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Those who believe in astrology think people are guided by star signs that dictate their personality. If you're a believer, you may wonder what it's like to date a Libra. Libras are supposedly very social. Libras need emotional support via compliments and communication. To maintain the relationship long term, go slowly, talk regularly, and avoid creating conflict.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Planning Dates

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  1. Libras supposedly like it when their dates dress up a little, as they love exploring the finer things in life. To impress a Libra on a date, dress up a little. Even if you're going to a place without a dress code, take some time and care with your personal grooming to hold a Libra's attention.
    • For example, put on a button down shirt and tie or nice blouse and dress pants, even if you're going to a more casual restaurant.
  2. Astrologers believe Libras appreciate highbrow culture, so appealing to these interests can help you woo a Libra. Instead of going with a conventional dinner and a movie, plan something with a sophisticated feel.
    • Take a Libra to a show at a local art museum.
    • Get tickets for a play or concert.
    • Go to an artsy film theater and see independent films, art films, or foreign films.
  3. Libras allegedly like to live it up a little, so don't take them to just any establishment. Look for somewhat pricier, fancier restaurants and clubs to impress a Libra. Try going to a new restaurant in town that people are raving about, for example. This gesture will likely be appreciated by a Libra.
  4. Astrologers believe Libras are naturally more social than other signs. While a Libra will enjoy spending one-on-one time with their partner, they also crave companionship from elsewhere. It's important to make plans with other people to keep a Libra happy.
    • Plan double dates with other couple friends.
    • Instead of planning a date night at a new club, get a group of friends together to go.
    • Invite your partner to events with your friends and family members.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Supporting a Libra Emotionally

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  1. Libras allegedly crave compliments, more so than other signs. In order to keep a Libra feeling secure, give them compliments frequently. Let a Libra know if you like an outfit on them or if they look nice that day. Flattery goes a long way in terms of keeping your Libra happy. [1]
    • Make sure to keep your comments genuine, however. People may get annoyed by compliments that seem hyperbolic or disingenuous.
  2. Libras supposedly need space in a relationship. While a Libra will enjoy spending time with their partner, they also need their own social life to be happy. Understand that, sometimes, a Libra will go out with their friends and not invite you. It's vital you let your Libra match have this space without making them feel guilty. [2]
    • For example, if a Libra wants a night out with their friends, let them go without complaining if you're not invited. Libras need time with friends without their partners to be happy.
  3. Once Libras settle into a couple, they enjoy more traditional gestures of love and romance. Libras enjoy the novelty of being in a relationship and will want to do couple-like things, so celebrate traditional romantic milestones. Do not forget a gift on dates like Valentine's Day or to mark things like your six month anniversary.
  4. Libras can be somewhat old fashioned in how they show affection. A Libra may, for example, insist on opening doors for you or want to hold hands or engage in other public displays of affection. Let your Libra match engage in these gestures, as it's their way of showing they care. [3]
  5. Libras are known as the sign of balance. When Libras are considering disagreements and debates, they feel it's fair to let both sides express themselves equally. When a Libra expresses their opinion, it's important you remain silent and listen.
    • Do things like nod, maintain eye contact, and paraphrase what they've said to show you're paying attention.
    • Libras can be a little frank in expressing their opinions. Do not take it personally if a Libra strongly disagrees with you or plays devil's advocate. They are simply trying to show two sides to each argument.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Maintaining the Relationship Long Term

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  1. Libras, due to their supposedly contemplative nature, like to weigh the pros and cons of a potential romantic match slowly. Once a Libra has decided on a partner, they'll eagerly jump into a relationship. However, it can take them awhile to make up their mind, so it's important to allow the relationship to progress at its own pace.
    • Do not force a Libra into a premature commitment. If they're hesitant to define the relationship early on, give them the space to make up their mind.
  2. Libras are believed to be both social and very charming, which can sometimes be falsely read as flirtatious. Remember that Libras are charming and sociable towards everyone. Just because a Libra partner is impressing someone else does not mean they're romantically interested in that person.
  3. Libras are believed to be naturally interested in facts and details in situations. Libras need as much information as possible to understand another person, make decisions, and smooth over conflicts. It's important to communicate regularly and share as many details about your life and your feelings as possible. This will help a Libra better understand you and feel secure in the relationship. [4]
  4. Try to keep your cool around a Libra and avoid petty arguments or becoming emotional. As Libras are believed to be a sign of emotional balance, they get upset at signs of drama. [5]
    • In any relationship, your feelings need to be heard. However, when expressing yourself to a Libra, wait until you've gathered your thoughts and can raise issues in a calm, collective manner.
  5. Libras can sometimes come off as critical or disagreeable due to their tendency to look at all sides of an argument. Understand a Libra is just trying to view a situation objectively if they're expressing or exploring a contrary opinion.
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I've gone out a couple times with a libra guy and I've heard conflicting opinions about libras so I'm curious what anyone can tell me about libra men generally and in relationships? are they cheaters or are they generally pretty loyal? do they prefer to pursue or be chased? how do you keep a libra guy interested/attract him? What are the pros and cons of dating a libra man?
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Libra is ruled by Venus, and Libra men tend to be very attractive people, and being in a relationship is extremely important to them. However, Libras flip flop, so when a Libra man is in a relationship, he wants to be out of it and when he's out of it, all he thinks about is being in one. They're constantly trying to balance things. In a relationship with a Libra guy, you definitely want to appeal to his sense of aesthetics, you definitely want to be not rude or gross around a Libra man. He gets turned off by somebody who’s coarse, wants a woman that is refined and intellectual, because he’s an intellectual. It's an Air sign. The Air sign loves intellectuals, but it's a Venus-based sun sign. So he definitely wants a woman who is attractive, but also intelligent.

You can tell a Libra man is playing games if he becomes cold and distant, or not engaged. If he goes off by himself, then that's a really bad sign, because he's supposed to be balancing his energy with your energy. Libras find themselves through their partner. So if he becomes evasive, that means he's not interested in you. Libras are so polite, they won't necessarily come out and say they don't want to be with you, but they'll do these evasive maneuvers.
Anonymous WikiEagle
Anonymous WikiEagle
In my experience, Libras are the most devoted, engaged, honest, open, genuine, completely committed men possible. They love every last shred of you, good, bad or otherwise… they see who really are no matter what “state” you’re in, and love you because of your faults and flaws, and not not despite them. They definitely have a “standard” in mind for anybody they will consider being with, but once they decide you’ve ‘made the cut’, they accept that you’re human and not some flawless “ideal” who isn’t allowed to have your imperfect moments (ie not looking perfect, sick with a stomach bug or stuffed nose, bad hair days, flop clothes, etc). Once they know you’re CAPABLE of looking and acting “flawlessly” when needed, they get over the fact nobody is actually flawless, including you.

And I truly cannot understand anybody says they are “flaky”… in my experience, they are like rocks! I learned what “I’ve got you” meant for the first time in my life with my Libra… No matter where I was, or what I needed, DONE!!! if I sent a text and said “I need to talk to you”, the phone was ringing with an instant of hitting send… If I said “I need you“, the doorbell will be ringing before I could blink. If they heard or sensed any distress or shred of upsetment, sadness, stress, anxiety… FORGET IT!!! I couldn’t even tolerate that… and it ate him a lot if he couldn’t fix it or make it better for me. If I was in any kind of trouble…flat tire, broken leg, didn’t matter!!! Flew to my side instantly.

And there is absolutely no tolerance for anybody hurting me… At all… Under any circumstances. At times I feared for people who he even perceived as having hurt me in any way. And there was absolutely absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do for me… NOTHING.

I don’t think I ever knew what it meant to be “adored”, how I SHOULD AND DESERVE TO BE TREATED AND LOVED, OR even what being “loved” really meant until along came my Libra. I’ll never again accept anything less from anybody in life.

Maybe I lucked out! But if that’s the case, I’ve never been luckier.

PS I’m an Aquarius… Pretty true Aquarius, but not at all distant or “needing my space“… That is one part has never applied to me. My Libra never wanted to be without me…and I LOVED it

Learn How to Date a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. We've put together these expert articles to help you build a relationship with the Libra of your dreams.

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    What is dating a Libra like?
    Jessica Lanyadoo
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal.
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Expert Answer
    Libra's love flattery. Tell a Libra that they're pretty, their clothes are cute, or they're eloquent, and you'll have them blushing in no time. They also like to be complimented about the way they approach things because Libras are quite diplomatic. So it is really important they know that you know they're making an effort in relationships and validate that.
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