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Clear your viewing history on your Netflix account
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This wikiHow article teaches you how to delete movies, episodes, and entire shows from your Netflix viewing history. Since this feature is web-based, you'll need a computer to clear your Netflix viewing history. You could also complete the process via the browser on a smartphone or tablet.

Things You Should Know

  • Go to https://netflix.com/youraccount on a computer.
  • Scroll to the Profile and Parental Control section, click your profile, and click Viewing activity .
  • Click the "Remove" icon next to any show or film you want to delete, or click Hide all .
  1. Go to https://www.netflix.com in your computer's web browser. This will open the profile selection page if you're already logged in.
    • If you aren't logged in, click Sign In in the top-right corner of the page, then enter your email address and password before continuing.
  2. Click the icon and name for your Netflix user profile .
    • You may skip this step if you only have one user profile on your account.
    • If you select a Netflix Kids profile, you will not be able to delete any viewing history for any profiles on your account. [1]
      • The viewing history for a Netflix Kids account can still be deleted, but it must be accessed via a traditional Netflix profile.
  3. Place your mouse cursor over the profile icon in the top-right corner of the page. A drop-down menu will appear.
  4. It's in the drop-down menu. Doing so opens your account settings page.
  5. Scroll to the section of your Account settings labeled Profile and Parental Control . There will be a subsection for each profile attached to your Netflix account. Click on your profile to open a menu of additional options.
  6. You can find it in the middle of the pop-up menu.
    • Be careful not to confuse "Viewing activity" with "Viewing restrictions", which is located further up on the pop-up menu.
  7. Scroll through the list of entries until you find the title of an episode or a show that you want to remove.
    • You can scroll all the way down and click the blue Show More button to see older entries from your history.
  8. It's a circle with a slash through it to the right of the movie or episode title . Doing so will immediately remove the movie or episode from your viewing activity list; Netflix will also stop sending you recommendations based on the movie or episode.
    • If you want to delete an entire show from your viewing activity, click the Hide series? link in the notification that appears after clicking the "Remove" icon.
    • It can take up to 24 hours for the changes you make on the Netflix website to take effect in other locations (e.g., mobile platforms, consoles, smart TVs, etc.).
  9. You can manually click the "Remove" icon for each show, or you can simply click Hide all at the bottom of your screen to wipe your whole viewing history.
    • Click Download all to the right of the "Hide all" option to download a CSV file of your entire viewing history before deleting it.
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  • Question
    Can I delete viewed shows on the app?
    Community Answer
    You cannot delete any sort of viewing on the app itself, you have to use a browser on computer or other devices.
  • Question
    How do I edit my list of shows?
    Community Answer
    To add a show to your list, hover over it and click the "+" button in the lower right corner. To delete a show from your list, hover over it and click on the check mark in the lower right corner.
  • Question
    How do I delete "similar" movies if I don't want them listed?
    Community Answer
    Removing items from your viewing activity will also remove suggestions for other movies and shows, but you cannot manually disable Netflix's recommended movies and shows.
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      • You cannot remove movies or shows from your viewing activity through the Netflix app on mobile, your TV, or using streaming devices. You must access Netflix in a web browser.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Sign into Netflix.
      2. Click your profile.
      3. Click your profile photo.
      4. Click Account .
      5. Click Viewing activity .
      6. Scroll to the show or movie.
      7. Click the crossed-out circle.

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