Do you feel negatively affected by witchcraft or other evil practices? Whatever you’re battling against, read on for an array of powerful prayers against witchcraft for every kind of spiritual affliction. They include protection prayers against a Jezebel spirit, prayers against witchcraft attacks, and ones against sorcery. You’ll also find a guide to help you in your quest to protect yourself from witchcraft.
How to Protect Yourself Against Witchcraft
Remember to repent when you say prayers against witchcraft. Start by confessing any former participation in witchcraft you might have. Do it earnestly and seek forgiveness wholeheartedly. It’s also a good idea to say a prayer for cleansing or take part in a religious ritual that accomplishes the same thing.
Look for spiritual guidance to protect you from witchcraft. Meet with a minister, religious figure, or spiritual advisor you trust. Tell them if you feel you’re a victim of witchcraft and ask for their help. They can assist you in your search for protection by recommending prayer, church services, and time spent in the religious community you cherish most. You can also find out how best to reverse a curse or fight against witchcraft manipulation or control.
Read scripture from the Bible aloud to fully absorb its meaning. There are numerous verses found in the Bible believed to hold power over forces of evil, including those like witchcraft. Use these powerful words to ward off dark forces and continue to pray for protection and deliverance against evil. Mark the verses that you feel the most protected by, so you can call upon them when needed.EXPERT TIPHoly Bible ExpertOlivia Woodford is a Holy Bible Expert and the Founder of Bible Women Speak. Olivia has been teaching biblical stories of women through theater since 1992. She is a member of Biblical Storytellers International and has performed at and hosted learning retreats with churches, schools, and women's groups of all denominations throughout the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Olivia has a BFA in Theater Arts from Boston University.
Scriptures from the Bible can inspire you when praying for protection. You pray for protection and for the highest good to be done. There's a certain amount of not trying to interfere when you pray for protection, but instead, you can appeal to the Divine for the best outcome.
Take control over your spiritual life and strengthen it. Use the many spiritually-focused prayers against witchcraft that are available to you. This way, you can take back the power that you feel witchcraft has over you. You can overcome anything threatening your spiritual life through continued prayer, faith, and the power of God.
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