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Do a spiritual scrub-down with these prayer verses
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From time immemorial, people of various cultures and faiths have turned to prayer for help and guidance. If you need help cleansing your home or mind of negative energies, prayers are a good place to start. Prayers for cleansing can be religious, spiritual, or involve ritual practices. Whatever your belief system, read on for various options to cleanse your home, spirit, or soul.

Things You Should Know

  • Cleanse your home by reciting: With the power and the blood of Jesus Christ, I cleanse this home and everything in it.
  • Cleanse your spirit by repeating: I ask that Your light cleanse all evils around me and expels all the demons from near me and…all the evil from my life.
  • Burn a sage smudge stick while praying to remove negative spirits and energies from you and your home.
Section 1 of 4:

Prayers for Cleansing the Home

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  1. Use these prayers when you first move into a home or when you feel negative energy. Choose a prayer you connect to and begin praying by kneeling, sitting, or lying on the floor. Recite your chosen prayer verse in your head or out loud. [1]
    • Dear God, I renounce all the sins and ungodliness that ever taken place in my home. Any curses or evil agreements that were ever made in or over this house and land are now declared broken and null by Your power and authority. All of the evil spirits present at this moment shall leave and never return. You’re not welcome anymore. With the power and the blood of Jesus Christ, I cleanse this home and everything in it. This house is now consecrated and ruled by the presence of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God. I trust You to protect and bless those who live in it and every room, appliance, structure, and infrastructure of this home. Fill this house with joy, love, peace and harmony and build a shield of protection around it. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
    • Heavenly Father, I’m putting all the fears and curses behind me as I cancel them today with Your help. I choose to stop being enslaved by their presence anymore. All of the dark forces, anti-Christ spirits, and demon ghosts shall leave my property right now as You arrest them with Your presence and protection. I renounce all of the negative entities in my house as I choose this house to be ruled and guided by Your holiness and authority. I pray today to protect and shield those who live in it too. May Your words always be heard and louder than any other presence in this home. In You, I trust to protect us from the demonic spirits the enemies attack. Thank you, Father. Amen.
    • Dear Almighty Father, enter this home and bless those who live there. Help me get rid of the evil spirits present in this house and send Your guardian angels to protect and bless us. I renounce all of the evil forces, whether they come from ancient times or from enemies’ attacks. May this house be protected with Your presence during the day and night. May your infinite goodness enter the hearts of all who live in this house. May peace, kindness and love always overrule anger and arguments. With You, God, we’re capable of overcoming all the difficulties and problems in our life. May this house be blessed by Your love. Amen.
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Section 2 of 4:

Prayers for Cleansing Your Energy

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  1. Recite these prayers in a traditional religious prayer setting, during meditation, or in a sage-burning ritual. Use these prayers when you have been feeling dark emotions, spending time with negative people, or having health problems like insomnia and frequent illness. [2]
    • God in Heaven, I ask for Your miraculous presence at my side right now so that You help me in this request of mine, so that You help me in this miracle and that You help me in this prayer. I need You, Your strength and Your miracles because I want to expel all demons from my body, my soul and my life. I need You to send all Your light towards me, for it to illuminate me and for it to illuminate my body, my soul and my life. I ask that Your light cleanse all the evils around me, that it expels all the demons from near me and that it expels all the evil from my life. God in Heaven, help me, protect me and keep all evil away from me. Amen. [3]
    • Holy Spirit, I invite You to renew my mind and transform my thoughts. Remove any negative patterns or attitudes that hinder my spiritual growth. Fill me with Your wisdom and discernment, that I may align my life with Your perfect will. Help me to walk in obedience and to live a life that glorifies Your name. Thank You, Lord, for the promise of renewal and transformation. [4]
    • Kind and Loving Lord, I lay down my troubles before You. Free me from my poisoned mind and wash away all the negative thoughts that are drowning me. Fill me with hope, confidence, and light. May my thoughts and actions be fueled by positivity and kindness. Help me learn to love myself, my neighbors, my job, and even my enemies. May Your grace shine down upon me forevermore. Amen. [5]
Section 3 of 4:

Prayers to Cleanse Your Soul

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  1. In the Christian faith, prayers are used to repent and ask forgiveness from God after committing a sin. Use these prayers to cleanse and renew your soul so you can move forward with a clean slate. [6]
    • Loving Father, cleanse me from all impurity. Purge me from sinful habits, wrong desires, and selfish motives. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Help me walk in righteousness and holiness before You. Purge me of any ungodly desires or selfish motives, and fill me with a hunger for righteousness. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
    • Heavenly Father, guard my tongue and guide my speech. Help me use my words to bring edification, encouragement, and truth. Cleanse me from gossip, slander, and any unwholesome talk. May my words be pleasing to You and a source of blessing to others. Set a guard over my mouth, Lord, and help me to be a vessel of Your light in my speech. Thank You, Lord, for Your cleansing and transformative power. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
    • Holy Spirit, I ask for the cleansing of my thoughts and imaginations. Guard my mind against impure and sinful ideas. Help me fix my thoughts on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy. Guard my mind against the lies and temptations of the enemy, and fill it with Your wisdom and discernment. Let my mind be a dwelling place for Your truth. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
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Section 4 of 4:

Cleansing with a Sage Ritual

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  1. Use ‘California White Sage’ or a ‘White Sage Smudge Stick.’ Open all doors and windows. [7] Place the sage in an abalone shell or hold it at a 45-degree angle. Light and let the sage burn for 20 seconds, then blow it out until orange embers appear. Walk around the room use a feather to spread the smoke and repeat: I command any negativity, any low vibrational energy, and non-benevolent beings within this space to leave and go to the light. You are not welcome here. I command you to leave and go to the light.
    • Use sage spray for a smoke-free alternative.
    • Buy your sage from a ceremonial shop if possible. Ethically sourced sage is important to harnessing positive intentions.

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