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Looking great for a date requires a little effort on grooming, choice of clothes and self-preparation. It's effort well worth it, of course, as your date is likely to be wowed. The following suggestions are to help you look your absolute best.

Part 1
Part 1 of 6:

Getting Clean

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  1. Use sweet-smelling soap and shampoo, and clean your face with a face cleanser. [1]
    • If you want to have a luxurious bath, and have the time for this, then go ahead!
  2. Clear the decks for a new coat. If you need a manicure, now is the ideal time for this. Once done, paint two coats of nail polish on each nail.
  3. An important part of any date is clean teeth and sweet breath. [2]
  4. A dab of perfume or cologne is nice. Definitely use some deodorant under your arms as nerves will probably make you sweat a bit. Don't wear too much perfume or cologne, or it will risk causing your date to gag. Always think what might happen if he or she hated the scent you've chosen! [3]
    • If you have a strong perfume, spritz two puffs of perfume in the air in front of, close your eyes, wait 5 seconds, and then walk through the puffs of perfume.
    • Choose a fragrance that works with your body chemistry. If you’ve ever received compliments on a particular perfume you’ve worn, that’s a good option!
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Part 2
Part 2 of 6:

Getting Dressed

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  1. [4] If you're not sure where you'll be going, dress smart casual. Some other ideas are: [5]
    • Going for a dance: For girls: Dark wash skinny jeans, paired with wedge heels, a pastel tank top and a flirty shrug/cropped cardigan. Accessorize with sterling stud earrings and a charm bracelet. For guys: Neat jeans (chinos are good), t-shirt or shirt and nice shoes.
    • For a sunny day: For girls: A short, strapless, bright colored dress. Wear it with either matching gladiator sandals, or soft ballet flats, and a pretty necklace. If it's cold, cozy up with a sweatshirt. For guys: Polo top or t-shirt and neat shorts or pants.
    • For the beach or park: For girls: Shorts, a summer halter, and sandals. A cute anklet and a tribal bracelet pair well. If it's winter, then skinny jeans, moccasins/ballet flats, a halter and an over-sized cardigan look fantastic. For guys: T-shirt, shirt or jacket and jeans, trousers or shorts.For a visit to the beach, be sure to pack shorts or a swimsuit. If you are going to a fancy restaurant, wear a nice dress or a nice pair of pants and some respectable shoes.
    • If you are just going for a walk in the park, wear something nice but casual, such as a top, pants and a belt. Since this is the ultimate non-gendered look, it's a perfect solution for all events really.
Part 3
Part 3 of 6:

Styling Your Hair

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  1. [6] You could curl it, straighten it, wear it in a ponytail or braid, whatever you like. Or, just comb or brush it and leave it be. Fussing too much with your hair can make it seem like you've tried way too hard.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 6:

Doing Your Makeup

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  1. For guys, this isn't a big deal but for some girls, especially in North America, it's considered essential. However, if you're not the type to wear makeup, then don't feel obliged. It's best to be known for who you are than for wearing something that makes you extremely uncomfortable. [7]
  2. You don't want your date seeing a pimple!
  3. Keep it simple and have a kissable face not a minefield of minerals and artificial coloring.
    • Try a thin line of charcoal-colored liner on your bottom lash line, champagne-colored eyeshadow and sparkly lip gloss.
    • Or black mascara on your lashes, light-rose lipstick, and a thin layer of dark peach blush. If you usually wear dark eye makeup and cherry lipstick, then tone it down.
    • Lavender-colored eyeshadow, clear mascara, and tinted and shiny lip stain.
    • Wear a pretty tinted gloss, some mascara, and blush.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 6:

Adding Accessories

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  1. Pearl necklaces, sparkly bracelets, and rings are good ways to show off your personal style.
  2. This is good because it adds to your overall look and it is convenient for storing gum, mints, tissues, cellphone. However, the bag isn't essential and if you prefer a wallet or a wad of cash plus phone in the pocket, that's okay too.
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Part 6
Part 6 of 6:

Enjoying Your Date

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  1. If you see any makeup mistakes, pimples, or a messed up bit of hair, fix it. Now go out and have fun!
  2. This is the best form of appearance you can produce for the date. [8]
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Join the Discussion...

Going on my first date in a long time and want to look good. What do guys like women to wear? Does anyone have a go-to outift or like rules for a first date? Thanks for the tips!
Stefanie Safran
Dating Coach & Matchmaker
For women, your number one priority should be your comfort! Plan an outfit with shoes that are comfortable. Don't feel like you have to go for a big sexy look. You don't want to feel like you're coming out of your top or your feet are hurting like crazy when you've walked two blocks. Everybody's styles are a little different in terms of what clothes or makeup they like to wear, so you do you! Just make sure not to be overdone with crazy amounts of makeup or jewelry.
Maria Avgitidis
Matchmaker & Dating Expert
If you're meeting someone off of the internet, the best way to make a good first impression is to actually have posted a photo that looks like you and that is recent, because it's not good luck when you don't look like your photo. You should put an accurate photo of yourself on your profile; the person that wants to be with you will want to be with you.

The second way to make a great impression is to actually look the part for the date. So, what I always say is if you're going to go on a date after work, try to do a stop in between the date and the work just to get out of your work mindset: stop at Starbucks for a coffee or a tea, or talk to a friend first. Get out of the work mentality and go into your date mentality. Those are totally different people, especially for most women.

Look the part, hopefully put an effort into the impression you want to give to this person. That means wearing either well-fitted jeans or a nice dress, nice shoes, heels or flats. Look like you're taken care of, make sure your hair looks good, and overall you're comfortable. A first date is not the place to wear something you just bought that you're not comfortable in yet. The first date is a time to wear something that you definitely feel comfortable in, that makes you feel good and makes you look good.

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First dates can be intimidating. Skip the stress and plan the perfect first date with these expert articles.

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      • If he or she compliments you on your outfit, don't say "I know." That immediately signals that you're more wrapped up in your looks than in being a whole package.
      • Be absolutely conscious of the expectations about appearance that you set up from the beginning. The more high-maintenance of a look you present from the start, the more work you'll have to keep this look up for the next dates.
      • Don't go on and on about how nice you look.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • You already landed the date, which means they think you're attractive. So, you don't have to go too over the top when it comes to dressing up to showcase your body. Wear something comfortable and cute. You aren't going to have as good of a time if you're wearing something you can't relax in.
      • If you're worried about how you're looking on the date, you can always get up and go to the bathroom to see how you look in the mirror.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Neat clothes
      • Shampoo/conditioner
      • Deodorant
      • Cologne or perfume (optional)
      • Makeup (optional)
      • Straightener/curler (optional)
      • Bobby pins (optional)
      • Toothpaste/toothbrush/mouthwash/floss
      • Comb/brush
      • Mint/gum (optional)

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