!
  3. Aside from the initial cost of purchasing the puppy, factor in how much you will need to spend on food, toys, cleaning and grooming supplies, and veterinary care. [3] By creating a budget, you will have a more realistic expectation of the monthly costs associated with having a puppy at home. [4]
    • Depending on the breed and size, buying a puppy could cost between $100 and $150 per month in the first year. [5]
    • Do not forget to factor in costs of smaller items, such as collars, leashes, identification tags, and treats.
    • Purchasing a puppy from a breeder will likely be more expensive than adopting a puppy from a shelter.
  4. Chances are that your home is not ready for a puppy. Similar to making a home safe for children, you will need to make your home safe for your puppy. For example, keep your trash cans hidden or well out of reach . You may need to invest in child-proof latches if your puppy figures out how to open cupboards. [6]
    • Place covers over electrical outlets so that your puppy cannot lick them. [7]
    • Keep all medications, cleaning supplies, and antifreeze hidden and out of reach. These can all be toxic to your puppy. [8]
    • If you have a garage, secure heavy tools to the wall. Make sure to pick up any loose screws that your puppy could easily eat off the garage floor. [9]
  5. You will likely be taking to your puppy to the veterinarian fairly regularly during his first year of life, and at least once a year after that. It will be important for you to find a veterinarian that you feel comfortable with. [10] Rather than doing an online search of local veterinary offices, you may want to seek recommendations of good veterinarians from local breeders, other dog owners, or your local pet store.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Adopting a Puppy From an Animal Shelter or Rescue Group

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  1. If you have a particular breed in mind, look online to find out which shelters currently have adoptable puppies. Online resources like Petfinder.org provide listings of puppies and dogs from hundreds of shelters. You can search by breed, size, gender, and age to find the right puppy for you, then contact the shelter directly to proceed with the adoption. [11]
    • You may have to travel out of your city to get a particular breed. Consider expanding your search to include shelters within a few hundred miles of your home for best results.
    • Some rare or expensive breeds may not be available in shelters. However, there are breed-specific rescue groups that may have the breed (or designer breed, such as a Labradoodle) that you are looking for.
    • Animal shelters and rescue groups often conduct behavioral tests (also known as temperament tests) to determine if a puppy is a good candidate for adoption.
    • Even with the additional costs of spaying/neutering, microchipping, vaccinating, and deworming, adopting a puppy from an animal shelter or rescue is usually less expensive than going through a breeder or paying for all of these services separately.
  2. If you are not as particular about what type of breed you want, consider going to a shelter to meet puppies in person. [12] When you are the shelter, ask questions about the puppies’ history and behavior. Also, try to observe the activities at the shelter to determine if the dogs are well taken care of.
    • Animal shelters can be stressful environments for dogs because of the noise, number of dogs, and high level of general activity. Some dogs may develop behavioral problems while at the shelter. The staff at the shelter should inform you if the puppy you are interested in has any behavioral issues.
  3. Asking questions at an animal shelter is just as important as asking a breeder questions. For example, you will want to ask about where the animals came from (e.g., stray, given up by previous owner). It would also be helpful to learn how long the puppy that you are interested in has been at the shelter.
    • Ask questions about the puppy's medical history and how his behavior has been at the shelter. His behavior at the shelter may be different than what it could be at your home.
    • Ask about the shelter's procedure for pets who get sick shortly after they are adopted. Because of a shelter's limited budget for veterinary care, be aware that you may responsible for a majority, if not all, of your puppy's medical expenses after you adopt him.
    • You can also ask if the shelter is a "no-kill" shelter. This type of shelter does not euthanize animals after they have been at the shelter for a certain amount of time.
  4. Be aware that you may not be able to adopt a puppy on the same day that you go to the animal shelter or rescue group. Commonly, there will be an interview process in which the staff will give you the full history and medical background of the puppy. [13] There may also be a home visit where a member of the staff will visit your home to determine if your home environment is suitable for the puppy.
    • Don’t be surprised if you are interviewed as well. The staff will need assurance that you will be a responsible pet owner and take good care of your puppy.
    • In addition to the interview and potential home visit, you will need to fill out the necessary paperwork and pay the adoption fee (usually $100 to $200).
  5. The animal shelters or rescue groups in your area may not have the exact breed that you want. Fortunately, they tend to have a high turnover of animals, so it may not be long before the perfect puppy for you is at the animal shelter or rescue group. Check back with them regularly to learn what breeds of dogs they have acquired. [14]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Buying a Puppy From a Breeder

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  1. Not all breeders are reputable, so you will want to know which ones to consider and which ones to avoid if you want to buy a puppy through a breeder. One type of breeder is a hobby show breeder. Hobby show breeders are highly knowledgeable about a dog breed and invest considerable time and energy into selecting an optimal pedigree and raising show quality puppies. These breeders will typically raise only one or two litters per year.
    • Backyard breeders typically have very little knowledge about dog breeds and are probably just trying to make a little money on the side. Avoid buying a puppy from a backyard breeder.
    • Commercial breeders typically house several different dog breeds and produce numerous litters in a year. The physical environment of a commercial breeder may or may not be of good quality. In addition, not all commercial breeders produce AKC registration papers. Puppies that you see in pet stores may come from commercial breeders.
  2. [15] Check with local veterinarians and dog breed organizations to find a breeder with a reputation for taking good care of his or her dogs. He or she should breed just a few types of dogs and have a strong relationship with local veterinarians and other animal organizations. The ASPCA has a helpful list of responsible breeders. [16]
    • A responsible breeder will ask you questions about why you want a dog, who will be taking care of it and where it will live. He or she will not simply take your cash and hand over a puppy.
  3. You should never purchase a puppy through a breeder without having visited the breeder’s location. It is very important that you see where your puppy, his littermates, and his parents were housed and raised. [17] A responsible breeder will actually encourage you to visit multiple times so that you completely comfortable with his or her physical location and business practices.
  4. Buying a puppy through a breeder can be very expensive, so you want to be sure that the breeder is honest, knowledgeable, and ethical. There are many questions that you can ask the breeder: How are the puppies raised and socialized? How do you screen potential puppy buyers? What is your procedure during whelping (birthing process)? Have the parents been tested for breed-specific diseases? [18]
    • You can ask other questions regarding how many puppies were in the litter and what medical care they have received (vaccinating, deworming, etc.). [19]
    • Ask for documentation regarding medical care, microchipping, and screening for breed-specific behavioral or medical issues. [20]
    • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If the breeder is reputable, he or she will have no problem answering any and all questions that you have about them and the dogs he or she breeds and raises.
    • Be ready to answer questions as to why you want a puppy and how you plan to take care of it. A good breeder will be very concerned about the welfare of the puppies he or she has bred. Forming a good relationship with a breeder can be very helpful if you have questions later in the puppy's life, or if you are interested in showing the puppy later.
  5. You will also need to obtain a contract of sale. If you are interested in showing or breeding the puppy you buy, you will need proof that he is registered with the AKC and that you are the legal owner. [21] Be aware, though, that AKC papers tell you who your puppy’s parents are and are not proof that your puppy was raised properly by the breeder.
    • Be wary of a breeder who tries to sell you a puppy since simply because he or she has papers showing the puppy’s lineage.
  6. Puppy mills are notorious for mass breeding of puppies in deplorable conditions. Breeders who run puppy mills are typically more concerned with making a profit than practicing responsible breeding practices. [22] Puppies bred in this type of environment may have genetic abnormalities that could lead to physical and emotional disorders that, unfortunately, you won’t discover right away.
    • When you visit a breeder, take a close look at the conditions. If the dogs there look dirty, skinny or unhealthy, do not purchase a puppy there.
    • If a breeder is reluctant to show you his or her entire premises, it is probable that he or she is running a puppy mill and does not want you to see the poor conditions in which the dogs are being bred and raised. [23]
    • If a breeder does not ask you a lot of questions and takes a hands-off approach to the puppy's care after he or she has sold it, you should suspect that he or she is running a puppy mill. [24]
    • Breeders who claim to breed a large number of purebreds or "designer" breeds are likely not telling you the truth and are probably running a puppy mill. [25] The dogs are most likely not purebred or a designer breed.
    • You might want to report a puppy mill to the authorities. You can fill out a report at http://www.humanesociety.org/forms/report_a_puppy_mill.html or call 1-877-MILL-TIP if you suspect a breeder you visit is harming dogs and puppies.
  7. Puppies in pet stores can come from puppy mills. Do your due diligence—ask the staff at the pet store where they obtain their puppies and research the breeders that they mention. If you are going to buy a puppy from a pet store, you should be confident the puppies come from reputable animal shelters and/or breeders.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Choosing the Right Puppy

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  1. Puppies are ready to be adopted between eight and twelve weeks of age, at which time they are weaned from their mothers, able to eat solid food, and have received the first round of vaccinations. [26] A puppy may look healthy at first glance but, upon closer inspection, may have some physical abnormalities. If you see signs that the puppy is not in good health, you may need to reconsider adopting the puppy. A good way to physically exam a puppy is start at the head and work your way to the tail. [27]
    • There are many aspects of a puppy’s physical appearance to examine. If you are not sure that you can do a thorough examination, consider asking the breeder or staff at the animal shelter or rescue group to guide you through the process.
    • Examine the puppy’s head. For example, the nose should be cool and wet with no discharge. The gums should be a healthy pink color. Also, the eyes should look clear and bright and have a dark pupil. The ears should be clean and positioned according to specific breed characteristics. [28]
    • Put your hand on the puppy’s chest to feel the heartbeat. An abnormal heartbeat could indicate a genetic heart defect which could require veterinary care. [29]
    • Examine the puppy’s coat. If he is purebred, his coat should match the breed standard. In general, the puppy’s hair should be shiny and smooth without areas of hair loss. [30]
    • Look at the puppy’s legs. His legs should be straight without structural deformities (e.g., legs that bow in or out). You may want a breeder or veterinarian to do a more detailed orthopedic examination of the puppy. [31]
  2. Whether you're getting your puppy from a shelter or a breeder, take time to assess the puppy's personality before you make your decision. For example, watch a litter of puppies and see how they play together. Puppies in the same litter usually have different personalities, and you'll want to pick the one that will make the best pet for you.
    • Puppies with a good combination of energy and sweetness make the best pets. [32] Look for a puppy that's playful and energetic, but not too rough with the others.
    • Avoid picking a puppy that seems overly aggressive or extremely shy.
  3. Make sure you have a good connection with the puppy you have chosen before you seal the deal. If the puppy shies away or tucks his tail between his legs when you approach, he may not have the best temperament to become a pet. If you like the puppy's personality but aren't sure how he'll get along with your children or other pets, you may be able to foster the puppy to help you decide. [33]
    • Keep in mind that puppies also choose their owners. The puppy you are interested in will probably be paying attention to you see if he is comfortable around you.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I find a puppy to adopt?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    Rescue centers and shelters do get pregnant dogs that then give birth to a litter of pups. However, for obvious reasons, puppies tend to find homes very quickly. Therefore it's worth building up a relationship with the shelter and letting them know of your interest so that they can alert you when a litter is born.
  • Question
    What do you need when you buy a puppy?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    This will depend on where you buy the puppy. Some breeders will require you to demonstrate evidence of being able to properly care for a dog. Shelters may also want to inspect your home to make sure it is suitable. There will also be a fee to pay to either the breeder or the shelter.
  • Question
    Can you buy a dog?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    Buying a dog is simply the act of exchanging money for an object. Both breeders and private individuals sell puppies or dogs. If the dog is an adult, then they may reduce the price because people prefer to buy puppies.
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      • Be sure to have all your supplies at home before you buy the puppy (dog house/bed/crate, food, bowls, cleaning supplies etc.). [34] Going to the store with your puppy to the buy the supplies could be a little challenging.
      • Puppies love to chew on things, so make sure that you have plenty of chew toys on hand for your puppy to chew on. [35]
      • Don't rush the decision to buy a puppy! Dogs will always be there so chose carefully. When you see the right one, you will know.
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      • Dogs can develop separation anxiety and act out when they feel abandoned. If your schedule requires you to be gone for long periods of time, it may not be the right time for you to buy a puppy.
      • Puppies who are raised by breeders who engage in unethical breeding practices can develop serious health problems and behavioral issues that can be emotionally difficult to handle and very expensive to treat.
      • Puppies who are not fully vaccinated can develop serious and life-threatening diseases, such as parvovirus. Do not take them out in public until they are fully vaccinated. [36]
      1. http://www.petmd.com/dog/care/evr_dg_new_puppy_supplies_puppy_checklist?page=2
      2. http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/adopt/tips/adopting_from_shelter_rescue.html?credit=web_id83582065
      3. Jennifer Damon. Professional Dog Trainer. Expert Interview. 8 March 2021.
      4. http://www.animalhumanesociety.org/adoption/how-adoption-works
      5. http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/adopt/tips/adopting_from_shelter_rescue.html?credit=web_id83582065
      6. Jennifer Damon. Professional Dog Trainer. Expert Interview. 8 March 2021.
      7. http://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-on-criteria-for-responsible-breeding
      8. http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/puppy_mills/tips/finding_responsible_dog_breeder.html?credit=web_id83582065
      9. https://thedailypup.com/how-to-find-an-ethical-dog-breeder/
      10. https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/dogs/puppy
      11. https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/dogs/puppy
      12. http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/getting-a-dog-or-puppy/finding-the-right-breeder/
      13. http://www.aspca.org/fight-cruelty/puppy-mills
      14. http://www.paws.org/get-involved/take-action/explore-the-issues/puppy-mills/
      15. http://www.paws.org/get-involved/take-action/explore-the-issues/puppy-mills/
      16. http://www.paws.org/get-involved/take-action/explore-the-issues/puppy-mills/
      17. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/how-to-choose-a-healthy-pure-bred-puppy
      18. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/how-to-choose-a-healthy-pure-bred-puppy
      19. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/how-to-choose-a-healthy-pure-bred-puppy
      20. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/how-to-choose-a-healthy-pure-bred-puppy
      21. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/how-to-choose-a-healthy-pure-bred-puppy
      22. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/how-to-choose-a-healthy-pure-bred-puppy
      23. http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/buying/articles/how-to-choose-a-puppy.html
      24. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/how-to-choose-a-healthy-pure-bred-puppy
      25. http://www.petmd.com/dog/care/evr_dg_new_puppy_supplies_puppy_checklist?page=2
      26. http://www.petmd.com/dog/care/evr_dg_new_puppy_supplies_puppy_checklist?page=2
      27. http://www.petmd.com/dog/care/evr_dg_new_puppy_supplies_puppy_checklist?page=2

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Before you buy a puppy, think about the time and cost puppies require. You should expect to pay up to $100 a month on vet care, food, and supplies. Once you are sure, visit animal shelters in your area or search online for rescues to see if they have puppies available for adoption. If you want a specific breed, check the ASPCA's website for reputable breeders. When you go to the breeder's house, make sure the dogs look well cared for, ask lots of questions, and choose a puppy that looks healthy and is friendly. For more tips from our Veterinary reviewer on how to prepare for a puppy, keep reading!

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