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So a Libra man's charmed you—that's not surprising! Libras are great listeners, observers, and conversationalists. If you're seeing a Libra and want to make him obsess over you, we're here to help. You're probably wondering how to get inside his head, so you can understand him better. We'll help you figure out his friendly personality and come up with date suggestions that he'll love.


Flirt to get his attention.

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  1. Make eye contact and get your Libra guy to laugh. You should also make a point of smiling and laughing if he's being funny. A Libra's mantra is "I relate" so make yourself fun and enjoyable to be around—act playful or tease him a little. [1]
    • For example, say something like, "I heard you say that you've never been bowling. How is that possible?! We have to go. Loser buys a round!"
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Pay him genuine compliments.

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  1. Libras are highly intelligent, so he'll know if you're just piling on the compliments to get on his good side. Make your compliment totally specific to him, so he knows you're sincere. [2] He'll realize you're genuine and be flattered that you're so observant. [3]
    • For example, instead of saying, "I really like your shoes," you could say, "Those Oxfords look like Italian leather. You're a really stylish guy."

Have deep conversations with him.

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  1. While Libras enjoy the beautiful things in life, they want more than just nice small talk. Your man will want to develop a meaningful relationship with you, so conversation is really important. [4] Go on dates that allow you both to talk about everything that's important to you—hopes, goals, politics, careers, travel—you name it. [5]
    • For instance, go to an intimate wine bar where you can spend hours talking about anything that pops into your mind or you could attend an interesting lecture together and discuss it afterward.
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Show him that you’re calm and grounded.

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  1. They want to be with someone who keeps their emotions level. Speak calmly and be even-tempered when you're dealing with your Libra man.
    • For instance, if you're going through a rough patch with him and need to talk, don't call him up and angrily say, "We've got to talk right now! I can't believe what you said to me!" Instead, send him a message like, "Could we meet up to talk soon? I want to talk about some things that were said earlier."

Be the one that plans dates.

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  1. It's typical for Libra to have a hard time making choices, especially when it comes to dates. He might second-guess himself on where to go, when to meet, etc. He'll love it if you take the lead and figure out the date.
    • If you don't want all of the responsibility of planning every date, take turns! This can be a fun way to take pressure off of both of you.
    • Need some great date ideas for your Libra? Take him to a pottery class, go to a local lecture and grab drinks afterward, bring him to a friend's party, or explore a local trail. All of these appeal to his social, intellectual, artistic, and active traits.
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Look your best.

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  1. Since Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet that rules beauty, your guy cares a lot about aesthetics. Make an effort to look nice, but don't feel like you have to be the showiest person in the room. If it looks like you put thought into choosing your outfit and you're wearing clothes that highlight your assets, he'll notice! [6]
    • For instance, you might wear a chic black dress or slacks and a nice button-down shirt. To catch his eye, pair the outfit with a bold accessory like a fun cocktail ring or a bright necklace.

Take things slow.

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  1. Libras hate feeling like they'll make the wrong decision, so it might take him time to decide how he feels about a relationship with you or how things are going if you're already dating. Give him time without prying or pushing him to commit. He's probably taking his time weighing his emotions and doesn't want to be rushed.
    • If he does decide that he wants a relationship with you, he'll be completely loyal and dedicated to you.
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Take him to a concert or museum.

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  1. Think museums, art exhibits, concerts, or plays—he'll love them all! Plus, these types of dates will give the two of you lots to talk about later. Remember, Libras appreciate beauty and intellect, so these dates really appeal to your guy.
    • It's totally fine to skip sporty events unless your Libra guy says he's into sports.

Spoil your man.

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  1. Libras can struggle with self-esteem, so treating him shows him that you care about him and he's worth loving. It also lets him see your thoughtful side, so choose a gift that you know he'd love. [7]
    • For instance, if he's mentioned that he loves Moroccan food, book reservations at a new Moroccan restaurant as a thoughtful surprise.
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Shower him with romantic gestures.

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  1. If he's coming over, dim the lights, put on some gentle music, and scatter rose petals around. He'll be thrilled that you've put the effort into making a romantic atmosphere. You could also surprise him with a romantic date. Make a reservation for a couple's massage or book a weekend getaway at a beautiful location.
    • Don't be afraid that what you're doing is cheesy. Libras love these displays of affection and it shows him that you're willing to be vulnerable around him.

Give him some space.

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  1. He probably gets worn out trying to be diplomatic all the time! Plus, it's totally normal and healthy to enjoy doing things apart from each other. Make time for yourself and your own set of friends. When you do meet up again, you'll enjoy hearing all about what each other was up to. [8]
    • Instead of texting constantly throughout the day, you two might agree to hang out in the evening instead, or you might call him every few days instead of a few times a day.
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I've gone out a couple times with a libra guy and I've heard conflicting opinions about libras so I'm curious what anyone can tell me about libra men generally and in relationships? are they cheaters or are they generally pretty loyal? do they prefer to pursue or be chased? how do you keep a libra guy interested/attract him? What are the pros and cons of dating a libra man?
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Libra is ruled by Venus, and Libra men tend to be very attractive people, and being in a relationship is extremely important to them. However, Libras flip flop, so when a Libra man is in a relationship, he wants to be out of it and when he's out of it, all he thinks about is being in one. They're constantly trying to balance things. In a relationship with a Libra guy, you definitely want to appeal to his sense of aesthetics, you definitely want to be not rude or gross around a Libra man. He gets turned off by somebody who’s coarse, wants a woman that is refined and intellectual, because he’s an intellectual. It's an Air sign. The Air sign loves intellectuals, but it's a Venus-based sun sign. So he definitely wants a woman who is attractive, but also intelligent.

You can tell a Libra man is playing games if he becomes cold and distant, or not engaged. If he goes off by himself, then that's a really bad sign, because he's supposed to be balancing his energy with your energy. Libras find themselves through their partner. So if he becomes evasive, that means he's not interested in you. Libras are so polite, they won't necessarily come out and say they don't want to be with you, but they'll do these evasive maneuvers.
Anonymous WikiEagle
Anonymous WikiEagle
In my experience, Libras are the most devoted, engaged, honest, open, genuine, completely committed men possible. They love every last shred of you, good, bad or otherwise… they see who really are no matter what “state” you’re in, and love you because of your faults and flaws, and not not despite them. They definitely have a “standard” in mind for anybody they will consider being with, but once they decide you’ve ‘made the cut’, they accept that you’re human and not some flawless “ideal” who isn’t allowed to have your imperfect moments (ie not looking perfect, sick with a stomach bug or stuffed nose, bad hair days, flop clothes, etc). Once they know you’re CAPABLE of looking and acting “flawlessly” when needed, they get over the fact nobody is actually flawless, including you.

And I truly cannot understand anybody says they are “flaky”… in my experience, they are like rocks! I learned what “I’ve got you” meant for the first time in my life with my Libra… No matter where I was, or what I needed, DONE!!! if I sent a text and said “I need to talk to you”, the phone was ringing with an instant of hitting send… If I said “I need you“, the doorbell will be ringing before I could blink. If they heard or sensed any distress or shred of upsetment, sadness, stress, anxiety… FORGET IT!!! I couldn’t even tolerate that… and it ate him a lot if he couldn’t fix it or make it better for me. If I was in any kind of trouble…flat tire, broken leg, didn’t matter!!! Flew to my side instantly.

And there is absolutely no tolerance for anybody hurting me… At all… Under any circumstances. At times I feared for people who he even perceived as having hurt me in any way. And there was absolutely absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do for me… NOTHING.

I don’t think I ever knew what it meant to be “adored”, how I SHOULD AND DESERVE TO BE TREATED AND LOVED, OR even what being “loved” really meant until along came my Libra. I’ll never again accept anything less from anybody in life.

Maybe I lucked out! But if that’s the case, I’ve never been luckier.

PS I’m an Aquarius… Pretty true Aquarius, but not at all distant or “needing my space“… That is one part has never applied to me. My Libra never wanted to be without me…and I LOVED it

Learn How to Date a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. We've put together these expert articles to help you build a relationship with the Libra of your dreams.

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      1. https://www.zodiacguides.com/how-to-seduce-a-libra-man/
      2. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      3. https://youtu.be/yMAqcnhK_xA?t=424
      4. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      5. https://popularastrology.com/get-libra-man-to-chase-you
      6. https://youtu.be/5Em6UGpfPog?t=43
      7. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      8. https://www.vogue.co.uk/miss-vogue/article/libra-love-relationships-compatability

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