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Passionate, confident, and incredibly charming, an Aries man is quite the catch if you can win him over. Fortunately, an Aries man is naturally flirtatious himself, so all you have to do is show him how great you are and wait for him to make a move. To help you out, we've compiled the best tips for flirting with an Aries man and capturing his heart. Keep reading to learn how to start the fire the next time you're talking to this adventurous fire sign.


Dress yourself up.

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  1. Mirroring his style or complementing his colors are ways to get his eyes on you. An Aries isn’t afraid to try out the latest fashion trends, so keep an eye on what’s in style to keep up with him.
    • Try wearing a cute black dress or a fitted button-up shirt tucked into trousers to catch his eye.
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Use body language.

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  1. Keep your eyes on him. Show your interest with a warm smile or lean in closer when he’s talking to you. Don’t be afraid to nod along when he’s talking, too. Aries men like to be shown they’re right or agreed with. [1]
    • Playing with your hair is a great way to show off your flirty side.
    • Laugh at his jokes and show off those pearly whites.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 2672 wikiHow readers about how Aries men typically flirt, and only 9% said by flexing his muscles or showing his skin . [Take Poll] So, look for other signs that he’s flirting with you back, such as making intense eye contact.

Play a game of cat and mouse.

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  1. If you come out of the gates too strong, he might be turned off, so don’t be afraid to be coy now and then. [2] Aries men like to be the pursuer in the relationship, so make him work for your affections before going all in.
    • Act reserved and mysterious at first. He'll be dying to know how you really feel.
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Offer him a compliment.

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  1. Subtlety isn’t an Aries man's strongest suit, so a bold compliment is a good way to let him know you’re interested. Try complimenting what he’s wearing or how good his dancing is. [3]
    • “That shirt really brings out your eyes.”
    • “You have a great smile.”
    • “You were the best dancer on the floor tonight.”

Be clever.

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  1. A little wordplay is a great way to break the ice, so get your best one-liner ready. If you’re comfortable taking the leap, a sexy line is a bold move to get his adrenaline pumping. [4]
    • “What do you do for a living, besides looking sexy?”
    • “There must be something up with my phone. Your number’s not in it yet.”
    • “I might have some trouble not touching the artwork in front of me.”
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Give him a chance to show off.

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  1. If you’re out with friends, start a competition. Aries men have a drive to win like no other, so this is a good way for him to show you his best and for you to do the same. After it’s over, don’t forget to slip in a compliment about his strength or his physique.
    • See who can make the best cocktail.
    • Try to guess the next song that will play in the club.
    • Have a dance-off. The best dancer gets to pick the next date.

Start a playful debate.

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  1. Ask him his opinion on an interesting topic and then playfully disagree with him. He'll love it. Keep things lighthearted though. You want a fun debate, not a heated disagreement. [5]
    • You could ask him something like, “How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?” or "What do you think the best genre of music is?"
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Surprise him.

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  1. Compliment him on something unexpected or offer a suggestion for a new drink to try. Present him with tickets to a concert or ditch the bar scene and go to that dance club across town. The bold approach can show him you’re willing to take risks. Show him you can keep up with his energy by throwing him off his game now and then. [6]
    • “I noticed you come here often. How about we go to the bar across town that just opened?”
    • “You really like that band, so I got you tickets to their next show this weekend.”

Get him something unique.

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  1. It doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive, but it should be unique to him. Aries men like to stand out, so if you notice a good conversation piece, pick it up and show your Aries you were thinking of him. They typically value experiences over things, but something sporty or hand-engraved is a good way to go. [7]
    • You’ll score some points if you get him a jersey with his favorite player’s number.
    • An engraved pocket watch or necklace is a great choice.
    • A unique mug or stein can be a simple yet striking conversation piece. [8]
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Be honest and sincere.

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  1. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Ask him deep questions or share your life ambitions. Aries men might be considered playboys from time to time, but let him know you're not just another pretty face. [9]
    • Ask him what's on his bucket list.
    • Tell him about your most passionate hobby.
    • Let him know what you want in life.

Join the Discussion...

I've been seeing this really cute Aries guy recently and I'm wondering what Aries men are like in relationships. Are they good boyfriends? How do I make him fall for me?
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Aries men emulate the phrase “I am.” So if you're talking to them and start any sentence with, “You are…”—like, “You are so strong,” “You are so great,” “You're so amazing”—then you'll be heading in the right direction. Aries men love attention and hate being alone with no one telling them how great they are.

On the flip side, if you lightly or flirtatiously tease an Aries man and make him a little mad, it might drive him wild. But tread lightly, an Aries' anger is not something to toy with. But if you do make an Aries man's blood boil a little, he will think about you a lot. If he finds you attractive, it may make him go wild with wanting to see you again so that he can tell you how he feels about what you said. But Aries men also forgive and forget really quickly and easily, so it may turn into him asking you out on a date a few days later.

Aries men are into themselves. Whatever he likes about himself (or his adopted persona at the time) is what he's into. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the god of war, so any space to release his aggression is where you will find Aries. He may be playing video games, practicing MMA, or watching or participating in sports. Other ways to channel this energy might be creative or competitive pursuits like acting, singing, theater, public speaking, social media, etc. I wouldn't advise becoming a competitor to an Aries man and trying to do everything that he does, but rather be a spectator or do something to complement him. If you become his favorite fan or collaborator and cheer him on, he will love and adore you.
Tara Divina
Vedic Astrologer
Aries men need space to think and be in their head, so give them lots of space. They also usually want people that can keep up with them mentally---make sure you're paying attention when an Aries man is explaining something. You don't want to have to ask tons of clarifying questions or ask the same question over and over. An Aries man also wants to feel like you're moving forward together. He might not be as interested in long-term planning, but you can win him over by taking on the long-term planning yourself.

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