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Flirting with a brilliant, caring Pisces man can get you started on a fairytale-level romance. After all, Pisces guys are incredibly romantic, and they make thoughtful partners. So how do you get this Neptunian dreamer’s attention? We’ve got you covered with astrologically-backed tips to help you show your Pisces you're potential soulmate material. Read on for the best flirting strategies to help you reel in the fish of the zodiac.


Make the first move.

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  1. Don’t be afraid to shoot your Pisces crush a text or just walk over and talk to him. This gentle water sign will respect your confidence. Plus, he’ll be relieved he doesn’t have to be the first one to break the ice.
    • Ask him for his thoughts on a popular sci-fi or fantasy show. Pisces men love anything that’ll get their imagination going.
    • Keep your flirting verbal rather than physical. Pisces aren’t the biggest fans of PDA.
    • For a subtle approach, make eye contact with him from across the room and flash a warm smile. Pisces are really intuitive, so he’ll pick up on the flirty vibe.
    • Love astrology? Take this quiz to discover your soulmate’s sign.
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Give him a compliment.

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  1. Compliment his incredible impressionist painting skills, his insightful philosophical commentary, or his unique sense of style. Pisces are some of the most interesting, creative, deep people on the planet, but they can be insecure. By giving him a compliment, you’ll show your Pisces guy that you really “get” him and like him just the way he is.
    • Show up at an important event with a “Congrats” card and tell him he did amazingly.
    • Drop a compliment about his photography skills on his latest social media post.
    • Send him a random “You’re handsome” message over text.

Talk to him about his wildest dreams.

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  1. That means these guys love late-night conversations about their aspirations and deep talks about their greater purpose in life. [1] No matter how far-fetched your Pisces guy’s dreams might seem, show him that you take his dreams seriously.
    • The next time you see him, open with a question like, “What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?” or “Tell me your craziest dream.”
    • Give him plenty of encouragement when he does open up by saying things like, “You should totally get your PhD! You’d be the cool professor everyone loves.”
    • For a fun date night activity, you could even create vision boards together.
    • Share your own aspirations with him, too. He’ll love that you have your own set of incredible future plans.
    Annabel Gat, Astrologer

    Pisces is the most romantic sign of the zodiac. Ruled by Neptune, planet of fantasy, Pisces men long to be whisked away by a passionate affair. Though shy at first, shower your Pisces with affection and he'll happily follow you into uncharted emotional waters. Speak to his poetic soul in language laced with metaphor. Share your dreams, artwork, volunteering efforts - anything imaginative or compassionate. Avoid negativity or conflict. The key is to make your Pisces man feel safe enough to surface from his inner world and join you in romantic reverie.

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Ask him to help you with something.

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  1. If you need help with anything—from a clogged sink to a conflict with a coworker—don’t hesitate to ask for advice or support from your Pisces crush. He’ll appreciate your ability to be vulnerable and ask for help. As a bonus, you’ll bump up his self-esteem since he’ll get to flaunt his compassionate side.
    • Ask your Pisces guy to put his creative skills to use on your latest DIY project.
    • Draw on his knack for emotional support by asking him to help you solve an interpersonal problem.
    • Let him know you’d do the same for him. Pisces are often the “givers” in relationships, and they aren’t always used to their partner backing them up.

Bond with him over art.

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  1. Ask your Pisces crush what he thinks about a famous artist or work of art. Or, be bold and ask him to go with you to check out local art galleries and museums. Venus is exalted in Pisces, which means Pisces appreciate all things related to beauty, harmony, and love.
    • Go on a street art tour of your city, visit a botanical garden, or check out a public art installation.
    • Take a photography or painting class together.
    • Set up a shared playlist on Spotify or Apple Music so you can get to know each other’s taste in music.
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Ask him out on a playful date.

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  1. Plan a date to an amusement park, go to an interactive science museum, or ask if he wants to play a pickup game of basketball. Neptune’s influence helps Pisces guys let loose and be a little silly. When you show him you don’t take yourself too seriously, he’ll appreciate that you’re on the same page.
    • Challenge each other to speak in a different accent for the entire date.
    • Go to the beach and see who can build the most elaborate sand castle.
    • Grab ice cream and go sit on the swings at a local park.

Be flexible and understanding if he runs late.

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  1. The fish of the zodiac is a mutable sign, so they prefer to go with the flow rather than hammering out all the logistics. [2] If your guy forgets a date or shows up a few minutes late, that doesn’t mean he’s not into you! When you make plans, send him a reminder a few hours before to make sure he shows up.
    • Opt for low-stakes activities like going to the farmers’ market or picnicking in the park rather than dates where you’ll need to be right on time.
    • Plan to meet up with your Pisces before heading out on a date. That way, you’ll be able to help them get out the door.
    • Add in 15 minutes buffer time when you’re making plans with a Pisces.
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Show off your caring, empathetic side.

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  1. When you’re out on the town together, look for chances to help out other people. Hold open the door for a stranger or help someone carry groceries to their car. When you’re in private, let your Pisces man know that you’re there for him—this water sign will appreciate your emotional intelligence. [3]
    • Send your Pisces guy a supportive text like, “I’m you’re #1 fan. You’re going to crush it today!”
    • If he shares something personal with you, say, “It means so much that you can talk to me. I’m always here for you.”
    • Whenever he starts to talk about his day or his life, encourage him to go on by saying things like, “Woah. Tell me more about that” or “What was that like?!”

Tell him how you feel.

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  1. If you get the sense that your Pisces man likes you back, feel free to open up about your feelings. Just keep in mind you’ll have to take a slower, gentler approach. Venus’ rule means Pisces men look for their soulmates in relationships—they won’t want to jump into anything too fast.
    • “I really like spending time with you, and I think we could be great together. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but I wanted you to know how I feel.”
    • “You might’ve figured out that I’ve got a huge crush on you… Is there any chance you feel the same way?”
    • “Have you ever thought about us getting together?”
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Shower him with romantic gestures.

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  1. Send your Pisces a playlist full of love songs. Order his favorite snack to get delivered to his doorstep. Write him an old-fashioned love letter. You can’t really go overboard in terms of sweet gestures when you’re looking to catch one of these guys. [4]
    • Create a magical atmosphere for your next date together. String up fairy lights and build a pillow fort.
    • Write him a love song or love poem.
    • Get him a little gift. If you’re not sure what he likes, go for something artsy and playful like an adult coloring book or a disposable film camera.

Give him space when he needs it.

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  1. Their deeply empathetic nature means they get influenced by the energy of the people around them. If your Pisces guy seems exhausted after a long day or seems like he’s pulling away, give him time. Pisces are fiercely loyal and caring, so he’ll come back around.
    • Talk to each other about expectations for how often you’ll communicate. Your Pisces guy might love texting and calling every day or he might not!
    • Regularly ask your Pisces, “How can I support you today?” Pisces are so caring that sometimes they forget to think about what they need.
    • Support your Pisces guy when he wants to spend time with his friends. Pisces men are devoted partners, but it’s important for them to keep up their own social circles.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 369 wikiHow readers what they, as a Pisces, value most in a relationship, and 60% of them said loyalty. [Take Poll] So, be willing to trust him and let him trust you in return.
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Stay true to yourself.

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  1. You don’t have to worry about changing appearance or your personality to win a Pisces man over. What you’re wearing or whether you’re having a great hair day isn’t as important as what’s in your heart. He’s interested in all your deepest thoughts and questions about life.
    • Open up to each other by asking each other meaningful questions .
    • Share your interests, passions, and life experiences with your Pisces man.
    • Pick something you’ve always wanted to do and ask your Pisces man if he wants to come along.

Join the Discussion...

Had my first date with a Pisces guy a few days ago and I think we really hit it off but I've never dated a Pisces before and would love any tips/advice/insight about what it's like. Can you tell me what to expect or watch out for?
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Pisces is super sensitive and compassionate, and they want someone who's just as flexible and romantic as they are. If you try to force a Pisces to do anything or come at them too harshly or too directly, they're going to run. They're masters of ghosting!

You really need to be romantic towards your Pisces. They love it when you put imagination into the relationship: flirting, sending gifts, really wooing them. So make sure if you're dating a Pisces you're willing to put some effort and creativity in!
Pisces men are naturals at becoming emotionally in tune with their partners. They care deeply about understanding you and want to make you feel safe and secure. They're also often romantics at heart. This combo of characteristics makes them loving, empathetic partners. But I might be a little biased because I have a thing for Pisces men haha

Learn How to Attract a Pisces Man with this Expert Series

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  • Question
    How do you seduce a Pisces?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Get romantic with them! Pisces loves the trappings of romance, like flowers and candlelight.
  • Question
    How can I impress a Pisces?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Show them that you're a compassionate and sensitive person, and that you try to relate to them. Pisces are all about vibes, instincts, and feelings, so you definitely don't want to give a Pisces any bad, off-putting vibes.
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