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You’ve got a movie date coming up! Deciding what to wear and how to groom yourself is part of what makes a movie date exciting. Go for a comfortable yet put together look, like a pair of jeans and a button down top or a casual dress. You should also make sure you bathe, wash your hair, and brush your teeth before heading to the movies.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Dressing Casually

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  1. You shouldn’t dress formally for a movie date, but you also shouldn’t show up in yesterday’s t-shirt and shorts. Pick something casual that you look good in and feel confident wearing. [1] Go for an outfit that is comfortable, a little bit flirty, and well put together.
  2. You will be sitting in the theatre for several hours. Tight clothing can affect your circulation and make you uncomfortable. Instead of wearing tight jeans, opt for a pair that give you some room to breathe while still flattering your figure. [2]
  3. Button down tops look put together without being too formal. Try wearing a button down top made of a light, breathable fabric like cotton. You can pair the top with your favorite jeans or even a skirt. [3]
  4. If a button down shirt isn’t your thing, try wearing a classic t-shirt on your movie date. You can opt for a simple tee without graphics. You can also wear a t-shirt with your favorite fashion or band logo. Just make sure the t-shirt is clean and free of stains, holes, or tears.
  5. You can pair a classic t-shirt or button down shirt with a pair of jeans for a laid-back movie date. Instead of squeezing into those uncomfortable, yet fashionable jeans, go for a pair you can comfortably sit in for several hours. Try dark denim for a more refined look, and leave the jeans with holes at home.
  6. The movie theatre is no place for that stunning cocktail dress. Instead of wearing a more formal dress, try something that is casual and flatters your figure. For example, you can wear a cotton wrap dress for a sexy, yet comfortable vibe. [5]
  7. The movie theatre can be cold! If you don’t want to spend the movie shivering, or if you tend to get cold easily, take along a sweater. Try wearing a stylish cardigan that will add dome pep to a pair of jeans and simple t-shirt. [6]
    • Reader Poll: By the way, we asked 565 wikiHow readers about what movie genre makes for the best first date, and only 8% of them recommended action movies . [Take Poll] So if you’re planning a movie date, consider sticking to romance, comedy, or dramas!
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Grooming Yourself

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  1. You want to be fresh and clean for your movie date. Make sure you take a shower or bath as close as possible to the time of your date. Try using a soap or body wash with a neutral scent, or one that matches your perfume or cologne.
    • Avoid strong scents - you'll be sitting next to your date for a couple of hours, so keep things neutral to make the experience comfortable for your date, too.
  2. You should also make sure that your hair is clean for your movie date. While you are taking a shower or bath, wash your hair with shampoo and then condition it as you normally would. Avoid using dry shampoo, which does not clean your scalp or hair.
    • Make sure you dry your hair with a hairdryer or leave enough time to let it air dry.
  3. Apply deodorant and/or antiperspirant. Once you bathe and finish washing your hair, apply a deodorant or antiperspirant to help control body odor and/or perspiration. Try wearing deodorant even if you think you don’t need it. [7]
  4. Style your hair. While you don’t want to go over the top with your hairstyle for a movie date, you should at least make sure your hair is combed and looking neat. If you have longer hair, try a simple ponytail or braid. You can also go for a more involved up-do like a bun or topknot. If you have shorter hair, you can just comb or brush it and set the style in place with a little gel or hairspray. [8]
  5. Try wearing simple makeup . A movie date is an opportunity to look your best while still looking casual. Less can be more on a movie date as far as makeup is concerned. Instead of wearing intense eye makeup and bold lip color, try more neutral tones. For example, go for a taupe eye shadow, mascara, and a little lip gloss.
  6. Brush your teeth. You will want to make sure you have fresh breath for your movie date. Right before you walk out the door, brush your teeth. You can also floss and use mouthwash if you desire. Avoid eating anything that might give you bad breath after you brush your teeth. [9]
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Going on my first date in a long time and want to look good. What do guys like women to wear? Does anyone have a go-to outift or like rules for a first date? Thanks for the tips!
Stefanie Safran
Dating Coach & Matchmaker
For women, your number one priority should be your comfort! Plan an outfit with shoes that are comfortable. Don't feel like you have to go for a big sexy look. You don't want to feel like you're coming out of your top or your feet are hurting like crazy when you've walked two blocks. Everybody's styles are a little different in terms of what clothes or makeup they like to wear, so you do you! Just make sure not to be overdone with crazy amounts of makeup or jewelry.
Maria Avgitidis
Matchmaker & Dating Expert
If you're meeting someone off of the internet, the best way to make a good first impression is to actually have posted a photo that looks like you and that is recent, because it's not good luck when you don't look like your photo. You should put an accurate photo of yourself on your profile; the person that wants to be with you will want to be with you.

The second way to make a great impression is to actually look the part for the date. So, what I always say is if you're going to go on a date after work, try to do a stop in between the date and the work just to get out of your work mindset: stop at Starbucks for a coffee or a tea, or talk to a friend first. Get out of the work mentality and go into your date mentality. Those are totally different people, especially for most women.

Look the part, hopefully put an effort into the impression you want to give to this person. That means wearing either well-fitted jeans or a nice dress, nice shoes, heels or flats. Look like you're taken care of, make sure your hair looks good, and overall you're comfortable. A first date is not the place to wear something you just bought that you're not comfortable in yet. The first date is a time to wear something that you definitely feel comfortable in, that makes you feel good and makes you look good.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you flirt on a movie date?
    Cher Gopman
    Dating Coach
    Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Cher is a Certified Life Coach, a former psychiatric nurse, and her work has been featured on Inside Edition, Fox, ABC, VH1, and The New York Post.
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Plan some time before the movie to get together and talk with your date since you won't be able to talk during the movie.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you have a movie date coming up, look your best by washing up well and dressing casually. Make sure to take a shower or bath as close as possible to the date so you don’t smell from the dirt and sweat you accumulate from the day. Avoid using body wash or soaps with strong scents, since you’ll be sitting next to your date for a couple of hours. Even if you think you don’t need it, apply deodorant to keep yourself fresh. When choosing an outfit, opt for something comfortable yet put together. For example, a relaxed button-up or a simple t-shirt with clean jeans will look great without seeming too formal. Since the theater will probably be cold, don’t forget to bring a sweater or cardigan! For more tips, like how to style your hair for the date, read on!

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