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What can you expect from a relationship with your mirror soul?
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Have you ever felt so inexplicably connected to another person that you swore they were your perfect other half? If so, there’s a chance that you met your mirror soul. If you’re curious about mirror souls and the important role they play in people’s lives, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll introduce you to the concept of mirror souls and provide you with specific signs that indicate you might have met your other half. We’ll also explore the various stages that occur in mirror soul relationships and explain how they differ from the more well-known concept of soulmates.

Things You Should Know

  • Your mirror soul, also known as your “twin flame,” is your other half whose soul perfectly reflects your own.
  • When you meet your mirror soul, you might feel an intense connection as soon as you see them and a sense of completion once you’re together.
  • Mirror soul relationships challenge you to accept your flaws and insecurities, and you may go through many ups and downs before finding a balance with your mirror soul.
Section 1 of 4:

What is a mirror soul?

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  1. The concept of mirror souls, also called “twin flames,” comes from the idea that one soul can be perfectly split in two and placed into two separate bodies. Your mirror soul is your perfect other half, and the person who makes up this other half possesses the exact same qualities as you—both good and bad. [1]
    • People in any kind of relationship can be mirror souls, including romantic relationships, friendships, or familial relationships.
    • Some people believe that twin flames and mirror souls don’t have to be the same person. According to these beliefs, your relationship with your twin flame is often turbulent and meant to force you to face your shadows and have a spiritual awakening.
    • Only once you’ve had this spiritual awakening will you be ready to meet your mirror soul, who is your true other half. Unlike your twin flame, your relationship with your mirror soul will be peaceful and serene.
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Section 2 of 4:

Signs You’ve Met Your Mirror Soul

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  1. When you meet your mirror soul, you’ll probably know almost instantly that they’re going to be a very important part of your life. Like two magnets being drawn together, it might feel like you’re being pulled together by some invisible force as soon as you see them. You might even be overwhelmed by feelings of love, affection, and belonging, making this pull even stronger. [2]
  2. When you meet your mirror soul, you might feel like you remember them from a past life or a dream and have met them countless times before. Some people also describe meeting their mirror soul as an incredibly warm and comforting experience, almost like they’ve already known this person their entire life. [3]
    • Many people end up meeting their mirror soul during a very meaningful time in their life, such as when they’re going through a lot of change or particularly difficult times. If this is true for you, you might feel even more powerfully drawn to your mirror soul.
  3. Even when you’re far apart, that magnetic pull still draws you to your mirror soul, and you may feel an intense urge to be by their side when you’ve been apart for too long. They’re someone who feels like home to you, so it’s natural that you’d want to be around them as much as possible. [4]
  4. The two of you are like yin and yang; opposite in many ways yet perfectly made to fit together. Where you excel, they may need a bit more help, and vice versa. So when you come together, it feels like two puzzle pieces slotting perfectly into place, and you might feel like a part of you that’s been missing for a long time has finally been found. [5]
  5. Maybe this doesn’t sound the like the best part of a mirror soul relationship, but it’s a very important characteristic of this dynamic. If you’re able to recognize your own flaws and insecurities within this other person, it means that they’re truly your mirror soul and other half. After you’re able to recognize these darker parts, the next stage involves embracing these flaws and working to be a better version of yourself. [6]
  6. Mirror soul relationships aren’t all smooth sailing. Since the person whose soul perfectly reflects your own will have the same negative traits, your relationship might feel more like a challenge at times. However, as your relationship progresses and your connection deepens, you’ll come to learn about yourself and accept these negatives reflected in both you and your mirror soul. [7]
    • Because of these challenges, it’s normal for mirror souls to constantly switch between being together and taking time to be apart. Sometimes your relationship can feel too intense, and you might feel like you just need some space to process everything.
  7. Being mirror souls doesn’t mean you and this other person have to be 100% alike. You might have different interests, hobbies, career goals, and social lives. However, what connects you two so strongly is the fact that you share the same core values when it comes to your relationship with each other. [8]
    • For example, you might find that you both prioritize honesty and open-mindedness when it comes to relationships, and this will likely make your connection even stronger.
  8. Mirror souls are special because they often are able to tell what their other half is thinking and/or feeling even when they’re separated. If you’ve met your mirror soul, you might feel like you have psychic abilities with how well you’re able to sense their emotions, and your connection may be so powerful that their emotions affect you as well. [9]
    • It’s also common for mirror souls to experience emotions a lot more intensely when they’re together.
    • Seeing yourself reflected in them can make you feel happiness and joy beyond what words can describe, but also plenty of frustration and irritation as they force you to confront your deepest insecurities.
  9. Your mirror soul is someone who will show you your flaws and insecurities. While this can definitely be hard to confront at first, you’ll come to see them as someone safe and trustworthy with time. Since you’re perfect reflections of each other, there’s no hiding from one another, and that can feel incredibly freeing since you know you can be your true self around them without being afraid that they’ll criticize you. [10]
    • One of the most beautiful things about mirror souls is the unconditional love you feel for one another, meaning that you accept and love each other despite your individual flaws.
  10. Mirror soul relationships are naturally chaotic at times. Having to come face-to-face with the more negative aspects of your personality perfectly mirrored in another person can be uncomfortable, and there may be multiple instances where you just want to walk away. However, despite these challenges, you’ll always find your way back to your mirror soul so that you can continue to build each other up toward becoming your best selves. [11]
    • It’s important to remember that your mirror soul is someone who will support you and your goals unconditionally and wants you to become the absolute best version of yourself.
    • However, in order to do this, they may challenge you from time to time and give you a bit of tough love to push you even further.
  11. Seeing a perfect replica of your soul can be extremely helpful in getting you to view yourself from a new perspective and even discover things about your personality that you might have never realized. In order to be the best version of yourself, it’s crucial that you recognize all of your unique aspects, both good and bad. In this journey, your mirror soul will be your teacher and guide. [12]
  12. When it comes to your mirror soul, you’re both simply there to encourage each other to reach your goals and be your best selves. Even though you mirror each other perfectly, there’s no competitiveness or jealousy between the two of you. Instead, you just want to see each other succeed. [13]
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Section 3 of 4:

Mirror Soul Stages

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  1. Even before you’ve met your mirror soul, you might feel an intense desire to find this person that makes up your other half. Even if you have no idea what they might look like or where you might find them, you may feel an inexplicable pull telling you to go out and search for them—and it’s likely that they’re feeling the exact same urge. [14]
    • You might even constantly have dreams about a stranger you feel deeply connected to.
    • Sometimes, certain numbers like 1010 or 1111—also known as “angel numbers”—are signs suggesting that your mirror soul is coming .
    • To aid in your search, be open to meeting new people and broadening your social circle. Go out with your friends to parties and other social events—you never know just when you might run into your other half.
  2. This is the moment when you and your mirror soul meet each other for the very first time. With this first encounter, you’ll likely feel an intense rush of emotions, including affection and a sense of belonging as soon as you see them. You might also be hit with a sense of deja vu and feel as though you’ve already met and have known them for quite a while. [15]
    • When it comes to your mirror soul, trust that your instincts will help you recognize them almost immediately.
  3. In this stage of your relationship, you and your mirror soul begin to become closer and form a real connection. Since your souls are perfect replicas of one another, it might feel like you’re just getting to know yourself. During this time, explore your similarities and differences. Talk about your hobbies and interests, or have deeper conversations about things like your dreams and ambitions. [16]
    • Many describe this stage as the “falling in love” phase, whether it’s in a romantic, platonic, or familial way. During this time, the intensity of the emotions you feel for one another will lead you to realize that this is a truly one-of-a-kind connection.
  4. During this phase, you’re completely captivated by the deep connection you feel toward your mirror soul and the amazing qualities you share. Your relationship will seem stronger than ever, and you might find yourself truly amazed at how well you and your mirror soul complement one another. [17]
    • You might also be fascinated by how well you’re able to read one another and understand each other’s emotions.
    • The honeymoon phase is ultimately a time when you feel most in tune with one another and can truly revel in your spiritual connection.
  5. Unfortunately, the honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever, and you may start to notice conflicts and challenges popping up in your relationship as time goes on. Many of these challenges may occur once you begin to recognize your more negative traits being reflected back at you via your mirror soul. This may cause fights and arguments to break out, and the amplified emotions you feel around your mirror soul can make these conflicts even more intense. [18]
    • Don’t lose hope! If you and your mirror soul can push past these conflicts, your relationship will be even stronger in the end.
    • Some things that will help you navigate these conflicts include practicing good communication skills and listening to what each person has to say with an open mind.
  6. Sometimes the intensity of a mirror soul relationship can become too intense, causing you and the other person to have a major fallout or break up. Just know that these hiccups in your relationship are completely normal and expected. Avoid trying to force your relationship to work and instead take some time to yourself and respect your mirror soul’s boundaries . Have faith that things will work out—it just might take a bit of time.
    • In some cases, you and your mirror soul might experience a falling out because you’re not emotionally or spiritually prepared to deal with the intensity of your relationship—and that’s okay! Just know that you and your mirror soul will find your way back to one another once you feel ready.
  7. As your relationship enters its most turbulent stage, a game of push and pull might begin between you and your mirror soul. The “runner” is someone who may not be ready to face the intensity of the relationship and thus pushes the other away to get some space. On the other hand, the “chaser” will go after their mirror soul and try to pull them back in. [19]
    • This phase usually leads to one of two paths; either you choose to end your connection and move on to the next chapter of your life, or you make an effort to reconnect with your mirror soul.
    • Take some time to self-reflect and really ask yourself how willing you are to make this connection work. If you still feel committed to your mirror soul despite these challenges, have faith that you’ll be reunited soon.
  8. After being separated for some time, it’s possible that you and your mirror soul will reunite and reconnect once again. Giving each other space and spending some time apart may have just been what you and your mirror soul needed to truly recognize the value of your relationship. There are also some signs to look out for to help you recognize that your reunion is coming , including: [20]
    • Constantly thinking about your mirror soul
    • Feeling a sense of loss without them
    • Having them appear in your dreams often
    • Feeling a sense of motivation to solve the problems in your relationship
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Section 4 of 4:

Mirror Soul vs. Soulmate

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  1. Whereas mirror souls are 2 identical souls placed in 2 separate people, soulmates simply share the same energy which makes them very compatible. You can have multiple soulmates throughout your lifetime, however, you’ll only ever share the same soul with one other person. [21]
    • Both soulmates and mirror souls can be romantic partners, friends, or family.
  2. While both your soulmate and mirror soul will accept you for who you are and show you unconditional love, the point of meeting your mirror soul is often to start a journey of self-discovery and growth. Because of this, mirror soul relationships can become extremely intense and even turn toxic in certain situations. On the other hand, you might share a deep connection with your soulmate, but your relationship may be more about companionship rather than trying to improve one another. [22]
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